

adven Gran Charlie


羅傑·英霍夫(Roger Imhof,1875-4-15 or 8-15~1958-4-15),美國電影演員。生於伊利諾斯州羅克艾蘭。早年參加馬戲團當雜技演員,後在雜耍劇團表演,前後達21年。1933年起在好萊塢拍片,演出影片近100部。主要有:《小妹妹》(1933)、《陳查禮巨探案》(1933)、《販馬君子》(1934)、《華納的金絲雀》(1934)、《人生四十剛開始》(1935)、《農夫得妻》(1935)、《1935年情歌妙舞》(1935)、《洗冤錄》(1935)、《舊金山》(1936)、《諾姆之北》(1936)、《每天是一個假日》(1937)、《林肯在伊利諾斯州》(1940,又譯《民族精神》、《憤怒的葡萄》(1940,又譯《怒火之花》)、《破釜沉舟》(1940)、《肉體之道》(1940)、《怪船》(1941)、《坦內西·詹森》(1942)、《雜耍劇院裡的卡薩諾伐》(1944)、《青春戀》(1944)、《威爾遜總統傳》(1944)、《馬克·吐溫歷險記》(1944,又譯《幽默大師》)等。


歡樂人家Home inIndiana ------- (1944)
Casanova in Burlesque ------- (1944)
劊子手This Gunfor Hire ------- (1942)
田納西的詹森Tennessee Johnson ------- (1942)
It Happened in Flatbush ------- (1942)
追殺刺客/萬里追蹤Man Hunt ------- (1941)
This Woman Is Mine ------- (1941)
The Lady from Cheyenne ------- (1941)
Mystery Ship ------- (1941)
伊利諾斯州的林肯AbeLincoln in Illinois ------- (1940)
憤怒的葡萄/怒火之花(台)/憤怒的葡萄園(港) The Grapes of Wrath -------(1940)
Little Old New York ------- (1940)
The Way of All Flesh ------- (1940)
Lady with Red Hair ------- (1940)
Victory ------- (1940)
I Was an adventuress ------- (1940)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn -------(1939)
鐵血金戈/虎帳狼煙(台) Drums Along the Mohawk ------- (1939)
Tell No Tales ------- (1939)
No Placeto Go------- (1939)
Nancy Drew... Trouble Shooter -------(1939)
They Shall Have Music ------- (1939)
High, Wide, and Handsome ------- (1937)
There Goes the Groom ------- (1937)
Every Day's a Holiday------- (1937)
Sweetheart of the Navy ------- (1937)
Girl Loves Boy ------- (1937)
火燒舊金山/舊金山大地震San Francisco ------- (1936)
Three Godfathers ------- (1936)
Riffraff ------- (1936)
Roaming Lady ------- (1936)
A Son Comes Home ------- (1936)
Red Lights Ahead ------- (1936)
North of Nome ------- (1936)
In His Steps ------- (1936)
The Farmer Takes a Wife ------- (1935)
Steamboat Round the Bend ------- (1935)
Under Pressure ------- (1935)
Life Begins at Forty ------- (1935)
One More Spring ------- (1935)
George White's 1935 Scandals ------- (1935)
Judge Priest ------- (1934)
Handy Andy ------- (1934)
Grand Canary------- (1934)
Music in the Air ------- (1934)
Wild Gold ------- (1934)
Sleepers East ------- (1934)
David Harum ------- (1934)
Love Time ------- (1934)
Ever Since Eve ------- (1934)
Paddy the Next Best Thing ------- (1933)
Charlie Chan's Greatest Case ------- (1933)
Hoop-La ------- (1933)
藝人麗影Me and MyGal ------- (1932)


