
(1) 具有核殼結構的導電高分子、金屬氧化物與碳納米管複合體系的研究。特別注重高有序納米結構和功能特性的調控和多功能集成。該複合體系在超級電容器、太陽能電池、光電納米器件、感測器等方面具有潛在的套用前景。就聚苯胺/碳納米管複合體系,作為超級電容器儲能材料,其最大比電容量可達560F/g。具有核殼結構複合體系的綜合性能明顯優異。
(2) 高彈高導的導電纖維的研究。這種新型導電纖維除了新賦予的優異的導電性能以外,還保留著有機纖維基體原有的力學性能,特別是纖維的柔順性和可編織性,可通過針織、機織編織成織物。這種導電纖維與織物除了具備傳統的抗靜電與電磁禁止功能特性外,還可用來製作纖維應力感測、氣體感測、液體感測、光、熱感測等多重回響感測器,並在金屬離子吸附、催化去污和能量存儲以及軍事偽裝等領域顯示出巨大的套用潛力。如聚氨酯基的柔性導電纖維的電導率比常見的抗靜電纖維高4~7個數量級。
(3) 生物可降解的固-固相變納米纖維材料的研究。通過一種綠色途徑將儲能單元接枝到剛性骨架上,開發出一種新型生物可降解的納米纖維儲能材料,具有儲能性能高與結構穩定的優點,在溫度調節及蓄熱保溫等領域有著廣泛的套用前景。
[1] Yi Zhou, Zong-Yi Qin, Li Li, Yu Zhang, Yu-Ling Wei, Ling-Feng Wang, Mei-Fang Zhu, Polyaniline/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites with core–shell structures as supercapacitor electrode materials, Electrochimica Acta 55: 3904–3908 (2010)
[2] Li Li, Zong-Yi Qin, Ling-Feng Wang, Hong-Jin Liu, Mei-Fang Zhu, Anchoring alpha-manganese oxide nanocrystallites on multi-walled carbon nanotubes as electrode materials for supercapacitor, J Nanopart Res 12: 2349–2353 (2010)
[3] Qing-Qing Fan, Zong-Yi Qin, Xia Liang, Li Li, Wen-Hua Wu, Mei-Fang Zhu, Reducing defects on multi-walled carbon nanotube surfaces induced by low-power ultrasonic-assisted hydrochloric acid treatment, Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, 5(4): 337–347 (2010)
[4] Guangzhao Zhai, Qingqing Fan, Yue Tang, Yu Zhang, Ding Pan, Zongyi Qin. Conductive composite films composed of polyaniline thin layers on microporous polyacrylonitrile surfaces. Thin Solid Films 519: 169–173 (2010)
[5] L. Li, Zong-Yi QIN, X. Liang, Q. Fan, Y. Lu, W. Wu, M. Zhu, Facile Fabrication of Uniform Core-Shell Structured Carbon Nanotube-Polyaniline Nanocomposites, J. Phys. Chem. C. 113: 5502–5507 (2009)
[6] Q. Liu, M. Zhu, W. Wu, Zong-Yi QIN, Reducing the formation of six-membered ring ester during thermal degradation of biodegradable PHBV to enhance its thermal stability, Polym. Degrad. Stab. 94: 18–24 (2009)
[7] L. Li, Zong-Yi QIN, Q. Fan, Y. Lu, M. Zhu, Y. Ding, Performance of hydrothermal fabricated manganese dioxide CNTs nanocomposites as electrodes material, Journal of Scientific Conference Proceedings, 1: 1–4 (2009)
[8] Y. Jiang, M. Zhu, B. Li, Y. Liu, Zong-Yi QIN, L. Chen, Y. Chen, Swelling Behavior of Poly(acrylamide)/Clay Nanocomposite Hydrogels in Acrylamide Aqueous Solution, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 112: 353–358 (2009)
[9] K.P. Shiu, Zong-Yi QIN, Z. Yang, Relaxation times and energy barriers of rubbing-induced birefringence in glass-forming polymers, Eur. Phys. J. E. 27: 413–420 (2008)
[10] C.C. Wong, Zong-Yi QIN, Z. Yang, The absence of physical-aging effects on the surface relaxations of rubbed polystyrene, Eur. Phys. J. E. 25: 291–298 (2008)
[11] C. Ma, W. Du, H. Chen, Z. Liu, Zong-Yi QIN, D. Pan, Influences of Nonsolvent and Temperature on Critical Viscoelastic Behaviors of Ternary Polyacrylonitrile Solutions Around the Sol-Gel Threshold, J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. 46: 2637–2643 (2008)
[12] C. Ma, W. Yan, L. Zhang, Zong-Yi QIN, P. Ding, Rheological behavior during thermotropic gelation of polyacrylonitrile concentrated solutions, J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. 15(s1): 122-125 (2008)
[1] Y Zhang, X Ren, K Zhang, Zong-Yi QIN, Influence of shell layer thickness on electrochemical process for polyaniline and polypyrrole coaxial nanofibers as supercapacitor electrode materials, The 9th China International Nanoscience and Technology Symposium, 2010, Xi'an.
