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最近五年,在國際主流期刊發表SCI論文近30篇,IEEE Trans長文5篇,IEEE論文近20篇,論文被SCI他引近100次,單篇文章被他引30多次。目前擔任《IEEE Transactions on MTT》、《IEEE Microwave and wireless components Letters》、《IET Microwave Antennas and Propagation》 等多個國際著名期刊以及會議的評審人。


[1]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀) and Q. xue, “Novel dual-mode dual-band filters using coplanar- waveguide-fed ring resonators,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.55. no.10, pp.2183-2190, Oct. 2007. (他引16次)
[2] X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀) and Q. Xue, “Novel centrally loaded resonators and their applications to bandpass filters,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.56. no.4, pp.913-921, Apr. 2008. (他引14次)
[3] X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀) and Q. Xue, “High-selectivity tunable bandpass filters with harmonic suppression,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.58. no.4, pp.964-969, Apr. 2010.
[4]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), Q. Xue, C. H. Chan and B. J. Hu, “Low-loss frequency-agile bandpass filters with controllable bandwidth and suppressed second harmonic,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.58. no.6, pp.1557-1564, Jun. 2010.
[5]G. L. Dai, X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), C. H. Chan, Q. Xue and M. Y. Xia, “An investigation of open- and short-ended resonators and their applications to bandpass filters,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,vol.57. no.9, pp.2203-2210, Sept. 2009.
[6]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), J.-X. Chen, Q. Xue and S.-M. Li, “Dual-band bandpass filters using stub-loaded resonators,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol.17. no.8, pp.583-585, Aug. 2007.(他引33次)
[7]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), J.-X. Chen and Q. Xue, “Broadband transition between double-sided parallel-strip line and coplanar waveguide,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol.17. no.2, pp.103-105, Feb. 2007.
[8]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), J. Shi, J.-X. Chen and Q. Xue, “Dual-band bandpass filter design using a novel feed scheme,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol.19. no.6, pp.350-352, Jun. 2009.
[9]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀) and Q. Xue, “Harmonic-suppressed bandpass filter based on discriminating coupling,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol.19. no.6, pp.695-697, Nov, 2009.
[10]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), Q. Xue, and B.-J. Hu “Planar tri-band bandpass filter with compact size,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol.20. no.5, pp.262-264, May. 2010.
[11]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), C. H. Chan,Q. Xue and B. J. Hu, “Dual-band bandpass filter with controllable bandwidth using two coupling paths,” Accepted for publication in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
[12]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), Q. Xue, B.-J. Hu and S.-L. Xie, “A wideband antenna with dual printed L-probes for cross-polarization suppression,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.5, pp.388-390, 2006.
[13]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), J.-X. Chen, J. Shi and Q. Xue, “High-selectivity dual-band bandpass filter using asymmetric stepped-impedance resonators,”Electronics Lett., vol.45. no.1, pp.63-64, Jan. 2009.
[14]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), J.-X. Chen and Q. Xue, “Compact bandpass filter using open-loop resonators with capacitive loading,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.49, no.1, pp.83-84, Jan 2007.
[15]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), Q. Xue and B.-J. Hu, “Compact bandpass filter using modified cmrc and double-sided parallel-strip line,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.49, no.3, pp.583-585, Mar. 2007.
[16]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), J.-L. Li and Q. Xue, “Novel bandpass filter with wide stopband using double-sided parallel-strip line,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.49, no.3, pp.722-724, Mar 2007.
[17]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), Q. Xue and B.-J. Hu, “Novel bandpass filter with size reduction and harmonic suppression,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.49, no.4, pp.914-916, Apr. 2007.
[18]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), J.-X. Chen and Q. Xue, “Novel dual-band filter using slotline and microstrip resonators,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.49, no.5, pp.1080-1081, May 2007.
[19]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), J. Shi, J.-X. Chen and Q. Xue, “Dual-mode dual-band bandpass filter based on double-sided parallel-strip line,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.51, no.5, pp.1361-1363, May. 2009.
[20]X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), S.-L. Xie, and B. J. Hu, “A novel feeding scheme for bandwidth enhancement of suspended planar antenna,” International Journal of Infrared and millimeter Waves, vol.28, no.3, pp.223-227, Mar. 2006.
[21]T. Yang, J.-X. Chen, X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀) and Q. Xue, “A dual-band out-of-phase power divider,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol.18. no.3, pp.188-190, Mar. 2008.
[22]Y. C. Li, X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀),and Q. Xue, “Bandpass filter using discriminating coupling for extended out-of-band suppression,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. vol.20. no.5, pp.369-371, May. 2010.
[23]J. Shi, X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), K. W. Lau, J.-X. Chen and Q. Xue, “Directional coupler with high directivity using metallic cylinders on microstrip line”, Electronics Lett., vol.45. no.8, pp.415-417, Apr. 2009.
[24]C. H. K. Chin, Q. Xue, H. Wong and X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀), “Broadband patch antenna with low cross-polarisation,” Electronics Lett., vol. 43, no.3, pp. 137-138, Feb. 2007.
[25]Q. Xue, X. Y. Zhang (章秀銀) and C. H. K. Chin, “A novel differential-fed patch antenna,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.5, pp.471-474, 2006.


