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9.有機分子材料強雙光子吸收的振動和氫鍵效應研究,高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金,(2005.1-2006.12) (批准號:20040445001)
主要從事原子與分子物理、凝聚態物理、介觀物理和量子光學的理論研究工作。先後在美國的《Phys. Rev.》、《J. Appl. Phys.》、《J. Chem. Phys.》、荷蘭的《Phys. Lett.》、《Physica B》、《J. Mod. Opt.》、《Chem.Phys.Lett.》、英國的《Semicond. Sci. Technol.》、《Quantum Semiclass. Opt.》及國內的《Commun. Theor. Phys.》、《物理學報》、《Chinese Phys.》、《Chin.Phys.Lett.》、《光學學報》等國內外著名學術刊物上共發表研究論文80餘篇。其中70餘篇被SCI收錄。其中量子線的電子自鏇自發極化現象[Phys.Rev.B B 54 14257(1996)]和量子點的局域電子自鏇極化現象[Phys.Rev.B 57 4552(1998)]分別被引用48次和43次;發表在J.Chem.Phys.117 10283(2002)上的成果被引用18次;發表在J.Chem.Phys.114, 9813(2001)上的成果被引用52次。
1.Zong-Liang Li, Bin Zou, Chuan-Kui Wang*, Yi Luo, “The electronic transport properties of molecular bipyridine junction: effects of isomer and contact structures”, Phys.Rev.B 73, 075326 (2006)
2. Na Lin, Xian Zhao,Jia-Xiang Yang, and Min-Hua Jiang, Ji-Cai Liu and Chuan-Kui Wang, Wei Shi, Juan Meng, and Jun Weng, “Theoretical study of one-, two-, and three-photon absorption properties for a series of Y-shaped molecules”, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 024704 (2006)
3.Zong-Liang Li, Bin Zou, Chuan-Kui Wang and Yi Luo, “Effects of Electrode Distances on Geometric Structure and Electronic Transport Properties of Molecular 4,4’-Bipyridine Junction”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 29, 110–114(2006)
4.馬勇,鄒斌,李宗良, 王傳奎,羅毅, “六元雜環分子電子輸運特性的第一性原理研究”,物理學報V55(4),1974-1978(2006)
5.劉紀彩,趙珂,宋玉志,王傳奎, “級聯三能級模型下超短脈衝雷射與分子相互作用的動力學研究”, 物理學報V55(4),1803-1808(2006)
6.B. Minaev, Y.-H. Wang, C.-K. Wang, Y. Luo and H. Ågren, “Density Functional Theory Study of Vibronic Structure of the First Absorption Qx Band in Free-Base Porphin”, Spectrochimica Acta A: Mol. Bio. Spectro. 65(2), 308-323, (2006).
7.Y. -H. Wang, C. -K. Wang, M. Halik, S. R. Marder, and Y. Luo,“Solvent effects on vibronic one-photon absorption profiles of dioxaborine heterocycles”, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 194311 (2005)
8.Guo Ya-hui, Sun Yuan-hong ,Tao Li-min, Zhao Ke, and Wang Chuan-Kui,” Solvent effects on optical properties of a newly synthesized two-photon polymerization initiator: BPYPA”, Chinese Physics ,14 (11), 2202 (2005)
9. Ke Zhao, Ji-Cai Liu, Chuan-Kui Wang, and Yi Luo, “Resonant propagation of femtosecond laser pulse in DBASVP molecule: one-dimensional asymmetric organic molecule”, Chinese Physics,14,(10), 2014(2005)
10. Ke Zhao, Hong-Yu Li, Ji-Cai Liu, Chuan-Kui Wang, and Yi Luo, “Dipolar effects on Propagating of Ultrashort Laser Pulse in One-dimensional Asymmetric Organic Molecule”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 4235-4245 (2005)
11. Li Zong-Liang, Wang Chuan-Kui, Luo Yi, Xue Qi-Kun,” Influence of external voltage on electronic transport properties of molecular junctions: the nonlinear transport behavior”, Chinese Physics 14,N5, 1036(2005)
12.Yun-Xing Yan, Xu-Tang Tao, Yuan-Hong Sun, Chuan-Kui Wang, Gui-Bao Xu, Wen-Tao Yu, Hua-Ping Zhao, Jia-Xiang Yang, Xiao-Qiang Yu, Yong-Zhong Wu, Xian Zhao and Min-Hua Jiang, Structures and nonlinear optical properties of new symmetrical two-photon photopolymerization initiators, N e w J . C h e m . , 2 9 , 479(2005)
