Royal society for the protection of birds (RSPB)
The RSPB is the UK’s largest conservation charity.It was founded in 1889 Specifically to prevent the trade in the feathers of the Great Crested Gresbe for hats in the UK,and in the 21st century is a major player in all aspects of UK and international conservation.
It currently has over one million members, an annual income of over 50 million pounds a year, a full and part-time staff of over 1,500 and nice regional offices. In 2004, 11900 volunteers gave 700000 hours of work to the RSPB. There are also 175 local members groups, and 110 youth groups throughout the country , and thousands of events are organised locally and nationally each year.
There are 140,000 members of the RSPB’s Wildlife Explorers society for young children,and 40,000 members of the RSPB Phoenix Club for teenagers. There are three specific magazines for younger members , as well as the quarterly Birds for adult members.
The RSPB owns and manages 180 reserves throughout the UK, which cost $15.7 million in 2004,and had over 1 million visitors. These reserves are home to 80﹪ of the UK’s rarest and most threatened birds.
The aim of the RSPB are to campaign about environmental issues,protect,restore and manage endangered environments and to research bird life.
An example of its work is the annual Big Garden Birdwatch, which has been going since 1979. On January 29th ----30th , 2005 , 419,000 people recorded more than 6 million birds in 210,000 gardens acroos the UK , to give a unique picture of the birds that live there. This kind of information is then used to put pressure on governments and business to help save and manage the environment correctly.