

胡更開,男,1964年10月出生,黑龍江寶清縣人, 北京理工大學宇航學院院長,教授,博士生導師。致力於複合材料力學的研究方向。





1987.9-1991.12 法國巴黎中央工程師學院 材料與力學專業 DEA,博士
1982.9-1986.6北京工業學院(北京理工大學前身) 工程力學專業 本科


1992年01月-1993年06月 SNECMA-法國中央工程師學院,博士後
1993年07月-1996年07月 北京理工大學套用力學系,副研究員
1996年07月- 北京理工大學套用力學系,教 授, 98年聘為博士生導師
1995年12月-1996年03月 法國中央工程師學院材料系,訪問教授
1997年01月-1997年06月 法國國立高等工藝製造學院材料系,訪問教授
1999年03月-1999年06月 香港科技大學機械工程系,訪問教授
1999年10月-1999年11月 法國國立高等工藝製造學院材料系,訪問教授
2003年01月-2004年01月 英國劍橋大學工程系,訪問教授
2005年06月-2005年07月 法國高等師範學院(ENS Cachan)力學系,訪問教授
2014年8月 - 2014年09月 加拿大安大略大學工學院,Westen Fellow


所在學科固體力學,主要從事複合材料設計和波傳播調控方向的研究。先後主持國家傑出青年科學基金,國家自然科學基金重點和面上項目以及國防基礎研究等項目,參加國家基礎研究“973項目”、某動力學專項和國家自然科學基金重大項目, 是國家自然科學基金委創新研究群體“複雜材料與結構動態力學”的骨幹成員。發表SCI收錄論文80篇,論文被SCI他引超過450篇次。在複合材料細觀力學、超材料設計和波傳播控制方面做出過原創性研究成果。
目前,擔任教育部科技委數理學部委員,中國兵工學會套用力學專業委員會主任委員,《中國科學:物理、力學&天文》副主編、《固體力學學報》副主編,《Acta Mechanica》、《Int. Appl. Mech.》、《科學通報》等多個學報編委。




教育部科技委數理學部委員,教育部高等學校力學專業教學指導委員會委員,西安交通大學強度與振動國家重點實驗室學術委員會委員,中國科學院力學所非線性力學國家重點實驗室學術委員會委員, 中國力學會理事,中國兵工學會理事,中國兵工學會套用力學專業委員會主任委員,北京力學會常務理事,中國力學學會固體力學專業委員會委員,《ActaMechanica》編委,《力學進展》常務編委,《力學學報》編委,《固體力學學報》副主編,《套用力學與數學》編委,《兵工學報》編委,《力學與實踐》編委,《北京理工大學學報》編委,第五屆教育部科技委學部委員(數理學部),清華大學教育部破壞力學重點實驗室學術委員會委員。


胡更開 胡更開




沈觀林,胡更開.《複合材料力學》,清華大學-Springer出版社, 2006年
H Yuan, G.K.Hu and S. Schmauder, Sepcial issue of Computational Materials Sciences
(Vol.46,2009) of 18 International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Beijing, October,10-17, 2008


