


基本信息(Basic Information)

NameDoudou Bi
DepartmentTourism Mnagement

研究領域(Field of Research)

Tertiary Industry Economics and Management / Producer Service/ Recreational and Entertaining Service

主授課程(Courses offered)

Tourism Introduction / Recreational and Entertaining Industry Management


2002-2005, Ph.D. of Business Administration, Business School, Sun Yat-sen University
1999-2002, Master of Science in Management Studies, Business School, Hubei University
1995-1999, Bachelor of Management Studies, Tourist Department, Hubei University


01/2006 –up to the Present
Schoolof Economics and Commerce, South China University of Technology

科研項目(Research projects)


Research on the Growth of Service Sector and the New Trend for Service Management (Key Cultural and Social Science Research Program in Universities in Guangdong Province, No. 04ZD63001, 2005-2006)
Research Project on Services Economy and Management("985 Project"—Research and Innovation Base for Industrial and Regional Development, No. 105203200400010, 2005-2006)
●2005 -2008年,參加國家社會科學基金項目:三次產業結構演變與服務經濟前沿問題研究(05BJL015)。
Research on Three Industrial Structural Changes and Front Edge Questions in Service Economy (Funded by National Social Science Fund, No. 05BJL015, 2005-2008)
Research on Marketing Strategy of China and East Alliance(Social Science Research Program of South China University of Technology , 2005-2007)
Research on Producer Service Industry Development Strategy during Reform Period of Manufacturing (Key Program in macro-economic Research Institution of National Development & Reform Committee, 2006)
●2006 -2008年,參加廣東省哲學社會科學“十一五”規劃基金項目《廣東休閒服務業發展趨勢與戰略研究》(06E01)。
Research on the Trend and Development Strategy Recreational and Entertaining service industry of Guangdong Province(Social Science Program in Guangdong Province for the eleventh Five-year Plan, No. 06E01, 2006-2008)
Research on the Development Strategy of Guangzhou City and 2010 Asia Games (Social Science Research Program of Guangzhou City , 2006-2008)
Research on the Theory and demonstration for Occupational athletics Production System (Funded by National Sports Bureau, 2008-2010)
Research on the Process and Mechanism of the Service Industrial Location in Metropolitan Area under the Influence of Information Technology----A Case study in Guangzhou(Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 40801053, 2008-2011)


Research for the overall tourism development planning for the National East Lake Scenic Spot (1999-2000)
Research for overall planning for tourism development in Anlu City, Hubei Province (2000)
Research for overall planning for developing tourism in Dawu County, Hubei Province (2001)
●2003 -2004年,參加廣東省發展和改革委員會委託項目《廣東省服務業發展政策研究》。
Research on Policies for Services Industry Development in Guangdong Province(A Project Sponsored by the Committee of Development and Reform of Guangdong Provincial People’s Government , 2003-2004)
Planning for Service Industry Development in Huangpu Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province (2004)
Feasibility Research on Jiulian Mountain Tourism Planning, Lianping County, Guangdong Province (2006)
Conception Tourism Planning of Tong’an Theme Park(A Project Sponsored by the Xiamen Tourism Administration, 2006)

著作論文(Major Publications)


Research on Tourism Marketing, ShantouUniversityPress, September 2003.
Research on Producer Service Development, Economic Science Press, 2009.


Tourism Safety, Science Press, September 2000
Theory, Methodology and Case Study of Exhibition Industry Management, Higher Education Press, April 2003
Case Study of Tourism Planning, NankaiUniversityPress, October 2003
Development and Reform Research of Guangdong Province, ChinaPrice Press, January 2005.
Career planning and competency training, Tsinghua Press, 2008.
Recreational and Entertaining Service,China Science Technology Press, 2009.


