
1986年獲四川農業大學碩士學位,後留校任四川農業大學講師;1993年獲瑞典農業科學大學博士學位;1994年12月獲該校Associate Professor職稱。1996年1月晉升為中國科學院植物研究所研究員。1994年8月-2000年11月任國際水稻研究所(International Rice Research Institute, IRRI)種質資源專家(高級研究員)。
迄今已著英文專著1部,參加編寫英文專著5部,發表論文160餘篇,其中71篇被SCI期刊收錄,SCI論文被Nature Review Genetics, Science, Genetics, Molecular Ecology, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Trends in Plant Science, Systematic Evolution等雜誌他人引用200次,單篇引用最高次數為60多次;中文論文被《萬方數位化期刊》資料庫收錄23篇,被引用100多次。獲國家發明專利2項。
曾榮獲2005年國家發明二等獎,2000年國家自然科學二等獎,1999四川省科技進步一等獎,1999年美國Agricultural Communicator in Education (ACE)“圖書金獎”,和1994年“中國科學院王寬誠科研獎金”。為2001年國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者。分別被英國劍橋國際名人傳記中心、美國際名人傳記中心和亞洲名人傳記中心收錄。2016年6月12日,盧寶榮當選第五屆農業轉基因生物安全委員會委員。
1. Lu, B. R., Yen, C., Yang, J. L. and Flink, J., 1989. Cytogenetic Studies of the hybrid between Psathyrostachys juncea and P. huashanica (Poaceae). Nord. J. Bot. 9: 11-14. (SCI)
2. Lu, B. R. and Bothmer, R. von, 1989. Cytological studies of a dihaploid and hybrid from intergeneric cross Elymus shandongensis ? Triticum aestivum. Hereditas 111: 231-238. (SCI)
3. Lu, B. R., Salomon, B. and Bothmer, R. von, 1990. Cytogenetic studies of progenies from the intergeneric crosses Elymus ? Hordeum and Elymus ? Secale. Genome 33: 425-432. (SCI)
4. Lu, B. R. and Bothmer, R. von, 1990. Intergeneric hybridization between Hordeum and Asiatic Elymus. Hereditas 112: 109-116. (SCI)
5. Lu, B. R. and Bothmer, R. von, 1990. Genomic constitution of Elymus parviglume and E. pseudonutans in the tribe Triticeae (Poaceae). Hereditas 113: 109-119. (SCI)
6. Lu, B. R. 1991. Intergeneric crosses of Psathyrostachys huashanica with Elymus spp. and cytogenetic studies of the hybrids with E. tsukushiensis: Triticeae (Poaceae). Nord. J. Bot. 11: 27-32. (SCI)
7. Lu, B. R., Salomon, B. and Bothmer, R. von, 1991. Meiotic studies of the hybrids among Pseudoroegneria cognata, Elymus semicostatus and E. pendulinus (Poaceae). Hereditas 114: 117-124. (SCI)
8. Lu, B. R. and Bothmer, R. von, 1991. Cytogenetic studies of the intergeneric hybrids between Secale cereale and Elymus caninus, E. brevipes , E. tsukushiensis (Triticeae: Poaceae). Theor. Appl. Genet. 81: 524-532. (SCI)
9. Lu, B. R. and Bothmer, R. von, 1991. Production and cytogenetic analysis of the intergeneric hybrids between nine Elymus species and common wheat (Tritium aestivum L.). Euphytica 58: 81-95. (SCI)
10. Lu, B. R. 1992. Dihaploids of Elymus from the interspecific crosses E. dolichatherus ? E. tibeticus and E. brevipes ? E. panormitanus. Theor. Appl. Genet. 83: 997-1002 (SCI).
