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[19] Jin Sheng Hong, Jun Tian*. The influence of chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity on psychological distress and sleep disturbance in cancer patients. Current-Oncology 2014; 21(4):174-180 (SCI)

[20] Jun Tian, Jin Sheng Hong. Assessment the relationship between resilience and quality of life in patients with digestive cancer. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2014; 20(48):18439-18444

[21] Jun Tian, Gui Lin Chen, Hai Rong Zhang. Sleep status of cervical cancer patients and predictors of poor sleep quality during chemotherapy/radiotherapy. Supportive Care in Cancer 2015; 23(5):1401-1408. (SCI)

[22] Jin Sheng Hong, Jun Tian*, Qiu Feng Han, Qian Yu Ni. Quality of life of nasopharyngeal cancer survivors in China. Current-Oncology 2015; 22(3):e142-e147 (SCI)

[23] J. Tian, L.N Jia, Z.C. Cheng. Relationships between patient knowledge and the severity of side effects, daily nutrient intake, psychological status, and performance status in lung cancer patients. Current-Oncology 2015; 22(4): e254-e258 (SCI)

[24] Jun Tian*, Jin-Sheng Hong, Li-Hong Wu, Li Su, Hai-Rong Zhang, Wen-Long Lv, Wei-Jian Zhang. Effect of chemoradiotherapy on nutrition status of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer. Nutrition and Cancer 2016; 68(1):63-69. (SCI)

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[27] Jin-Sheng Hong, Yang-Jing-Ling Hua, Li Su, Hai-Rong Zhang, Wen-Long Lv, Xiu-Ying Chen, Jun Tian & Wei-Jian Zhang. Modified-Nutrition Index is a Significant Prognostic Factor for the Overall Survival of the Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients who Undergo Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy. Nutrition and Cancer 2017; 22 Sep.(SCI)



