First, the ingredient. Take four ounces of flour, eggs, half a pint of milk and a quarter of a teaspoon o
f salt.其次,準備工作。把麵粉和鹽放入碗裡,然後在中間留空(需要足夠大,最好是占模具面積的2/3左右的同心圓)。打蛋,連同一半的牛奶和四分之一的一茶匙鹽一起倒入麵粉中間。將這一半的牛奶及蛋鹽麵粉緩慢地調勻,直到它充滿氣泡。再將剩下的牛奶放入攪拌。
Next,the preparation.Put the flour and salt into a bowl,and make a space in the middle.Break in the egg,pour in half of the milk and a quarter of a teaspoonful of salt.Pour in half of the milk,and slowly mix thoroughly until it is full of bubbles.Stir in the rest of the milk.
Finally,the actual cooking.Grease a dish.Pour in the mixture and place in a very hot oven for five minutes or until the mixture has risen and is a nice golden brown.