








Unit 1 The Components of Business Letters

商務信函的構成 (1)

1.1 The Essential Parts of a Business Letter (1)

1.2 The Optional Parts of a Business Letter (3)

1.3 The Formats of a Business Letter(5)

1.4 The Overall Appearance of a Business Letter (9)

Unit 2 Language Style and Cultural Awareness of Business Letters

商務信函的語言風格與文化認知 (13)

2.1 Concise (13)

2.2 Intercultural Awareness (16)

Unit 3 The Tone of a Business Letter

商務信函的語氣 (21)

3.1 Writing for Your Audience (21)

3.2 Three Approaches in Dealing with Messages (26)

Unit 4 Inquiries

詢購函 (36)

4.1 Introduction (36)

4.2 Sample Letters (36)

Unit 5 Replies

回復函 (47)

5.1 Introduction (47)

5.2 Sample Letters (48)

Unit 6 Letters of Declining

拒絕函 (60)

6.1 Introduction (60)

6.2 Sample Letters (61)

Unit 7 Goodwill and Social Letters

友好與社交信函 (70)

7.1 Invitation Letter (70)

7.2 Letter of Thanks (80)

7.3 Letter of Congratulations (84)

7.4 Letter of Sympathy and Condolence (89)

7.5 Letter of Complaints and Claims (93)

Unit 8 Interoffice Routine Letters

辦公室日常信函 (111)

8.1 Letter of Appointment (111)

8.2 Letter of Introduction (118)

8.3 Letter of Recommendation (122)

8.4 Letter of Notification (127)

Unit 9 Memos, E-mails and Notices

備忘錄、電子郵件及通告 (143)

9.1 Memos (143)

9.2 E-mails (151)

9.3 Notices (153)

Unit 10 Sales Letters and Advertisement

銷售信函與廣告 (163)

10.1 Introduction (163)

10.2 Sales Letters (165)

10.3 Advertisement (175)

Unit 11 Business Reports (I)


11.1 The Introduction to Reports (187)

11.2 Components of a Business Report(194)

Unit 12 Business Reports (II)


12.1 Informational Reports (200)

12.2 Analytical Reports and Feasibility Reports (210)

Unit 13 Business Reports (III)


13.1 Proposal Reports (217)

13.2 Annual Report (224)

Unit 14 Contracts

契約 (239)

14.1 Types of Business Contracts (239)

14.2 Components of a Business Contract (241)

14.3 Language and Stylistics Features (241)

14.4 Layout (244)

14.5 Writing Steps (245)

14.6 Samples (247)

Unit 15 Questionnaires

調查問卷 (265)

15.1 Introduction(265)

15.2 Types of Questionnaire (265)

15.3 Layout of a Questionnaire (266)

15.4 Preparing a Questionnaire (268)

15.5 Interpreting the Findings (269)

15.6 Samples (270)

Unit 16 Business Summary

商務概要 (279)

16.1 Introduction (279)

16.2 Features of a Well-written Summary (279)

16.3 Writing a Summary (280)

16.4 Checklist and List for Speech (283)

Unit 17 Employment Writing

就業寫作 (291)

17.1 Job Description (291)

17.2 Job Application Letter (293)

17.3 Curriculum Vitae (296)

17.4 Job Offer and Acceptance (301)

17.5 Reference Check (304)

References (312)



