
goatherd iten earthen


出版社: 清華大學出版社; 第1版 (2009年1月1日)
平裝: 358頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787302185734
條形碼: 9787302185734
尺寸: 25.8 x 17 x 2 cm
重量: 621 g




落井的驢子/Down in a Well 1
驢和它的影子/The Ass and His Shadow 3
驢和買主/The Ass and His purchaser 4
蝙蝠和兩隻黃鼠狼/The Bat and the Two Weasels 5
籠中鳥和蝙蝠/The Cage Bird and the Bat 7
狐狸和生病的獅子/The Fox and the Sick Lion 8
狐狸和葡萄/The Fox and the Grapes 11
狐狸和山羊/The Fox and the Goat 12
狼和驢/The Wolf and the Donkey 13
狼和牧羊狗/The Wolves and the Sheepdogs 15
狼和小羊/The Wolf and the Lamb 16
獅後的葬禮/The Funeral of the Lioness 17
蚊子和獅子/The Gnat and the Lion 19
狐狸和小公雞/The Fox and the cockerel 20
發胖的狐狸/The Swollen Fox 22
狐狸和貓/The Fox and the Cat 23
獅子和蚊子/Lion and Gnat 24
獅子的王國/The Kingdom of Lion 26
老獅子/The Old Lion 27
狐狸和蟬/Fox and cicada 28
狐狸和刺藤/The Fox and the bramble 30
狐狸和烏鴉/The Fox and Crow 31
雜色羊/Speckled Sheep 32
牧羊人和野山羊/The goatherd and the Wild Goat 34
狗、公雞和狐狸/The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox 35
兩個園丁/The Two Gardeners 36
煉獄也可以成為天堂/Purgatory May be Paradise 38
旅行者和命運女神/The Traveler and Fortune 40
西莫尼狄斯遇難記/The Shipwreck of Simonides 41
墨丘利和伐木工/Mercury and the Woodman 43
人和老鼠/Master and the Mice 45
獅子和老鼠/The Lion and the Mouse 47
聰明的兒子/The Wise Son 48
磨坊主、兒子和驢/The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass 50
乞丐的願望/The Beggar's Wish 52
惡狗/The Mischievous Dog 54
家/Home 55
守財奴/The Miser 57
一捆木材/The Bundle of Sticks 58
受諸神庇護的樹/The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods 59
負擔/The Load 60
兩隻狗/The Two Dogs 62
老婦和醫生/The Old Woman and the Physician 63
鞋匠改行當醫生/The Cobbler Turned Doctor 66
小狗/The Little Dog 67
狗和野兔/The Dog and the Hare 70
狗和倒影/The Dog and the Shadow 71
狗和狼/The Dog and Wolf 72
蠍子和烏龜/The Scorpion and the Tortoise 73
龜兔賽跑/The Hare and the Tortoise 75
鷹、貓和野豬/The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow 76
鷹和鳶/The Eagle and the Kite 78
鷹和狐狸/The Eagle and Fox 79
鷹和甲蟲/The Eagle and the Beetle 80
鷹和寒鴉/The Eagle and the jackdaw 82
朱庇特和綿羊/Jupiter and the Sheep 83
朱庇特和猴子/Jupiter and the Monkey 85
Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus 86
驢子和他的鈴鐺/The Ass and His Bell 87
驢和戰馬/The Ass and The Charger 90
驢和哈巴狗/The Ass and lapdog 91
驢和騾子/The Ass and the Mule 93
驢的腦子/The Ass's Brains 94
狼和馬/The Wolf and the Horse 95
狼和鶴/The Wolf and the Crane 96
狼和牧羊人/The Wolf and Shepherd 97
感恩的獅子/The Grateful Lion 98
狼和獅子/The Wolf and the Lion 100
鴿子和螞蟻/The Dove and the Ant 101
口渴的鴿子/The Thirsty Pigeon 102
鴿子和烏鴉/The Dove and the Crow 103
驢和老牧人/The Ass and the Old Shepherd 104
真正的天堂/True Heaven 105
狗的友誼/Dog's Friendship 108
銅匠和他的狗/The brazier and His Dog 111
狐狸和鸛/The Fox and the Stork 112
沒有尾巴的狐狸/The Fox Without a Tail 114
狐狸、公雞和狗/The Fox, the Cock and Dog 115
悔過的狐狸/The penitent Fox 117
金鵝/The Golden Goose 119