11. Lu, B. R. and Salomon, B., 1992. Differentiation of the SY genomes in Asiatic Elymus. Heredidas 116: 121-126. (SCI) 12. Lu, B. R. and Bothmer R. von, 1992. Interspecific hybridization with Elymus himalayanus and E. schrenkianus, and other Elymus species (Triticeae: Poaceae). Genome 35: 230-237. (SCI)
13. Salomon B. and Lu B. R., 1992. Genomic groups, morphology, and sectional delimitation in Eurasian Elymus (Poaceae: Triticeae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 180: 1-13. (SCI)
14. Lu, B. R. 1993. Cytological studies of F1 hybrids and a dihaploid from the interspecific cross E. anthosachnoides ? E. abolinii (Triticeae, Poaceae). Hereditas 118: 7-14. (SCI)
15. Lu, B. R. 1993. Meiotic study of Elymus nutans and E. jacquemontii (Poaceae : Triticeae) and their hybrids with Pseoduroegneria spicata and 17 Elymus species. Pl. Syst. Evol. 186: 193-212. (SCI)
16. Lu, B. R. and Salomon, B., 1993. Two new Tibetan species of Elymus (Poaceae: Triticeae) and their genomic relationships. Nord. J. Bot. 13: 353-367. (SCI)
17. Lu, B. R. and Salomon, B., 1993. Genomic relationships among the Elymus parviglumis, E. semicostatus, and E. tibeticus groups (Triticeae: Poaceae). Genetica 90: 47-60. (SCI)
18. Lu, B. R, Jensen, K. B. and Salomon, B., 1993. Biosystematic study of hexaploids Elymus tschimganicus and E. glaucissimus. II. Interspecific hybridization and genomic relationships. Genome 36: 1157-1168. (SCI)
19. Lu, B. R. and Bothmer, R. von, 1993. Meiotic analysis of Elymus caucasicus, E. longearistatus, and their interspecific hybrids with twenty-three Elymus species: Triticeae (Poaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 185: 35-53. (SCI)
20. Lu, B. R. and Bothmer, R. von, 1993. Genomic constitutions of four Chinese endemic Elymus species: E. brevipes, E. yangii, E. anthosachnoides, and E. altissimus (Triticeae, Poaceae). Genome 36: 863-876. (SCI)
21. Lu, B. R. 1993. Genomic relationships within the Elymus parviglumis group (Triticeae: Poaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 187: 191-211. (SCI)
22. Bothmer, R. von, Lu, B. R. and Linde-Laursen, I., 1994. Intergeneric hybridization and C-banding patterns in Hordelymus (Triticeae: Poaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 189: 259-266. (SCI)
23. Jensen, K. B., Liu, Z. W., Lu, B. R. and Salomon, B., 1994. Biosystematic study of hexaploids Elymus tschimganicus and E. glaucissimus. I. Morphology and genomic constitution. Chromosome Research 2: 209-215. (SCI)
24. Salomon, B. and Lu, B. R. 1994. Interspecific hybridization among Elymus semicostatus and Elymus tibeticus groups (Poaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 189: 1-13. (SCI)
25. Salomon, B. and Lu, B. R., 1994. Genomic relationship between species of the Elymus semicostatus group and Elymus sensu lato (Poaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 191: 199-211. (SCI)
26. Lu, B. R. 1995. Morphological identification of Elymus sibiricus, E. nutans, and E. burchan-buddae, and their genomic relationships. Acta Phyto. Sinica 32 (6): 504-513. 27. Lu, B. R. 1995. Taxonomy and morphology of the Elymus parviglumis group (Triticeae: Poaceae). Nord. J. Bot. 15: 3-37. (SCI)
28. Lu, B. R., Salomon, B. and Bothmer, R. von, 1995. Interspecific hybridizations with Elymus confusus and E. dolichatherus, and their genomic relationships (Poaceae: Triticeae). Pl. Syst. & Evol. 197 (1-4): 1-19. (SCI)
29. Naredo, M. E., A. Juliao, Lu, B. R. and Jackson, M. T., 1997. Hybridization of AA genome rice species from Asia and Australia. I. Crosses and development of hybrids. Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution 44: 17-24. (SCI)
30. Lu, B. R., Naredo, M. E., Juliao, A. and Jackson, M. T., 1997. Hybridization of AA genome rice species from Asia and Australia. II. Meiotic analysis of Oryza meridionalis and its hybrids. Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution 44: 25-31. (SCI)
