
sideration 1:Section 2:Section


Chapter 1 Introduction: The Influence of the Past on Letter
Chapter 2 Writing Principles
Section 1: Completeness
Section 2: Conciseness
Section 3: Consideration
Section 4: Clarity
Section 5: Concreteness
Section 6: Courtesy
Section 7: Correctness
Chapter 3 Business Letters: Style and Format
Section 1: Letter Styles
Section 2: The Format of the Business Letter
Unit 1: Standard Parts of the Business
Unit 2: Optional Parts of the Business
Chapter 4 Inquiries and Requests
Section 1: Inquiries
Unit 1: General Inquiries
Unit 2: Business Inquiries
(I) The"First" Inquiry
(II) Replies to the "First" Inquiry
(III) Routine Inquiries and Replies
(IV) Tabulated Inquiries
(V) Specific Inquiries
Section 2: Requests
Unit 1: Routine Requests
Unit 2: Granting and Refusing Requests
Chapter 5 Quotations
Section 1: Routine Quotations
Section 2: Quotations Subject to Confirmation
(Non-Firm Offers)
Section 3: Quotations with a Validity Limit
Section 4; Cdunter-Proposals
Chapter 6 Sales Letters
Section 1: Unsolicited Sales Letters
Section 2: Solicited Sales Letters
Chapter 7 Orders and Order Acknowledgments
Section 1: Orders
Section 2: Order Acknowledgments
Chapter 8 Execution of Orders - Transport, Insurance & Packing
Secfion 1: Transport
Unit 1: Transport by Sea
Unit 2: Transport by Air
Unit 3; The Container Service
Unit 4: Chasing Letters about Transport
Section 2: Insurance
Section 3: Packing
Chapter 9 Payments
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
Section 5:
Banker's Drafts and Transfers
Bills of Exchange (Drafts)
Letters of Credit
Credit References
Debt Collection
Chapter 10 Claims and Adjustments
Section 1: Claims
Unit 1: Direct Claim Letters
Unit 2: Persuasive Claim Letters
Unit 3: The Tone of the Claim Letter
Section 2: Adjustments
Unit 1: Granting an Adjustment
(1) Adjustment Situations
(11) The Inductive Order in the
Good-News Adjustment
Unit 2: Refusing an Adjustmen.t
(I) Specimen Refusal Letters
(II) An Exceptional Case
(III) The Language in Refusal Letters
Unit 3: Courtesy and Consideration in
Adjustment Letters
Chapter 11 Telegrams and Telexes
Section 1: Telegrams
Section 2: Telexes
1. Contract
2. Purchase Contract
3. Sales Confirmation (asperbuyerssample)
4. Survey Report
5. Certificate of Origin
6. Certificate of Quality
7 Export Licence