鵝和鶴/The Geese and the Crane 121
獅子、狐狸和驢/The Lion, the Fox and the Ass 122
獅子、狼和狐狸/The Lion, the Wolf and the Fox 123
最美麗的心/The Most Beautiful Heart 124
男人和兩個妻子/The Man and His Two Wives 126
北風和太陽/The North Wind and the Sun 127
橄欖樹和無花果樹/The Olive Tree and the Fig Tree 128
老鼠和公牛/The Mouse and the Bull 130
老鼠、青蛙和鷹/The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk 131
砂罐和鐵罐/The earthen Pot and the Iron Pot 132
保姆和狼/The Nurse and the Wolf 133
鑽石和螢火蟲/The Diamond and the Glow-worm 134
螃蟹母子/The Crab and Its Mother 135
天使的故事/A Story of the Angel 136
賊和他的母親The Thief and His Mother 138
通向偉大的皇家大道/The Royal Road to Greatness 139
敗家子與燕子/Spendthrift and Swallow 142
母雞和燕子/The Hen and the Swallow 144
燕子和別的鳥/The Swallow and the Other Birds 145
小樹/The sapling 146
樹和蘆葦/The Tree and the Reed 148
樹和斧子/The Trees and Axe 149
兩個朋友/The Two Friends 150
兩隻袋子/The Two Bags 153
兩隻青蛙/The Two Frogs 154
兩個仇敵/The Two Men Who Were Enemies 155
燕子和烏鴉/The Swallow and the Crow 156
心安草/A Heart's-ease 157
三個工匠/The Three Tradesmen 159
青蛙和牯牛/Frog and Bullock 160
輕率的猴子/The Harebrained Monkey 161
猴子和兩個旅行者/The Apes and the Two Travelers 163
跳舞的猴子/The Dancing Monkeys 165
陳年老酒/The Old, Old Wine 166
老嫗和酒罈/The Old Woman and the Win-Jar 168
鷹和蜘蛛/Eagle and Spider 169
蠶和蜘蛛/The Silk worm and Spider 171
仁慈的狐狸/The Kind Fox 172
貓和夜鶯/Cat and Nightingale 175
價值/Values 177
驢和鹽/The Donkey and the Salt 178
驢子/Ass 180
兩隻狗/Two Dogs 182
瘸子之鄉/The Land of the Halt 184
狼落狗窩/Wolf in the Kennels 185
狐狸/Fox 188
獸類的瘟疫/The Plague of the Beasts 190
核桃樹/The Walnut-Tree 193
丟失的假鬢/The Lost Wig 194
雞/The Chicken 195
袋子/The Bag 197
為什麼綠毛蟲如此快樂/Why was the Green
Caterpillar so Happy? 199
雕像/The Statue 202
分紅/Sharing Up 204
財寶和兩個男人/The Treasure and the Two Men 205
鷹和蜜蜂/Eagle and Bee 206
兩頭驢/The Two Donkeys 207
兩隻鴿子/Two Pigeons 209
杜鵑和斑鳩/Cuckoo and Wood-pigeon 212
戀愛中的獅子/The Lion in Love 214
車隊/A Train of Carts 216
相思的鴕鳥/The Ostrich in Love 218
松鼠和獅子/The Squirrel and the Lion 220
淘氣的袋鼠/The Bad Kangaroo 223
一條見過世面的魚/A Fish of the World 225
賣牛奶的女人/The Dairy Woman 228
命運女神和乞丐/Fortune and the Beggar 230
牧羊人和大海/The Shepherd and the Sea 232
男孩和蛇/The Boy and the Snake 234
農夫和蛇/The Labourer and the Snake 236
皮匠和銀行家/The Cobbler and the Banker 237
挑剔的姑娘/The Dainty spinster 239
三個兄弟和一個乞丐/Three Brothers and the Beggar 241
矢車菊/The cornflower 244
帶裂痕的罐子/The Cracked Pot 246
男孩和核桃/The Boy and the Nuts 248
愛的故事/A Love Story 249
城裡老鼠和鄉下老鼠/The City Mouse and the Country Mouse 251
井底之蛙/Don't be a Frog in the Well 253
橡果和南瓜/The acorn and the Pumpkin 256
有愛就有一切/Three Old Men and Housewife 258
神秘的斯芬克斯/The Sphinx Without a Secret 260
真誠的朋友/The Devoted Friend 268
自私的巨人/The Selfish Giant 282
快樂王子/The Happy Prince 289
夜鶯與玫瑰/The Nightingale and the Rose 300
神奇的火箭/The Remarkable Rocket 309
星孩/The Star-Child 323
少年國王/The Young King 343