[2] HY Yu, Z Zhou, SS Shan, N. Guo, MF Zhu, Zong-Yi QIN. Electrospun solid-solid phase change nanofibers of poly(ethylene glycol) grafted onto the surface of cellulose nanocrystals. The 9th China International Nanoscience and Technology Symposium, 2010, Xi'an.
[3] Z Zhou, HY Yu, Zong-Yi QIN. Study on the Preparation and Properties of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate)(PHBV)/Microcrystalline Cellulose and PHBV/Cellulose Nanocrystal Composites. The 9th China International Nanoscience and Technology Symposium, 2010, Xi'an.
[4] 范青青,張曉琳,丁永生,秦宗益,新型聚氨酯基導電纖維與織物研製及套用探討,第十一屆新型化纖原料在針織及其他相關行業套用技術研討會,2010,鄭州。
[5] Q Fan, Zong-Yi Qin, L Chen, J Gong, Y Tang, M Zhu, Preparation and sensing properties of novel polyurethane-carbon nanotube composite fibers, 10th European Symposium on Polymer Blends, 2010, Dresden, Germany.
[6] L. Wang, Zong-Yi QIN, L. Li, Y. Zhang, M. Zhu, Novel ternary composite consisting of multi-wallled carbon nanotubes and manganese dioxide nanorods dispersed in polyaniline matrix as supercapacitve material, International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer materials, ICAFPM, 2009, Shanghai.
[7] Y. Zhou, Zong-Yi QIN, H. Liu, Y. Wei, L. LI, M. Zhu, Conductive Polymer/ Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites with Core-Shell Structures: Preparation and Properties, International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer materials, ICAFPM, 2009, Shanghai.
[8] Y. Zhang, Zong-Yi QIN, Y. Wei, Y. Zhou, J. Ni, M. Zhu, Core-shell Nanostructured Polyaniline/Polypyrrole Composites as Electrode Materials for Supercapacitors, International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer materials, ICAFPM, 2009, Shanghai.
[9] Q. Fan, Zong-Yi QIN, C. Zhao, J. Gong, M. Zhu, L. Li, Y. Ding, Evaluation temperature and strain sensing properties of electrically conductive elastic fibres, International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer materials, ICAFPM, 2009, Shanghai.
[10] H. Liu, Zong-Yi QIN, Y. Zhou, L. Li, M. Zhu, Effect of Core-Shell Heterostructure on the Optical and Electrochemical Properties for Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) Wrapped Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes, International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer materials, ICAFPM, 2009, Shanghai.
[11] G. Zhai, Zong-Yi QIN, H. Li, H. Chen, D. Pan, Flexible conducting polyaniline/polyacrylonitrile composite films, International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer materials, ICAFPM, 2009, Shanghai.
[12] L. Li, Zong-Yi Qin, Q. Fan, Y. Lu, M. Zhu, Y. Ding, Performance of hydrothermal fabricated manganese dioxide CNTs nanocomposites as electrodes material, 7th China international conference on nanoscience and technology, 2008,Wuhan, China
[13] 范青青,秦宗益,朱美芳,李龍飛,丁永生,高電導與高彈性碳納米管表面複合聚氨酯導電纖維,2008 年上海納米科技與產業發展研討會,上海.
[14] 周毅,秦宗益,朱美芳,聚苯胺/多壁碳納米管核殼結構中的聚苯胺摻雜效應,2008 年上海納米科技與產業發展研討會,上海。
[15] 王凌鳳,秦宗益,李立,朱美芳,採用水熱法合成MnO2納米棒/多壁納米管複合材料及其超電容特性研究, 2008 年上海納米科技與產業發展研討會,上海。
[16] 魏玉玲,秦宗益,陸亞清,朱美芳,界面聚合製備聚苯胺納米纖維,2008 年上海納米科技與產業發展研討會,上海。
[16] 鈕曉鳴,放大看納米――2008 年上海納米科技與產業發展研討會論文選, 魏玉玲,秦宗益,陸亞清,朱美芳, 界面聚合製備聚苯胺納米纖維,上海大學出版社(2009)
[1] 秦宗益,范青青,武永淘,張曉琳,蔡雅萌,一種彈性導電複合纖維及其製備方法,申請號:201110009585.X
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曾在香港科技大學物理系楊志宇教授(Jason Yang)課題組從事過科研工作,目前仍與楊教授保持密切聯繫和合作意向。