

1995.09-1999.07 吉林大學 化學系 本科。

1999.09-2004.07 吉林大學 理論化學研究所 博士。

2004.12-2006.10 以色列希伯來大學 博士後。

2006.10-2008.07 德國柏林 Fritz-Haber-Institute 洪堡學者。

2008.11-2009.10 日本 北海道大學 JSPS訪問學者。

2008.10-至今 哈爾濱工業大學 基礎與交叉科學研究院 教授。

2009.05-至今 哈爾濱工業大學 基礎與交叉科學研究院 博士生導師。








1. Sheng,L. and Gerber,R. B. “Predicted stability and structure of (HXeCCH)n (n=2 or 4) clusters and of crystalline HXeCCH” Journal of Chemical Physics 126,021108 (2007).

2. Sheng,L.,Cohen,A.,and Gerber,R. B. “Theoretical Prediction of Chemically Bound Compounds Made of Argon and Hydrocarbons” Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128 (22),7156-7157 (2006).

3. Sheng,L. and Gerber,R. B. “Stability and structure of oligomers and polymers made of xenon and hydrocarbons: Theoretical predictions” Journal of Chemical Physics 125,201101 (2006).

4. Sheng,L. and Gerber,R. B. “High coordination chemically bound compounds of noble gases with hydrocarbons: Ng(CCH)4 and Ng(CCH)6,(Ng=Xe or Kr)” Journal of Chemical Physics 124,231103 (2006).

5. Sheng,L.,Li,Z.,Liu,J.,Xiao,J. and Sun,C. (2004): Theoretical Study on the Rate Constants for the C2H5 + HBr → C2H6 + Br Reaction. Journal of Computational chemistry. 25(3),423-428.

6. Sheng,L.,Li,Z.,Liu,J.,Xiao,J. and Sun,C. (2004): Ab Initio Direct Dynamics Studies on the Reaction of H Atom with CH3CH2Cl. Journal of Computational chemistry. 25 (1),72-82.

7. Sheng,L.,Li,Z.,Liu,J.,Xiao,J. and Sun,C. (2003): Ab Initio Direct Dynamics Studies on the Reactions of H Atoms with CH3Cl and CH3Br. Journal of Chemical Physics 118 (11),4920-4928.

8. Sheng,L.,Li,Z.,Liu,J.,Xiao,J. and Sun,C. (2003): Computational Study of the Rate Constants and Kinetic Isotope Effects for the CH3 + HBr  CH4 + Br Reaction. Journal of Chemical Physics 119 (20),10585-10590.

9. Sheng,L.,Li,Z.,Liu,J.,Xiao,J. and Sun,C. (2003): Theoretical study of the hydrogen-abstraction reaction of CHnCl3-n + HBr with n=1,2. Chemical Physics. 286 (2-3),219-225.

10. Sheng,L.,Li,Z.,Liu,J.,Xiao,J. and Sun,C. (2002): Ab Initio Direct Dynamics Studies on the Reactions of H Atoms with CCl4 and CHCl3. Journal of Physical chemistry A,106 (51),12292-12298.

11. Sheng,L.,Li,J.,Xiao,Z.,Liu,J. and Sun,C. (2002): Direct ab initio dynamics studies on hydrogen-abstraction reactions of 1,1,1-trifluoroethane with hydroxyl radical. Chemical Physics. 282 (1),1-8.


