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Sheila Jasanoff is an American academic and significant contributor to the field of Science and Technology Studies. She is Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, where she directs the Program on Science, Technology, & Society. [1] Her research focuses on science and the state in contemporary democratic societies. Her work is relevant to science & technology studies, comparative politics, law and society, political and legal anthropology, and policy analysis. Jasanoff’s research has considerable empirical breadth, spanning the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, the European Union, and India, as well as emerging global regimes in areas such as climate and biotechnology.
One line of Jasanoff’s work demonstrates how the political culture of different democratic societies influences how they assess evidence and expertise in policymaking. Her first book (with Brickman and Ilgen), Controlling Chemicals (1985), examines the regulation of toxic substances in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom.[2] The book showed how the routines of decision making in these countries reflected different conceptions of what counts as evidence and of how expertise should operate in a policy context. In Designs on Nature: Science and Democracy in Europe and the United States (2005), she has shown how different societies employ different modes of public reasoning when making decisions involving science and technology. [3] These differences, which in part reflect distinct "civic epistemologies," are deeply embedded in institutions and shape how policy issues are framed and processed by the bureaucratic machinery of modern states.
Jasanoff has also contributed to scholarship on the interaction of science and law. Science at the Bar (1995), for example, reached beyond the prevailing diagnoses of structural incompatibilities between science and law to explore how these socially-embedded institutions interact and, to a certain extent, mutually constitute each other. [4] The concept of regulatory science, conducted for the purposes of meeting legally-mandated standards, and the "boundary" drawing activities of science advisory committees are analyzed in The Fifth Branch (1990).[5] More recently, she has explored the "rise of the statistical victim" in toxic torts, as the law with its individualistic orientation has increasingly encountered, and sought ways to accommodate, the statistical vision of such fields as epidemiology.[6] In her work on science and law, as well as her research on science in the state, she takes an approach that links ideas from constitutional law, political theory, and science studies to consider the "constitutional" role of science in modern democratic states.[7]
Jasanoff has considered the politics of science not only in a comparative but also in a global context. Examples include her work on the transnational aspects of the Bhopal disaster (Learning from Disaster 1994); her research on the formation and politics of global scientific advisory bodies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; and her research on national and global environmental movements (e.g., Earthy Politics, 2004).
Jasanoff also has contributed to building Science and Technology Studies as a field. Prior to moving to Harvard, she was the founding chair of the Department of Science & Technology Studies at Cornell University. She is also the founder of the Science & Democracy Network, a group of scholars interested in the study of science and the state in democratic societies that has met annually since 2002. Her research has been recognized with many awards, including the Bernal Prize from the Society for Social Studies of Science.
She is married to Jay Jasanoff, and has two children, Maya Jasanoff, who is an associate professor in the Department of History at Harvard, Alan Jasanoff, is a neuroscientist at MIT.


第1章政治理性化社會管制的興起科學與政策制定專業能力與信任知識的偶然性改革的爭論一個替代方案第2章有瑕疵的決策亞硝酸鹽事件2、4、5-涕事件拉夫運河事件職業性癌症評估技術統治論者的反應批判性反駁第3章有益於人民的科學公共科學的基本原理“新興”專家機構科學諮詢與政務公開科學政策的司法審查科學政策範式的弱化第4章同行評議與管制科學同行評議的傳統實踐中的同行評議制度失誤的啟示管制科學的內容與背景監管領域同行評議的含義第5章美國環保局及其科學顧問委員會早期的政治挑戰一項新的合作劃界行為科學顧問委員會對政策的影響結論第6章清潔空氣的科學與政策清潔空氣科學顧問委員會和國家空氣品質標準程式科學與標準重新定義清潔空氣科學顧問委員會的角色一氧化碳的爭論清潔空氣科學顧問委員會的作用:連結科學與政策第7章當顧問成為敵人科學顧問小組執行不可能的任務二溴乙烷三氯殺蟎醇事件丁醯肼權威的破碎第8章美國食品藥品監督局的諮詢網路對藥物的科學評估專家意見和食物安全諮詢意見和決策第9章應對新知識探求有原則的風險評估甲醛:一個不確定的致癌原 結論第10章再論技術統治論面向科學的公私夥伴關係沒有政治的風險評估 公眾質詢委員會廣泛的套用第11章好科學的政治功能從諮詢到政策可接受的風險科學諮詢的合法化:協商及劃界活動定義“好科學”規範意義結論譯後記



