


先後參加完成了稀土國家“六·五”重點科技攻關項目和“八·五”重點科技攻關項目及國家自然科學基金項目等6項目國家級科研項目,省級科技項目20餘項。獲省部級科學獎勵3項,發表論文100多篇,其中SCI收錄16篇,在科學出版社出版《風化殼淋積型稀土礦化工冶金》專著,在美國出版“Weathered Crust Elution-Deposited Rare Earth Ores”專著。










[1] Tian Jun, Tang Xuekun, Yin Jingqun, Chen Ji, Luo Xianping, Rao Guohua.Enhance leachability of a lean weathered crust elution deposited rare earth ore: effects of sesbania gum filter-aid reagent,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science

[2] Tian Jun, Yin Jingqun, Tang Xuekun, Chen Ji, Luo Xianping, Rao Guohua. Enhanced leaching process of a low-grade weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore with carboxymethyl sesbania gum. Hydrometallurgy

[3] Tian Jun,Tang Xuekun, Yin Jingqun, Luo Xianping, Rao Guohua, Jiang Mintao. Process opitimisation on leaching of a lean weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ores.International Journal of Mineral Processing

[4] Tian J, Yin J, Chen K, Rao G, Jiang M, Chi R. Extraction Rare Earths from the Leach Liquid of the Weathered Crust Elution-deposited Rrare Earth Ore with Non-precipitation [J]. Int J Miner Process

[5] Tian J, Yin J, Chen K, Rao G, Jiang M, Chi R. Optimisation of mass transfer in column elution of rare earths from low grade weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore [J]. Hydrometallurgy

[6] Tian J, Chi R, Yin J. Leaching process of rare earths from weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ore [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society ofChina

[7] Tian J, Yin J, Chi R, Rao G, Jiang M, Ouyang K. Kinetics on leaching rare earth from the weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ores with ammonium sulfate solution [J]. Hydrometallurgy

[8] Chi R, Tian J, Li Z, Peng C, Wu Y, Li S, Wang C, Zhou Z. Existing State and Partitioning of Rare Earth on Weathered Ores [J]. Journal of Rare Earths

[9] Tian J, Chi R, Zhu G, Xu S, Qiu X, Zhang Z. Leaching hydrodynamics of weathered elution-deposited rare earth ore [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society ofChina

[10]田 君, 尹敬群, 諶開紅. 硫化-石膏法處理銅冶煉廢水工藝研究[J].濕法冶金

[11]田 君, 尹敬群, 諶開紅, 饒國華, 江民濤. 風化殼淋積型稀土礦浸出液沉澱浮選溶液化學分析[J]. 稀土

[12]田 君, 朱百鳴, 尹敬群. 稀土催化劣質燃煤燃燒動力學研究 [J]. 稀土

[13]田 君, 尹敬群, 歐陽克氙, 姚慧琴. 固相配位化學合成稀土有機轉光劑 [J]. 江西科學

[14]田 君, 趙慶芳, 尹敬群, 蔡恆亮, 陳曙生, 程榮輝. 用環烷酸石油亞碸從混合氯化稀土溶液中萃取分離釔 [J]. 濕法冶金

[15]田 君, 尹敬群. 稀土紫外螢光防偽油墨的製備[J]. 精細化工

[16]田 君, 諶開紅, 尹敬群, 李新生. 稀土複合催化廢聚酯醇解製取增塑劑對苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOTP)工藝研究 [J]. 精細石油化工


