
1.2Learn 4.2Learn 5.2Learn


出版社: 東北財經大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年10月1日)
叢書名: 高職高專公共英語規劃教材
平裝: 218頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787565400230
條形碼: 9787565400230
尺寸: 28 x 18.2 x 1.6 cm
重量: 458 g


《職橋英語教程(學生用書2)》嘗試將職場英語教學貫穿於基礎英語教學的全過程,融“教、學、做”於一體;Language Focus,Cultural Focus,Workplace Focus的編寫體例也比較有創意。它遵循大學生掌握外語知識和提高語言能力的規律,針對我國高職院校公共英語教學的實際需要,從培養聽、說、讀、寫能力著手,以掌握職業崗位所需的英語語言知識和能力為目標,融英語知識技能與職場需求於一體,採取了按職業類型和職業勝任力要素組織教材內容的新模式和新方法,在內容、結構和體例上均有所創新。


towards Professional Success
Table of Contents
Unit One Shopping/1
Lesson 1 Talk at the Supermarket/1
1.2Learning Patterns/3
1.3 Word Power/5
1.4 Exercises/6
1.5 Reading A/8
1.6 Field work/10
1.7 Reading B/10
Lesson 2 Store and grocery/13
2.2Learning Patterns/15
2.3 Word Power/17
2.4 Exercises/18
2.5 Reading A/20
2.6 Field work/22
2.7 Reading B/22
Lesson 3 E-buying/27
3.2Learning Patterns/29
3.3 Word Power/30
3.4 Exercises/31
3.5 Reading A/32
3.6 Field work/35
3.7 Reading B/35
Unit Two Health/39
Lesson 4 Clinic Talk/39
4.2Learning Patterns/43
4.3 Word Power/45
4.4 Exercises/46
4.5 Reading A/47
4.6 Field work/49
4.7 Reading B/49
Lesson 5 Spa and Fit-keeping/54
5.2Learning Patterns/56
5.3 Word Power/57
5.4 Exercises/59
5.5 Reading A/60
5.6 Field work/62
5.7 Reading B/63
Lesson 6 Psychological Consultation/65
6.2Learning Patterns/69
6.3 Word Power/7]
6.4 Exercises/73
6.5 Reading A/74
6.6 Field work/7?
6.7 Reading B/78
Unit Three Bank and Finance/84
Lesson 7 Deposit and Withdraw/84
7.2Learning Patterns/86
7.3 Word Power/88
7.4 Exercises/89
7.5 Reading A/92
7.6 Field work/95
7.7 Reading B/96
Lesson 8 Credit Card Service/99
8.2Learning Patterns/10!
8.3 Word Power/102
8.4 Exercises/104
8.5 Reading A/105
8.6 Field work/108
8.7 Reading B/109
Lesson 9 Check and Transfer/113
9.2Learning Patterns/115
9.3 Word Power/117
9.4 Exercises/118
9.5 Reading A/119
9.6 Field work/121
9.7 Reading B/121
Unit Four General Activities/126
Lesson 10 Foreign Trade/126
10.1 Listening/126
10.2 Learning Patterns/129
10.3 Word Power/131
10.4 Exercises/133
10,5 Reading A/134
10.6 Field work/138
10.7 Reading B/139
Lesson 11 Exhibition/143
11.1 Listening/143
11.2 Learning Patterns/145
11.3 Word Power/146
11.4 Exercises/148
11.5 Reading A/150
11.6 Field work/153
11.7 Reading B/153
Lesson 12 Conference/157
12.1 Listening/157
12.2 Learning Patterns/159
12.3 Word Power/161
12.4 Exercises/152
12.5 Reading A/164
12.6 Field work/168
12.7 Reading B/168
Unit Five Towards Professional Success/172
Lesson 13 Advertisement on TV and Radio/172
13.1 Listening/172
13.2 Learning Patterns/175
13.3 Word Power/176
13.4 Exercises/177
13.5 Reading A/178
13.6 Field work/181
13.7 Reading B/181
Lesson 14 Advertisement on the Internet/188
14.1 Listening/188
14.2 Learning Patterns/190
14.3 Word Power/192
14.4 Exercises/192
14.5 Reading A/194
14.6 Field Work/197
14.7 Reading B/197
Lesson 15 Advertisement on Newspapers and Magazines/203
15.1 Listening/203
15.2 Learning Patterns/206
15.3 Word Power/207
15.4 Exercises/208
15.5 Reading A/209
15.6 Field work/213
15.7 Reading B/213



