
王志洪,男,1967年生,浙江富陽人。中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所研究員,博士生導師。? 1989年畢業於原長春地質學院地質系, 1992年和1995年分別獲南京大學地球科學系構造地質學專業碩士和博士學位, 1995-1998年在中國科學院地質研究所從事博士後研究。 2003年11月至2004年11月在加拿大蒙特婁大學以高訪學者和博士後身份從事合作研究; 2005年7-10月在香港大學開展合作研究。 主要從事造山帶構造-岩漿過程和區域構造研究,已發表第一作者SCI論文十多篇。


王志洪[中科院地質所研究員] 王志洪[中科院地質所研究員]

1) 早前寒武紀增生-碰撞複合型造山帶-華北中部造山帶中段構造變形研究(國家自然科學基金面上項目,2008-2010年)

(2) 板緣應力傳遞和調節-“內蒙地軸”東段晚古生代-中生代構造變形研究(國家自然科學基金面上項目,2006-2008年)

(3) 燕山板內造山帶的結構、變形過程及動力學(國家自然科學基金重點項目,第二負責人,2002-2005年)

(4) 五台山太古花崗綠岩帶形成演化的地球化學和年代學證據(國家自然科學基金面上項目,2000-2002年)


1.Wang Zhihong, 2009. Reply to the comment by Zhao et ;al.;on “Tectonic evolution of the Hengshan-Wutai-Fuping complexes and its implication for the Trans-North China Orogen”, Precambrian Research, doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2009.10.003.

2.Wang Zhihong, 2009. Tectonic evolution of the Hengshan-Wutai-Fuping complexes and its implication for the Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research, 170, 73-87

3.Wang Zhihong, Zhao Yue, Zou Haibo, Li Wuping, Liu Xiaowen, Wu Hai, Xu Gang, Zhang Suanhong. 2007. Petrogenesis of the Early Jurassic Nandaling flood basalts in the Yanshan belt, North China Craton: a correlation between magmatic underplating and lithospheric thinning. Lithos. 96, 543-566.3.Wang Zhihong. 2004, Tectonic evolution of the western Kunlun orogenic belt, western China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 24, 153-161.

4.Wang Zhihong. Simon A. Wilde, Kaiyi Wang, Liangjun Yu. 2004, A MORB-arc basalt-adakite association in the 2.5 Ga Wutai greenstone belt: late Archean magmatism and crustal growth in the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 131, 323-343.

5.Wang Zhihong, Sun Shu, Li Jiliang, Hou Quanlin, Qin Kezhang, Xiao Wenjiao, Hao Jie, 2003, Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the northern Xinjiang, China: geochemical and geochronolgical constrains from the ophiolites. Tectonics, 22(2), 1014, doi:10.1029/ 2002TC001396.

6.Wang Zhihong, Sun Shu, Li Jiliang, Hou Quanlin. 2002, Petrogenesis of tholeiite associations in the Kudi ophiolite (western Kunlun Mountains, northwestern China): implication for evolution of back-arc basins. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 143, 471-483.

7.Wang Zhihong. 2002, The origin of the Cretaceous gabbros in the Fujian coastal region of SE China: implications for deformation-accompanied magmatism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 144,230-240.

8.Wang Zhihong, Sun Shu, Hou Quanlin, Li Jiliang. 2001, Effect of melt-rock interaction on geochemistry in the Kudi ophiolite (western Kunlun Mountains, northwestern China): implication for ophiolite origin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 191, 33-48.