31. Martin, C, Juliano, A., Newbury, H. J., Lu, B. R., Jackson, M. T. and Ford-Lloid, B. V., 1997. The use of RAPD markers to facilitate the identification of Oryza species within a germplasm collection. Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution 44: 175-183. (SCI)
32. Naredo, M. E., Juliao, A., Lu, B. R. and Jackson, M. T., 1998. Taxonomic status of Oryza glumaepatula Steud., a diploid wild rice species from the New World. II. Hybridization among South American, Asian, and Australian AA genome species. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 45: 205-214. (SCI)
33. Lu, B. R., M. E. Naredo, Juliao, A. and Jackson. M. T., 1998. Taxonomic status of Oryza glumaepatula Steud., a diploid wild rice species from the New World. III. Assessment of genomic affinity among rice taxa from South America, Asia and Australia. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 45: 215-223. (SCI)
34. Naredo, M. E. B., Juliao, A., Lu, B. R., de Guzman, F. and Jackson, M. T., 1999. Responses to seed-dormancy breaking treatments in rice species (Oryza L.). Seed Science & Technology 26: 675-689. (SCI)
35. Ge, S., Sang, T., Lu, B. R., and D. Y. Hong. 1999. Phylogeny of rice genomes with emphasis on origins of allotetraploid species. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 96: 14400-14405. (SCI)
36. Gong, Y. P., Borromeo, T. and Lu, B. R. 2000. Biosystematics of the Oryza meyeriana complex (Oryza L.; Poaceae). Pl. Syst. & Evol. 224: 139-151. (SCI)
37. Li, C. B., Zhang, D. M., Ge, S., Lu, B. R., Hong, D. Y., 2000. Detection of differentiation among BB, CC and EE genomes in the genus Oryza by two-probe genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Acta Bot. Sinica 42 (9): 988-990. (SCI)
38. Li, C. B., Zhang, D. M., Ge, S., Lu, B. R., Hong, D. Y. 2001. Differentiation and inter-genomic relationships among C, E and D genomes in the Oryza officinalis complex (Poaceae) as revealed by multicolor genomic in situ hybridization Theor. Appl. Genet. 103: 197-203. (SCI 2.44) 39. Li, C. B., Zhang, D. M., Ge, S, Lu, B. R., Hong, D. Y. 2001. Identification of genome constitution of Oryza malampuzhaensis, O. minuta, and O. punctata by multicolor genomic in situ hybridization Theor. Appl. Genet. 103: 204-211. (SCI 2.44) 40. Ge, S., Sang, T., Lu, B. R., and D. Y. Hong. 2001. Rapid and reliable identification of rice genomes by RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified Adh genes. Genome 44: 1136-1142. (SCI 1.71) 41. Song, Z. P, Lu, B. R., Zhu, Y. G., Chen, J. K. 2002. Pollen competition between cultivated and wild rice species (Oryza sativa and O. rufipogon). New Phytologist, 253: 289-296. (SCI)
42. Cheng, Z., Lu, B. R., Baldwin, B. S., Sameshima, K. and Chen, J. K., 2001. Comparative studies of genetic diversity in kenaf varieties based on analysis of agronomic and RAPD data. Heretidas 136: 231-239. (SCI)
43. Lu, B.-R., Zheng, K. L., Qian, H. R., and Zhuang, J.Y.2002. Genetic differentiation of wild relatives of rice as referred by the RFLP analysis. Theor Appl Genet. 106: 101-106. (SCI)
44. Ge, S., Li, A., Lu, B.-R., Sang, T., Zhang, S. Z., Hong D. Y., 2002. A phylogeny of the rice tribe Oryzaeae based on matK sequence data. Amer J Bot 89(12): 1967-1972. (SCI)
45. Lu, B.-R., Song, Z. P. and Chen, J. K., 2003. Can transgenic rice cause ecological risks through transgene escape? Progress in Natural Science 13: 17-24. (SCI)
46. Zhu Y. Y., Wang, Y. Y, Chen, H. R., Lu, B.-R., 2003. Conserving traditional rice through biodiversity management. BioScience 53: 158-162 (SCI)
47. Xu, C. Y., Zhang, W. J., Fu, C. Z., Lu, B.-R., 2003. Genetic diversity of alligator weed in China by RAPD analysis. 12 (4): Biodiversity and Conservation 637-645 (SCI)
