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出版社: 延邊人民出版社; 第1版 (2006年12月1日)
平裝: 520頁
讀者對象: 11-14歲
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787806988022
條形碼: 9787806988022
尺寸: 20.2 x 13.2 x 4 cm
重量: 540 g


作者:(英國)史蒂文森(R.L.Stevenson) (古希臘)伊索(Aesop) (英國)雪萊(Mary Shelley) 譯者:鴻鑫
瑪麗·雪萊(Mary Shelley,1797-1851),1797年出生在英國倫敦,1816年和英國浪漫主義代表詩人沛爾希·畢西·雪萊(Percy Bysshe Shelley)結婚。1818年寫成的《弗蘭肯斯坦》是她所發表的作品中最出色的一篇,開創了今天科幻小說的先河。


《綠卡英語·英漢對照名著故事屋(第6級)(新課標)(套裝共5冊)》包括:《伊索寓言(Ⅰ)》、《伊索寓言(Ⅱ)》、《美人魚傳奇》、《科學怪人》和《金銀島》。《綠卡英語·英漢對照名著故事屋(第6級)(新課標)(套裝共5冊)》特點:引人入勝的English Story幫你提高學習的興趣;優美、準確的語言讓你享受語言的美感;不斷重複的用詞讓你不知不覺地擴大辭彙量;真實、立體的背景音效讓你如臨其境;復讀、背誦助你倍增語言能力;寓學于樂的感覺讓你愛上Storv House。


The Wolf and The Lamb
The Fox and The Lion
The Dog and His Shadow
The Lark and Her Young Ones
The Drum and The Vase of Sweet Herbs
The Wolf and The Goat
The Two Frogs
The Lion and The Mouse
The Mouse, The Cat, and The Cock
The Fox and The Grapes
The Crab and Its Mother
The Wolf and The Crane
The Axe and The Trees
The Ants and The Grasshoppers
The Frogs Who Asked for A King
The Cat and The Birds
The Cock and The Fox
The Fox and The Goat
The Fox and The Stork
The Dog, The Cock, and The Fox
The Fly and The Moth
The Boy Bathing
The Hare and The Tortoise
The Dog in The manger
The Mouse, The Frog, and The Hawk
The Swallow and The Other Birds
The Boys and The Frogs
The Farmer and The Snake
The Shepherd' s Boy
The Raven and The Swan
Ali baba and the forty thieves
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Sinbad the Sailor
Comprehension Checkup Ⅱ
Aladdin chapter
Comprehension Checkup Ⅲ
Ali baba and the forty thieves
Comprehension Checkup Ⅰ
Sinbad the Sailor
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Aladdin chapter
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Ali baba and the forty thieves
Comprehension Checkup Ⅰ
Sinbad the Sailor
Comprehension Checkup Ⅱ
Aladdin chapter
Comprehension Checkup Ⅲ