13.Yunxing Yan, C Xutang Tao, Guibao Xu, Huaping Zhao, Yuanhong Sun, ChuankuiWang, Jiaxiang Yang, Xiaoqiang Yu, Xian Zhao, and Minhua Jiang,” Synthesis, Characterization, and Non-Linear Optical Properties of Two New Symmetrical Two-Photon Photopolymerization Initiators”, Aust. J. Chem., 58, 29(2005)
14.Yun-Xing Yan, Xu-Tang Tao, Yuan-Hong Sun, Guibao Xu, Chuankui Wang, Jiaxiang Yang,Xiao Zhao, Yongzhong Wu, Yan Ren, Minhua Jiang, “A new multi-branched two-photon photopolymerization initiator: synthesis and non-linear optical properties of a 1,3,5-triazine-based octupolar molecul”, Materials Chemistry and Physics 90, 139–143(2005)
15.孫元紅, 趙珂, 王傳奎,“4-硝基-1,3-丁二烯基胺分子的氫鍵效應”,化學學報, 63 1116(2005)
16.李洪玉,趙珂,潘瑞芹,孫元紅,王傳奎,“超短脈衝雷射在有機分子材料中的動力學過程研究”,物理學報,54, N5, 2072(2005)
17.Sun Yuan-Hong, Zhao Ke, Wang Chuan-Kui , and Luo Yi,Yan Yun-xing, Tao Xu-Tang,Jiang Min-Hua,“Theoretical studies on nonlinear optical properties of two newly synthesized compounds: EPVPC and OPVPC”,Chinese Physics, 14,115(2005)
18.趙珂,孫元紅,王傳奎,“1,4-二甲氧基-2,5-二乙烯基苯系列衍生物的雙光子吸收截面”,物理學報,54, 2662(2005)
19.Yanhua Wang, Chuan-Kui Wang, Yi Luo, “Vibrational Contributions to the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Methanol, Ethanol and Propanol”, J. Mol. Structure: THEOM 717,223-230(2005)
20.鄒斌, 李宗良, 王傳奎, 薛其坤, “電極距離對分子器件電輸運特性的影響”,物理學報 54,1341(2005)
21.李宗良, 鄒斌, 王傳奎,“1,8-二巰基芘分子電學特性的理論研究”, 化學物理學報,17,697-702(2004)
22.王彥華, 孫元紅, 王傳奎, “不同溶劑中硝基苯胺分子非線性光學性質的理論研究”, 化學物理學報,17 ,N5, 518(2004)
23.Yuan-Hong Sun, Ke Zhao, Chuan-Kui Wang, Yi Luo,Yunxing Yan , Xu-Tang Tao, and Min-Hua Jiang,“Theoretical studies on nonlinear optical properties of two newly synthesized compounds: PVPHC and DPVPA ”,Chem. Phys. Lett. Vol 394/1-3, 176-181 (2004) .
24.Yuan-Hong Sun, Ke Zhao, Chuan-Kui Wang, and Yi Luo,Yan Ren , Xu-Tang Tao, and Min-Hua Jiang,“The two-photon absorption properties of a new kind of multi-branched organic chromophores”,J. Mol. Structure: THEOM,Vol 682/1-3,185-189 (2004)
25.李宗良,王傳奎, 羅毅, 薛其坤, “電極維度對單分子器件伏-安特性的影響”, 物理學報,53(5),1490-1495(2004).
26.Yunxing Yan, Xutang Tao, Yuanhong Sun, Guibao Xu, Chuankui Wang, Jiaxiang Yang, Xian Zhao and Minhua Jiang, “Synthesis, nonlinear optical properties and the possible mechanism of photopolymerization of two new two-photon absorption chromophores”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 177, 3007( 2004)
27.Yunxing Yan, Xutang Tao, Yuanhong Sun, Guibao Xu, Chuankui Wang, Jiaxiang Yang, Xian Zhao, Yongzhong Wu, Yan Ren, Xiaoqiang Yu and Minhua Jiang “Synthesis, characterization and nonlinear optical properties of a new two-photon photopolymerization initiator: BPYPA ”, Materials Science and Engineering B, Volume 113, Issue 2, 170-174(2004)
28.Yun-Xing Yan, Xu-Tang Tao, Yuan-Hong Sun, Chuan-Kui Wang, Gui-Bao Xu, Jia-Xiang Yang, Yan Ren,a Xian Zhao,Yong-Zhong Wu,Xiao-Qiang Yu and Min-Hua Jiang, “Synthesis and nonlinear optical properties of novel multibranched two-photon polymerization initiators”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 14, 2995-3000(2004)
29.蘇燕, 王傳奎, 王彥華, 陶麗敏, ““二苯乙烯衍生物雙光子吸收截面:官能團對稱性的影響””, 物理學報,53,2112(2004).
31.Chuan-Kui Wang and Yi Luo, “Current-voltage characteristics of single molecular junction: Dimensionality of metal contacts”, J. Chem. Phys. 119, 4923(2003)
32.Chuan-Kui Wang, Ke Zhao, Yan Su, