




童美萍,女,1978年5月出生,漢族,浙江人,環境工程博士,北京大學環境科學與工程學院研究員,兼任Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response編委委員。入選國家自然科學基金委優秀青年科學基金項目、新世紀優秀人才支持計畫,第二批國家環境保護專業技術青年拔尖人才。

主要從事地下水污染控制與修復研究工作。主持了土壤-地下水中膠體遷移動力學、微生物與納米材料在複雜環境介質中的遷移行為等多項重要項目,發表《Influence of Per fluoro octanoic Acid on the Transport and Deposition Behaviors of Bacteria in Quartz Sand》等60餘篇文章。




目前參與國家“十一五”支撐項目1項,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目及北京大學“985”百人計畫啟動基金“地下水及土壤修復/環境微生物”。在ES&T上發表多篇論文,同時在 WRR、EOS等期刊上發表數篇論文,國際會議邀請報告多次。

  • 科研項目
1.國家11-5科技支撐項目南水北調中線工程“丹江口水源區黃姜加工新工藝關鍵技術研究” 子課題,2006BAB04A14,2006.1-2009.12, 童美萍。
2.“共存膠體及微生物膜對生物型膠體在多孔介質中遷移行為的影響研究”, 國家自然科學基金的青年科學基金項目40802054,2009.1-2011.12, 童美萍。
3.“胞外多聚物及腐殖酸對納米材料在環境介質中遷移行為的影響研究”, 國家自然科學基金面上項目40971181, 2010.1-2012.12,童美萍。
4.“土壤與地下水污染控制”,教育部回國留學人員科研啟動基金項目, 2008,童美萍。
5.國家11-5 水專項“湘江水環境重金屬污染整治關鍵技術研究與綜合示範項目”的子課題,2009.1-2012.12,童美萍。
6.胞外多聚物成分對生物型膠體在多孔介質中遷移行為的作用,教育部博士學科點基 金20100001110034,2011.1-2013.12,童美萍。
7.有機質、表面活性劑及營養物質對微生物在環境介質中遷移行為的作用,國家自然科學基金面上基金21177002 ,2012.1-2015.12,童美萍。
  • 代表性論文
33Cai,L.,Tong*, M. Ma,H;Kim,H. 2013, “Co-transport of Titanium Dioxide and Fullerene Nanoparticles in Saturated Porous Media”Environmental Science and Technology,Doi:10.1021/es400256d 32Shan, C.Tong*, M. 2013, “Efficient Removal of Trace Arsenite through Oxidation and Adsorption by Magnetic Nanoparticles Modified with Fe-Mn Binary Oxide”,Water Research,47, 3411-3421. 31Jin, Y., Dai, Z., Liu, F.,Tong*, M. Hou*, Y. 2013, “Bactericidal Mechanisms of AgO/TNBs under both Dark and Light Conditions”,Water Research,47(5), 1837-1847. 30Liu, F., Jin, Y., Liao, H., Cai, L.,Tong*, M., Hou*,Y. 2013, “Facile self-assembly synthesis of titanate/FeOnanocomposites for the efficient removal of Pbfrom aqueous systems”,Journal of Materials Chemistry A1, 805-813. 29Shen, X., Han, P., Yang, H.,Kim, H.Tong*, M. 2013, “Influence of Sulfate on the Transport of Bacteria in Quartz Sand”,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2013.05.014. 28Jiang, X., Wang, X.,Tong*, M.,Kim, H. 2013,“The influence of biofilm on ZnO nanoparticles transport and retention in porous media”,Environmental Pollution174, 38-49. 27Su, R., Jin, Y.,Tong*, M.,Kim, H. 2013, “Bactericidal activity of Ag-doped multi-walled carbon nanotubes and the effects of extracellular polymeric substances and natural organic matter”,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces104(1), 133-139. 26Han, P., Shen, X., Yang, H.,Tong*, M. 2013, “Influence of nutrient conditions on the transport of bacteria in saturated porous media”,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 102, 752-758. 25Yang, H.,Tong*, M., Kim*, H. 2012, “Influence of bentonite particles on representative gram negative and gram positive bacterial deposition in porous media”,Environmental Science and Technology46, 11627−11634 24Jiang, X.,Tong*, M.,Kim*,H. 2012, “Influence of natural organic matter on the transport and deposition of zinc oxide nanoparticles in saturated porous media”,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science15(1), 34-43. 23Jiang, X.,Tong*. M.,Lu, R., Kim. H. 2012, “Transport and deposition of ZnO nanoparticles in saturated porous media”,Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects401, 29-37. 22Jin, Y., Liu, F.,Tong*, M., Hou*,Y. 2012, “Removal of arsenate by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide modified magnetic nanoparticles”,Journal of Hazardous Materials227, 461-468. 21Han, Y., Kim*, H.,Tong, M*.2012, “Characterization of stone powder sludge foams and their application to wastewater treatment: Role of Pore connectivity”,Materials Chemistry and Physics134(1), 26-30. 20Tong*, M., Shen, Y.,Yang, H., Kim, H., 2012, “Deposition kinetics of MS2 bacteriophages on clay mineral surfaces”,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces92, 340-347. 