




Real Sniper 真正的狙擊手是一款很有意思的遊戲,你可以通過攝像頭來瞄準"壞人",然後給予致命一擊! 與此版本,報告所有錯誤已修復 “簡單的樂趣!這不是一場偉大的比賽,如果你讓這種方式。學會運用你的想像力,它是作為地獄的樂趣!” - AppStore的評論美國 “偉大的應用程式,它有一個很好的重灌系統和非常逼真的範圍。” - AppStore的評論荷蘭 不像其他的狙擊遊戲,這其中有能力讓你在現實生活中的鷸! (當然,不會有任何真正飛來的子彈從iPhone,但我們正在努力;)) 你輕撥電話向你,你會聽到的狙擊重裝美妙的聲音。現在,你是好去。宗旨的東西,然後打的消防按鈕。 特點 - 真正的狙擊手與iPhone相機 - 重裝和拍攝時的感覺真棒 - 夜視模式 - 熱夜視模式 - 振動 - 放大你的目標 - 使用消音器 - 快速輕彈重載使用內建的加速度計(真的很有趣) - 冷靜的聲音效果 有一個愉快的一天! All bugs reported have been fixed with this version "Its simple fun! This isn't a great game if you make it that way. Learn to use your imagination and it's fun as hell!" - Appstore Review USA "Great App! It has a nice reload system and very realistic scopes." - Appstore Review Netherlands Unlike the other sniper games, this one has the capability to let you snipe in real life! (Of course, there won't be any real bullets flying our from the iPhone, but we're working on that ;) ) You flick the phone towards you, and you will hear the wonderful sound of the sniper reloading. Now you're good to go. Aim at something and then hit the fire button. FEATURES - Real sniper with the iPhone camera - Awesome feeling when reloading and shooting - Night vision mode - Thermal vision mode - Vibration - Zoom in on your target - Use the silencer - Quick flick to reload using the build in accelerometer (that's really fun) - cool sound effects Have a nice day!




