立圖亞灣(Lituya Bay)是一個位於美國阿拉斯加州的峽灣(58。633°N137。
567°W)長14,5千米,最寬處3。2千米寬。該灣在1786年由法國人Jean-François de La Pérouse發現並命名。有數條冰川流進此灣(較小的Cascade and Crillon glaciers 和較大的Lituya Glacier 等)立圖亞灣以其落差極大的潮汐聞名於世,它西邊的出海口很窄,當海水湧進便在灣內形成強勁的水流。歷史災難
難以置信的524米高。此次海嘯是由山泥傾瀉引起的。一場地震導致了該灣的南岸產生山體滑坡,大量的固體傾瀉進海產生了巨大的浪。巨浪毀壞了三艘漁船並造成二人死亡,也有一對父子僥倖生還。但當巨浪剛出外海,便迅速消失了。這是科學家首次有確鑿的證據來證實預想中的“超級海嘯( megatsunamis)”的存在,具有非比尋常的意義。立圖亞灣現是美國的冰川海灣國家公園和自然保護區。英文註解
Lituya Bay is a fjord located at 58.633, -137.567 in the U.S. state of Alaska. It is
14.5 km (9 mi) long and 3.2 km (2 mi) wide at its widest point. The bay was discovered in 1786 by Jean-François de La Pérouse, who named it Port des Français. 21 of his men perished in the tidal current in the bay. The smaller Cascade and Crillon glaciers and the larger Lituya Glacier all spill into Lituya Bay. The bay is famous for its extremely high tides. The entrance of the bay is very narrow, and the tides going into and out of the bay through the entrance also cause very treacherous currents. The same topography that leads to the heavy tidal currents also created the highest tsunami wave ever recorded anywhere in the world. An earthquake and landslide in Crillon Inlet at the head of the bay on July 10, 1958 generated a monstrous megatsunami 524 metres (1,719 ft) high, which stripped trees and soil from the opposite headland and consumed the entire bay, destroying three fishing boats anchored there and killing two people. By the time the wave reached the open sea, however, it dissipated quickly. This incident was the first evidence and eyewitness report of the existence of. Lituya Bay is a part of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve.