

胡杰 ,男,太原理工大學 教授,碩士生導師,研究方向主要為微納機電系統(MEMS/NMEMS)、新型微納感測器、嵌入式感測器系統。


胡杰,博士,教授,碩士生導師。太原理工大學信息與計算機學院工作。2008年9月~2011年9月赴法國巴黎高師(Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris)與巴黎第六大學(Université Pierre et Marie Curie)進行博士課題研究。2011年9月獲得巴黎第六大學物理化學專業博士學位。2011年6月對日本京都大學物質-細胞統合系統據點實驗室(Institute for instegrated cell-material sciences, iCeMS)進行了短期交流與學習。研究方向:微納機電系統(MEMS/NMEMS)、新型微納感測器、嵌入式感測器系統等。

2018.01-- ,太原理工大學,信息與計算機工程學院,教授,碩導











在Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Materials Research Bulletin, RSC Advances, Journal of Materials Science, Langmuir, Nanotechnology, Lab on a chip.等刊物合作發表SCI論文50餘篇。獲批國家發明專利8項,協助譯著1部:


[1] Jie Hu*,Yongjiao Sun, Yan Xue, Meng Zhang, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Serge Zhuiykov, Yong Chen, Highly sensitive and ultra-fast hydrogen gas sensor with ppb level detection limit based on Ce-doped InO hollow spheres, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 257: 124-135, 2018

[2]Ying Wang, ZihanWei, Pengwei Li, Gang Li, Kun Lian, Wendong Zhang, Serge Zhuiykov, Jie Hu*. Pr6O11-functionalized SnO hierarchical nano-architectures for highly efficient, stable and selective acetone detection. IEEE Sensors Journal,18(3):933-940, 2018

[3]Jie Hu*,Jun Zhang, Zhenting Zhao, Jie Liu, Jianfang Shi, Gang Li, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Kun Lian, Serge Zhuiykov, Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Molybdenum Disulphide heterostructures for Highly Sensitive Nitrite Detection, Ionics, 24(2) : 577–587, 2018

[4]Jie Hu*, Jie Yang, Wenda Wang, Yan Xue, Yongjiao Sun, Pengwei Li, Kun Lian, Wendong Zhang, Lin Chen , Jian Shi, Yong Chen,Synthesis and Gas sensing Properties of Hierarchical NiO/SnO Structures toward ppb-level Acetone Detection, Materials Research Bulletin, 102C:294-303, 2018

[5]Zihan Wei, Zhenyin Hai, Mohammad Karbalaei Akbari, Jie Huand Serge Zhuiykov, Atomic layer deposition-developed nanoscale two-dimensional <alpha>-MoO3 windows excellent hydrogen peroxide electrochemical sensing capabilities, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 262: 334-344, 2018.

[6] Jie Hu*,Yanfei Liang,Yongjiao Sun, Zhenting Zhao, Meng Zhang, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Yong Chen, Serge Zhuiykov, Highly sensitive NO detection on ppb level by devices based on Pd-loaded InOhierarchical microstructures, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,252,116–126 2017

[7]Jie Hu*, Zhenting Zhao, Jun Zhang, Gang Li, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Kun Lian, Synthesis of palladium nanoparticle modified reduced graphene oxide and multi-walled carbon nanotube hybrid structures for electrochemical applications, Applied Surface Science, 396: 523-529, 2017

[8]Jie Hu*, Yongjiao Sun, Xiu Wang, Lin Chen, Wengdong Zhang and Yong Chen, Synthesis and gas sensing properties of molybdenum oxide modified tungsten oxide microstructures for ppb-level hydrogen sulphide detection, RSCAdvances,7, 28542-28547, 2017

[9]Jie Hu*,Ying Wang, Wenda Wang, Yan Xue, Pengwei Li, Kun Lian, Lin Chen, Wendong Zhang, Serge Zhuiykov, Enhancement of the acetone sensing capabilities to ppb detection level by Fe-doped 3-dimensional SnO hierarchical microstructures fabricated via hydrothermal method,Journal of Materials Science,52:11554–11568, 2017

[10] Jie Hu*, Xiu Wang, Meng Zhang, Yongjiao Sun, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Kun Lian, Lin Chen and Yong Chen, Synthesis and characterization of flower-like MoO/InO microstructures for highly sensitive ethanol detection. RSC Advances, 7(38): 23478-23485, 2017

[11]Ying Wang, Zhenting Zhao, Yongjiao Sun, Pengwei Li, Jianlong Ji, Yong Chen, Wendong Zhang, Jie Hu*,Fabrication and gas sensing properties of Au-loaded SnO compositenanoparticles for highly sensitive hydrogen detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 240, 664–673, 2017

