
tran tran tran

第三類是利用電磁場的諧振方法。諧振技術在電子領域套用廣泛,但是,在供電技術中套用的不是電磁波或者電流,而只是利用電場或者磁場。2006 年11月,美國麻省理工學院(MIT)物理系助理教授Marin Soljacic的研究小組全球首次宣布了將電場或者磁場套用於供電技術的可能性。
Wireless energy transfer or wireless power transmission (also known as the Tesla Effect) is the process that takes place in any system where electrical energy is transmitted from a power source to an electrical load, without interconnecting wires in an electrical grid. Wireless transmission is ideal in cases where instantaneous or continuous energy transfer is needed, but interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or impossible.
Though the physics of both are related, this is distinct from wireless transmission for the purpose of transferring information (such as radio) through waves, where the percentage of the power that is received is only important if it becomes too low to successfully recover the signal. With wireless energy transfer, the efficiency is a more critical parameter and this creates important differences in these technologies.
The most common and the most viable form of wireless power transfer is carried out using Inductive Power Transfer. The other viable technologies for Wireless Power are based on Microwaves and Lasers.


