
Sen ten Writin


出版社: 外文出版社; 第1版 (2002年1月1日)
平裝: 411頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787119020839
條形碼: 9787119020839
尺寸: 20 x 13.6 x 1.6 cm
重量: 381 g






Chapter 1
A Framework for Writing in English
1. The Linguistic Competence of the Writer
2. Adjusting the Ways of Thinking
3. Cultural Awareness and the Writing Senses
4. Developing the Writing Skills
5 How This Book Can BeBest Used
Chapter 2
The Use of Words
1. Parts of Speech and Their Functions
1.1 Nouns
1.2 Verbs
1.3 Adjectives
1.4 Prepositions
2. The Concrete and Accurate Use of Words
2.1 Concrete Words
2.2 Accurate Words
3. The Effective and Artistic Use of Words
3.1 Imitative Words
3.2 Sight Words
3.3 Touch Words
3.4 Sound Words
3.5 Taste and Smell Words
3.6 Intensifiers
3.7 Adjectives for Describing a Person
4. Usual Words for Unusual Effect
4.1 The Exaggerated Use of Words
4.2 Vivid Words for Vivid Pictures
Chapter 3
Sentence Writing Skills
1. Verb Agreement within a Sentence
2. Sentence Patterns for Statements
3. Sentences with Adverbials
4 Attributes and Attributive Clauses
4.1 The Functioning Positions of Attributes
4.2 Elements Serving as Attributes
4.3 Defining Attributive Clauses
4.4 Non-defining Attributive Clauses
5 Subjects and Subjective Clauses
5.1 Elements Functioning as Subjects
5.2 Subjective Clauses
5.3 The "It" Structure
6. predicative Clauses
7. Object Clauses
8 Complex and Longer Sentences
8.1 Complex Sentences with Noun Clauses
8.2 Complex Sentences with Adjective Clauses
8.3 Complex Sentences with Adverbial Clauses
9. Inverted Sentences
10. Parallel Structureb
11. Sentence euphony
12 Sentence Variety
Chapter 4
Paragraph Planning and Development
1 Paragraph Variety
1.1 Sample Opening Paragraphs
1.2 Sample Body Paragraphs
1.3 Sample Concluding Paragraphs
1.4 Sample Comprehensive Paragraphs
1.5 Sample Paragraphs of Various Styles
2 Paragraph Quality
2.1 fullness
2.2 Unity
2.3 Coherence
2.4 Emphasis
2.5 brevity
2.6 Euphony
3 Paragraph Development Techniques
3.1 The Writing of Opening Paragraphs
3.2 The Writing of Concluding Paragraphs
3.3 The Writing of Body Paragraphs
3.4 The Writing of Comprehensive Paragraphs
4. Sample Paragraphs from Famous Authors
5 Topic Sentences for Writing Practice
5.1 Topic Sentences That Head a Paragraph
5.2 Topic Sentences That Conclude a Paragraph
Chapter 5
The Development of College Composition, Essay and Other
1. College Composition Writing Skills
1.1 Sample Analysis
1.2 Steps in Composition Writing
1.3 Reading and Thinking
1.4 Composition Writing Practice
2. Essay Writing Skills
2.1 Sample Analysis
2.2 Basics in Essay Writing
3. Precis and Summary Writing Skills
3.1 Sample Analysis
3.2 Important Points in Summary Wrlting
3.3 Procedures in Writing a Summary
4. Report Writing Skills
4.1 A Sample Report
4.2 Basics in Report Writing
4.3 Rules of Grammar in Report Writing
5 Writing Skills in Focus
5.1 The Head-to-feet Format
5.2 The Feet-to-head Format
Chapter 6
Punctuation and Other Basics
1 Punctuation
1.1 The Period
1.2 The ellipsis
1.3 The Question Mark
1.4 The Exclamation Mark
1.5 The Comma
1.6 The Semicolon
1.7 The Colon
1.8 The apostrophe
1.9 The Quotation Mark
1.10 The parenthesis
1.11 The Bracket
1.12 The Dash
1.13 The Hyphen
2. Abbreviations
3. Capitalization
4. Italics
5. Footnotes
6. Bibliographies
Chapter 7
English Rhetorical Devices
1. Simile
2. Metaphor
3. metonymy
4. hyperbole
5. onomatopoeia
6. euphemism
7. Pun
8 A Glimpse of English Rhetorical Devices
Chapter 8
Guided Writing Practice
1 Practice in Developing an argumentative Composition
2. Practice in Developing a Composition of Analysis
3. Practice in Developing a Composition of Synthesis
4. Practice in Developing a Composition of Definition
5. Practice in Developing a Composition of Description
6. Practice in Developing a Composition of Narration
7. Practice in Developing a Composition of Classification
8. Practice in Developing a Comparative Composition
9. Other Topics for Writing Practice