[12]Yongjiao Sun, Lin Chen, Ying Wang, Zhenting Zhao, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Yamin Leprince-Wang, and Jie Hu*,Synthesis of MoO/WO composite nanostructures for highly sensitive ethanol and acetone detection,Journal of Materials Science, 52(3): 1561-1572, 2017

[13]Zhenting Zhao, Jie Liu, Wenda Wang, Jun Zhang, Gang Li, Jianqi Liu, Kun Lian, Jie Hu*, Serge Zhuiykov, Ag Functionalized Molybdenum Disulfide Hybrid Nanostructures for Selective and Sensitive Amperometric Hydrogen Peroxide Detection, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 12,8761-8776, 2017

[14]Yongjiao Sun, Zhenting Zhao, Gang Li, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Zhitao Han, Kun Lian, Jie Hu* Synthesis and characterization of Ag@ZnO nanostructures for photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B: Influence of calcination temperature and Ag content, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 123(2): 116. 2017

[15]Xiongtu Zhou, Rong Peng, Chunfeng Ren, Lei Sun, Jie Hu, Tailiang Guo, Yongai Zhang, Zhixian Lin, Fabrication and field emission properties of ZnO/AlOnanocomposite tetrapods. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 695, 1863-1869, 2017

[16]Zhenyin Hai, Mohammad Karbalaei Akbari, Zihan Wei, Chenyang Xue, Hongyan Xu, Jie Hu, Serge Zhuiykov, Nano-thickness dependence of supercapacitor performance of the ALD-fabricated two-dimensional WO, Electrochimica Acta 246: 625-633, 2017

[17]Zhenyin Hai, Mohammad Karbalaei Akbari, Zihan Wei, Chenyang Xue, Hongyan Xu, Jie Hu,Lachlan Hyde, Serge Zhuiykov, TiOnanoparticles-functionalized two-dimensional WO for high-performance supercapacitors developed by facile two-step ALD process, Materials Today Communications 12: 55-62, 2017.

[18]Zhenyin Hai, Mohammad Karbalaei Akbari, Chenyang Xue, Hongyan Xu, Eduardo Solano, Christophe Detavernier, Jie Hu, Serge Zhuiykov, Atomically-thin WO/TiO heterojunction for supercapacitor electrodes developed by atomic layer deposition, Composites Communications 5: 31-35, 2017.

[19]Mohammad Karbalaei Akbari, Zhenyin Hai, Zihan Wei, Jie Hu, Serge Zhuiykov, Wafer-scale two-dimensional Au-TiObilayer films for photocatalytic degradation of Palmitic acid under UV and visible light illumination, Materials Research Bulletin 95: 380-391, 2017

[20]Mohammad Karbalaei Akbari, Zhenyin Hai, Stephen Depuydt, Eugene Kats, Jie Hu, Serge Zhuiykov, Highly sensitive, fast-responding, and stable photodetector based on ALD-developed monolayer TiO, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 16, no. 5: 880-887, 2017

[21]Zihan Wei, Zhenyin Hai, Mohammad Karbalaei Akbari, Jie Hu, Lachlan Hyde, Stephen Depuydt, Francis Verpoort, and Serge Zhuiykov, Ultrasensitive, sustainable, and selective electrochemical hydrazine detection by ALD-developed two-dimensional WO, ChemElectroChem, DOI: 10.1002/celc.201700968, 2017

[22]Luo, Cuixian, Xia, Mengjie, Wang, Yiping,Li, Pengwei, Jie Hu, Li, Gang, Jiang, Huabei, Zhang, Zhang, Wendong, A Multiple Vibration Modes Separation Technique Based on Element Energy Harvester Array: Frequency, Bandwidth Adjustment, and Electrical Characterization, 17(19),6378-6384, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017.

[23]Jie Hu*,Zhenting Zhao, Yongjiao Sun, Ying Wang,Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang,Kun Lian,Controllable Synthesis of Branched Hierarchical ZnO Nanorod Arrays for Highly Sensitive Hydrazine Detection,Applied Surface Science,364: 434-441, 2016

[24]Jie Hu*, Fanqin Gao, Zhenting Zhao, Shengbo Sang, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Xiongtu Zhou and Yong Chen, Synthesis and characterization of Cobalt-doped ZnO microstructures for methane gas sensing, Applied SurfaceScience,363: 181-188, 2016

[25]Zhenting Zhao, Yongjiao Sun, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Kun Lian, Jie Hu*, Yong Chen,Preparation and characterization of AuNPs/CNTs-ErGO electrochemical sensors for highly sensitive detection of hydrazine[J]. Talanta, 158: 283-291, 2016

[26]Lin Chen, XiaoyanHe,YanfeiLiang,YongjiaoSun, ZhengtingZhao, and Jie Hu*, Synthesis and gas sensing properties of palladium-doped indium oxide microstructures for enhanced hydrogen detection,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics: 1-8, 2016