Problems and Solutions of Tourism Education and Training in China, Academic Journal of Adult Education School, HubeiUniversity, Issue No. 5 Year 2001
Brief Study on Tourist Resort Development Pattern in China, Anti-poverty and Become Rich, Issue No. 12, Year 2001
Research on Development Pattern of Tourist Resort in China, Planning and Market, Issue No. 3, Year 2002
Analysis on Orientation and Solutions for Tourism Development in Heyuan City, GuangdongDevelopment Herald, Issue No. 2, Year 2003
Thermal Spring and Development of Thermal Spring Related Tourist Industry in GuangdongProvince, GuangzhouUniversityJournal, Issue No. 10, Year 2003
Analysis on Development Trend of Hotel Industry, Hotel World, Issue No. 2, Year 2004
Selection of Key Sectors in the Development of Services Industries in GuangdongProvince,Southern Economy, Issue No. 5, Year 2004
Comment of Researches on Foreign Producer Services Industry, Foreign Economy and Management, Issue No. 11, Year 2004
Forecast on Regional Cooperation in Producer Services of Pan-Pearl River Delta Area,Contemporary Economic Management,Issue No. 5, Year 2005.
●廣東旅遊業的發展:地位、特點與影響,EAI working papers, East Asian Institute,東亞論文第48期,2005年5月25日。
Tourism Development in Guangdong Province,EAI working papers, No.48, East Asian Institute,May 2005.
Analysis on the Promotion of Employment by Tourism Development in China, Commercial Economics Review,Issue No. 6, Year 2005.
●Tourism Development in Guangdong Province,EAI working papers, No.131, East Asian Institute,August 2006。
Relationship between Producer Services Development and Manufacturing s Competence in China During Transition Period——An Empirical Research Based on Panel Data, China Industrial Economy,Issue No. 9, Year 2006
Bidirectional Interaction between Producer Services and Manufacturing Industries:A literature Review,EconomicsIssue No. 6, Year 2006
Recreational Business District (RBD) in China: a Literature Review, Contemporary Economy & Management,Issue No. 4, Year 2007
A Review of the Study on Urban Commercial Location in China since the 1980s,Tropical Geography,Issue No. 5, Year 2007
The Industry Composing Feature and Trend of International Metropolis, Urban Issue, Issue No. 12, Year 2007
Analysis on Practice Teaching of Tourism Specialty Course, South China Researches in Higher Engineering Education, Issue No. 2, Year 2007
Review on the Service Industrial Classification at Home and Abroad,International Economics
and Trade Research, Issue No. 1, Year 2008.
Research Review on the Location of Distribution Service in Western Countries, Commercial Research,Issue No.4, Year 2008.
Review on the Policy of Producer Service in New Industrialized Countries and Regions and its Enlightenment, International Economics and Trade Research,Issue No. 4, Year 2008.
Review on Recent Policies for Producer Service Industry in Developed Countries and revelation for China,Productivity Research, Issue No. 11, Year 2008.


Selection of Key Sectors in the Development of Services Industries in GuangdongProvince,Southern Economy, Issue No. 5, Year 2004, won 3Tichuanliangyi’s Graduate Student thesis Award.
● 2003~2004年度中山大學優秀研究生獎學金。
Scholarship for Excellence Postgraduate Student 2003-2004.
● 生產服務業是重頭戲,2005年獲“廣東省服務業發展大家談”(廣東省第三產業研究會、中山大學中國第三產業研究中心和羊城晚報社主辦)活動論文優秀獎。
Influence of producer service to Guangdong Province, YangChen Daily, 16 June 2005, won Society for Research on Service Sector in GuangdongProvince Excellence Thesis Award.
Selection of Key Sectors in the Development of Services Industries in GuangdongProvince, One Main Part of Research on Policies for Services Industry Development in Guangdong Province(A Project Sponsored by the Committee of Development and Reform of Guangdong Provincial People’s Government , 2003-2004), won 2 GuangdongGovernment Investigation and Study Report Award
Analysis on Influence of Asia Games to Sports Tourism,Guangzhou Daily, 1 February 2005, won 3Award of Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau Proseminar.

社會兼職(Social Appointments)

Assistant Researcher, China Service Sector Research Center (CCSSR) of Sun Yat-sen University(2002-2004).
●2003年,擔任廣東省政府國際諮詢會聘請“洋顧問” 的翻譯工作。
interpreter and Translator, 2003 International Consultative Conference on Economic Development in GuangdongProvince,Hosted by Guangdong People’s Government(2003).
Contributing Researcher of China Center for Service Sector Research, Sun Yat-sen University and
Executive member of the council of Society for Research on Service Sector in GuangdongProvince(10/2005 –up to the Present)