[1] Z. Chang, D.K. Guo, X.Q. Feng and G.K.Hu, A facile method to realize perfectly matched layers for elastic waves, Wave Motion, 2014
[2] D. Yan, K. Zhang, F.J Peng and G.K. Hu, Tailoring the wrinkle pattern of a microstructured membrane, Applied Physics Letters, 105,071905,2014
[3] Y. Chen, X.N. Liu and G.K. Hu, Micropolar modeling of planar orthotropic rectangular chiral lattices, C. R. Mecanique, 342, 273-283, 2014
[4] Y.Y. Chen, G.L. Huang, X.M. Zhou, G.K. Hu and C.T. Sun, Analytical coupled vibroacoustic modeling of membrane-type acoustic metamaterials: Membrane model, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136, 969, 2014
[5] P. Li, S. S. Yao, X. M. Zhou, G. L. Huang and G. K. Hu, Effective medium theory of thin-plate acoustic metamaterials, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 1844, 2014
[6] H. J. Su, X. M. Zhou, X. C. Xu, and G. K. Hu, Experimental study on acoustic subwavelength imaging of holey-structured metamaterials by resonant tunneling, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 1686, 2014
[7] Z. X. Shen, P. Li,C. Liu, G. K. Hu, A finite element beam model including cross-section distortion in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 77, 1019–1033, 2014
[8] R. Zhu, X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu, C.T. Sun, G.L. Huang, A chiral elastic metamaterial beam for broadband vibration suppression, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333, 2759-2773, 2014
[9] D. Yan, C. Liu, Q. Tian, K. Zhang, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, A new curved gradient deficient shell element of absolute nodal coordinate formulation for modeling thin shell structures, Nonlinear Dynamics, 74, 153-164, 2013
[10] Y. Chen, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Q. P. Sun and Q. S. Zheng, Micropolar continuum modelling of bi-dimensional tetrachiral lattices, Proc. R. Soc. A 470, 20130734, 2014
[11] Z. X. Shen, G. K. Hu, Thermally induced vibrations of solar panel and their coupling with satellite, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 5(03), 2013
[12] Z. X. Shen, Q. Tian, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Thermally induced vibrations of flexible beams using Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation, Aerospace Science and Technology, 29, 386-393, 2013
[13] X. B. Cai, Q. Q. Guo, G. K. Hu, J. Yang, Particle focusing in a microchannel with acoustic metafluid, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 031901, 2013
[14] X. M. Zhou, G. K. Hu, Dynamic effective models of two-dimensional acoustic metamaterials with cylindrical inclusions, Acta Mech, 224, 1233-1241, 2013
[15] J. Hu, X.N. Liu and G.K. Hu, Constraint condition on transformation relation for generalized acoustics, Wave Motion, 50, 170-179, 2013
[16] F. Song, G. L. Huang, G. K. Hu, Coupled piezo-elastodynamic modeling of guided wave excitation and propagation in plates with applied prestresses, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 24(5), 598–611, 2012
[17] Z. Chang, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Transformation ray method: Controlling high frequency elastic waves, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(4), 2942-2945, 2012
[18] A. P. Liu, X. M. Zhou, G. L. Huang, G. K. Hu, Super-resolution imaging by resonant tunneling in anisotropic acoustic metamaterials, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(4), 2800-2806, 2012
[19] Q. X. Sun, N. N. Yang, X. B. Cai, G. K. Hu, Mechanism of dust removal by a standing wave electric curtain, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55(6), 1018-1025, 2012
[20] X. N. Liu, G. L. Huang, G. K. Hu, Chiral effect in plane isotropic micropolar elasticity and its application to chiral lattices, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 60, 1907-1921, 2012
[21] Z. Chang, G. K. Hu, Elastic wave omnidirectional absorbers designed by transformation method, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 054102(1-4), 2012
[22] X. M. Zhou, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Elastic metamaterials with local resonances: an overview, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 2, 041001, 2012,
[23] A.P. Liu , R. Zhu, X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu and G.L. Huang, Multi-Displacement Microstructure Continuum Modeling of Anisotropic Elastic Metamaterials,Wave Motion, 49,411-426, 2012
[24] R. Zhu, G.L. Huang and G.K. Hu, Effective Dynamic Properties and Multi-Resonant Design of Elastic Metamaterials, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 134, 031006(1-8), 2012
[25] F. Song, G.L. Huang and G.K. Hu, Online Debonding Detection in Honeycomb Sandwich Structures Using Multi-Frequency Guided Waves, AIAA Journal, 50(2),284-293, 2012
[26] F. Song, H.F Zhao and G.K. Hu, Explicit Crosslink relations between effective elastic modulus and thermal conductivity for fiber composites, Comput. Mat. Sci. 51,353-359,2012
[27] J. Hu, Z. Chang and G.K. Hu, Approximate method for controlling solid elastic waves by transformation method, Phys. Rev. B, 84, 201101, 2011
[28] J. Zhou, X.B Cai, Z. Chang and G.K. Hu, Experimental study on a broadband omnidirectional electromagnetic absorber, Journal of Optics, 13, 085103, 2011
[29] X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu, G.L. Huang and C.T. Sun, An Elastic Metamaterial with Simultaneously Negative Mass Density and Bulk Modulus, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 121904, 2011
[30] X.M.Zhou and G.K. Hu, Superlensing effect of an anisotropic metamaterial slab with near-zero dynamic mass, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 263510, 2011
[31] Z. Chang, J. Hu, G.K. Hu, R. Tao and Y. Wang, Controlling elastic waves with isotropic materials, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 121904, 2011
[32] X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu, C.T. Sun and G.L. Huang, Wave propagation characterization and design of two-dimensional elastic chiral metacomposite, Journal of Sounds and Vibration, 330, 2536–2553, 2011
[33] Z. Chang, J. Hu and G.K. Hu, Transformation method and wave control, Acta Mech Sin, 26, 889–898, 2010
[34] S.S Yao, X.M. Zhou and G.K. Hu, Investigation of the negative-mass behaviors occurring below a cut-off frequency, New Journal of Physics, 12, 103025, 2010
[35] Z. Chang, X.M. Zhou, J. Hu and G.K. Hu, Design method for quasi-isotropic transformation materials based on inverse Laplace’s equation with sliding boundaries, Optics Express, Vol 18(6), 6089-6096, 2010
[36] Z. Chang, X.M. Zhou, J. Hu and G.K. Hu, Invisible cloak design with controlled constitutive parameters and arbitrary shaped boundaries through Helmholtz's equation: comment, Optics Express, Vol. 18, Issue 4, pp. 3917-3918, 2010
[37] J. Hu, X.M. Zhou and G.K. Hu, Nonsingular two dimensional cloak of arbitrary shape, Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, 011107, 2009
[38] X.B. Cai, Q.B. Deng and G.K. Hu, Experimental study on electromagnetic wave transparency for coated metallic cylinders, Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 103112, 2009
[39] H. Chen, X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu and H.Yuan, Identification of material constants for micropolar composite by homogenization method, Computatinal Material Sciences, 46, 733-737, 2009
[40] J. Hu, X.M.Zhou and G.K. Hu, A numerical method for designing acoustic cloak with arbitrary shapes, Computatinal Material Sciences, 46,708, 2009
[41] X.M.Zhou and G.K. Hu, Analytical model for elastic metamaterials with local resonances, Phys. Rev. B, 79, 195109, 2009
[42] J. Hu, X.M.Zhou and G.K. Hu, Design method for electromagnatic cloak with arbitary shapes based on Laplace's equation, Optical Express, Vol 17, Issue 3, 1308-1320, 2009