[27]Yongjiao Sun,Zihan Wei,Wendong Zhang,Pengwei Li,Kun Lian and Jie Hu*, Synthesis of brush-like ZnO nanowires and their enhanced gas-sensing properties,Journal of Materials Science, 1-9. 2016

[28] Jie Hu*, Fanqin Gao, Shengbo Sang, Pengwei Li, Xiao Deng,Wendong Zhang,Yong Chen and Kun Lian, Optimization of Pd content in ZnO microstructures for high performance gas detection, Journal of Materials Science,50, 4, 1935-1942, 2015

[29]Yongjiao Sun, Zhenting Zhao, Pengwei Li, Gang Li, Yong Chen, Wendong Zhang, Jie Hu*,Er-doped ZnO nanofibers for high sensibility detection of ethanol, Applied Surface Science, 356, 73–80. 2015

[30]Zhenting Zhao, Ying Wang, Pengwei Li, Shengbo Sang, Wendong Zhang, Jie Hu*and Kun Lian,A Highly-Sensitive Electrochemical Sensor Based on Cu/CuO@Carbon Nanocomposite Structures for Hydrazine Detection, Analytical Methods, 7(21): 9040-9046. 2015

[31]Jie Hu*, Yongjiao Sun, Wendong Zhang, Fanqin Gao, Pengwei Li, Dong Jiang and Yong Chen, Fabrication of hierarchical structures with ZnO nanowires on micropillars by UV soft imprinting and hydrothermal growth for a controlled morphology and wettability, Applied Surface Science, 317, 545-551, 2014

[32]Jie Hu*, Deng Xiao, Sang Sheng-Bo, Li Peng-Wei, Li Gang and Zhang Wen-Dong, Fabrication and characteristics of ZnO nanowires array gas sensor based on microfluidics,Acta Phys. Sin,63,20207102, 2014

[33]Zhenting Zhao, Yongjiao Suna, Pengwei Li, Shengbo Sang, Wendong Zhang, Jie Hu*and Kun Lian, A Sensitive Hydrazine Electrochemical Sensor Based on Zinc Oxide Nano-Wires, Journal of The Electrochemical Society , 161, 6, B157-B162, 2014

[34]Yang Wang, Guocai Li, Yakun Xu and Jie Hu*,An Algorithm for Mining of Association Rules for the Information Communication Network Alarms Based on Swarm Intelligence, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1-14, 2014

[35]Wendong Zhang, Xuge Fan, Shengbo Sang, Pengwei Li, Gang Li, Yongjiao Sun and Jie Hu*, Fabrication and characterization of silicon nanostructures based on metal-assisted chemical etching, The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31, 62-67, 2014

[36]Xiao Deng, Shengbo Sang, Pengwei Li, Gang Li, Fanqin Gao, Yongjiao Sun, Wendong Zhang and Jie Hu*,Preparation, Characterization, and Mechanistic Understanding of Pd-Decorated ZnO Nanowires for Ethanol Sensing, Journal of nanomaterials, 1-8, 2013


[1] 胡杰,孫永嬌,趙振廷,李朋偉,李剛,桑勝波,張文棟,一種鉬摻雜氧化鎢氣敏材料的製備方法,2017.03.08,中國,專利號:ZL 201610006729 .9

[2] 胡杰,王瑩,趙振廷,冀健龍,李朋偉,張文棟,連昆,一種檢測氫的金負載氧化錫納米材料的製備方法,2016.12.21,中國,專利號:ZL 201710006716.1

[3] 胡杰,王瑩,王影,王文達,薛炎,李朋偉,李剛,連昆,張文棟,一種檢測低濃度丙酮氣體的錫基納米複合材料的製備方法,2017.07.14,專利號:ZL 201710202237.1

[4] 胡杰,劉傑,王文達,趙振廷,張俊,連昆,李朋偉,李剛,張文棟,一種銀摻雜二硫化鉬複合材料混合液的製備方法,專利號:ZL 201710269781.8

[5]張文棟,桑勝波,李朋偉, 胡杰,李剛,孫永嬌,鄧霄,用於高速公路路基內部壓力檢測的壓阻式感測器,2015.02.25,中國,專利號:ZL 20121037466.9

[6]李朋偉,王艷芬, 胡杰,李剛,劉穎,桑勝波,張文棟,線性多自由度低頻振動能量採集器拾振結構,2016.06.15,中國,專利號:ZL 201410119050.1

[7]李朋偉,羅翠線, 胡杰,李剛,劉穎,桑勝波,張文棟,一種多懸臂樑壓電換能器電路的設計方法,2015.12.02,中國,專利號:ZL 201410005945.2

[8]李剛,郭麗芳,李朋偉, 胡杰,張文棟,桑勝波,郭興軍,基於靜電斥力的電容式射頻MEMS開關,2016.04.13,中國,專利號:ZL 2014102625267