48. Song, Z. P., Lu B.-R., Zhu Y. G., Chen J. K., 2003. Gene flow from cultivated rice to the wild species Oryza rufipogon under experimental field conditions. New Phytologisty 157: 67-665 (SCI)
49. Lu, B.-R., 2003. Transgene containment by molecular means-is it possible and cost effective? Environ. Biosafety Res. 2: 3-8. 50. Naredo, M. E. B., Juliano, A. B., Lu, B.-R., Jackson M. T. 2003. The taxonomic status of the wild rice species Oryza ridleyi Hook. f. and O. longiglumis Jansen (Ser. Ridleyanae Sharma et Shastry) from Southeast Asia. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 50 (5): 477-488 (SCI ) 51. Jin, Y., He, T. H., Lu, B.-R., 2003. Fine scale genetic structure in wild soybean population (Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc.) and the implication for conservation. New Phytologisty 159: 513-519 (SCI)
52. Sana, E. A., Hernandez, J. E., Borromeo, T. H., Lu, B. R., Hussain, J. 2003. Characterization of the natural hybrid between two wild rice species (Oryza minuta Presl. and Oryza officinalis well ex. watt). Philippine Agric. Scientist. 86 (2): 109-116 (SCI)
53. Jin, Y., Zhang W. J., Fu D. X., Lu B.-R., 2003. Sampling strategy within a wild soybean population based on its genetic variation detected by ISSR markers. Acta Bot. Sinica 45: 995-1002 (SCI)
54. Song, Z. P., Xu, X., Wang, B. Chen, J. K. Lu, B.-R., 2003. Genetic diversity in the northernmost Oryza rufipogon populations estimated by SSR markers. Theor Appl Genet 107(8): 1492-1499 (SCI)
55. Yang W. Y., Yu Y., Zhang Y., Hu X. R., Wang, Y, Zhou, Y. C., Lu, B.-R., 2003. Inheritance and expression of the stripe rust resistance in common wheat (Triticum aestivum) transferred from Aegilops tauschii and its utilization. Hereditas 139: 49-55 (SCI)
56. Ren F. G., Lu B.-R., Li S. G., Huang J. Y. Zhu Y. G. 2003. A comparative study of genetic relationships among the AA-genome Oryza species using RAPD and SSR markers. Theor Appl Genet 108(1): 113 - 120 (SCI)
57. Chen L. J., Lee D. S., Song Z. P., Suh H. S., Lu B.-R. 2004. Gene flow from cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) to its weedy and wild relatives. Annals of Botany 93: 67-73. (SCI)
58. Song, Z. P., Lu B.-R., Chen J. K., 2004. Pollen flow of cultivated rice measured under experimental conditions. Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 579-590. (SCI)
59. Song, Z. P., Lu, B.-R., Wang, B., Chen, J. K. 2004. Fitness estimation through performance comparison of F1 hybrids with their parental species Oryza rufipogon and O. sativa. Annals of Botany 93: 311-316 (SCI)
60. Cheng, Z., Lu, B.-R., Sameshima, K. and Chen, J.-K. 2003. Identification and genetic relationships of kenaf germplasm revealed by AFLP analysis. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 51: 393-401 (SCI)
61. Rong, J., Xia, H., Zhu, Y. Y., Wang, Y. Y., Lu, B.-R. 2004. Asymmetric gene flow between traditional and hybrid rice varieties (Oryza sativa) estimated by nuclear SSRs and its implication in germplasm conservation. New Phytologist 163 : 439-445 (SCI)
62. Zhu, M. Y., Wang, Y. Y., Zhu, Y. Y., Lu B.-R., 2004. Estimating genetic diversity of rice landraces from Yunnan by SSR assay and its implication for conservation. Botanica Sinica 46 (12): 1458-1467 (SCI)
63. Lu, B.-R., 2004. Conserving biodiversity of soybean gene pool in the biotechnology era. Plant Species Biology 19: 115-125. 64. Lu, C. M., Yang, W. Y., Zhang, W. J., Lu, B.-R., 2005. Development of allelic specific PCR markers for the high molecular weight glutenin subunit Dxt1.5 from Aegilops tauschii through sequence characterization. Journal of Cereal Science 41: 13-18 (SCI)
65. Bao, Y., Lu, B.-R., Ge, S. 2005. Identification of genomic constitutions of Oryza species with the B and C genomes by the PCR-RFLP method. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 52: 69-76. (SCI)