19Yang, H., Kim, H,Tong*, M, 2012, “Influence of humic acid on the transport behavior of bacteria in quartz sand”,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces91, 122-129. 18Tong*, M., Zhu, P., Jiang, X., Kim, H, 2011, “Influence of natural organic matter on the deposition kinetics of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on silica”,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerface87(1), 151-158. 17Shen, Y., Kim,H,Tong*, M.,Li, Q. 2011, “Influenceof solution chemistry on the deposition and detachment kinetics of RNA on silica surfaces”,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces82(2), 443-449. 16Jiang, X.,Tong*, M.,Li, H., Yang, K., 2010, “Deposition kinetics of zinc oxide nanoparticles on natural organic matter coated silica surfaces”,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science350(2), 427-434. 15Tong*, M., Long, G., Jiang, X., Kim, N. 2010, “Contribution of extracellular polymeric substances on representative gram negative and gram positive bacterial deposition in porous media”,Environmental Science and Technology44(7), 2393-2399. 14Tong*, M., Ding, J., Shen Y., Zhu, P. 2010, “Influence of biofilm on the transport of fullerene (C60) nanoparticles in porous media”,Water Research44(4), 1094-1103. 13Yang*, J., Liu, W., Yuan, H.,Tong, M.Gao, J.2010, “Application of a novel backwashing process in upflow biological aerated filter”,Journal of Environmental Sciences-China,22(3), 362-366. 12Zhu, P., Long, G., Ni, J.,Tong*, M. 2009, “Deposition kinetics of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on silica in monovalent and divalent Salts”,Environmental Science and Technology43(15), 5699–5704. 11Long, G., Zhu, P., Shen, Y.,Tong*, M. 2009, “Influence of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on deposition kinetics of bacteria.Environmental Science and Technology43(7), 2308-2314. 10Johnson*,W. P, Li,X,Tong,M. 2009,“Comment on “Transport and fate of bacteria in porous media: coupled effects of chemical conditions and pore space geometry by Saeed Torkzaban et al.”,Water Resource Research45,W09603,doi:10.1029/2008WR007389. 9Yao, L, Ye, Z,Tong, M.,Ni*, J., 2009, “Removal of Crfrom aqueous solution by biosorption with aerobic granules”,Journal of Hazardous Materials165(1-3), 250-255. 8Tong, M., Ma, H., Johnson*, W. P. 2008, “Funneling of flow into grain-to-grain contacts drives colloid-colloid aggregation in the presence of an energy barrier”,Environmental Science and Technology42(8), 2826–2832. 7Zhu, X.,Tong, M.,Shi, S., Zhao, H., Ni*. J, 2008, “Essential explanation to the strong mineralization performance of Boron-doped diamond electrodes,Environmental Science and Technology42(13), 4914–4920. 6Johnson*, W. P.,Tong,M., Li, X. 2007, “On colloid retention in saturated porous media in the presence of energy barriers: the failure of alpha and opportunities to predict eta,Water Resource Research43,W12S13, doi:10.1029/2006WR005770. 5Tong, M.,Johnson*, W. P.2007, “Colloid populationheterogeneitydriveshyper-exponentialdeviation fromclassicfiltrationtheory”,Environmental Science and Technology41(2),493-499. 4Tong, M.,Johnson*, W. P.2007, 2006,“Excesscolloidretention inporousmedia as afunction ofcolloidsize,fluidvelocity, andgrainangularity”,Environmental Science and Technology40(24),7725-7731. 3Johnson*, W. P.,Tong, M.2006,“Observed andsimulatedfluiddrageffects oncolloiddeposition in thepresence of anenergybarrier in animpingingjetsystem”,Environmental Science and Technology40 (16),5015-5021. 2Tong, M.,Camesano, T. A.,Johnson*, W. P.2005, “Spatialvariation indepositionratecoefficients of anadhesion-deficientbacterialstrain inquartzsand”,Environmental Science and Technology39(10),3679-3687. 1Tong, M.,Li, X.,Brow, C. N.,Johnson*, W. P.2005, “Detachment-influencedtransport of anadhesion-deficientbacterialstrain within water-reactiveporousmedia,Environmental Science and Technology39(8) 2500-2508.



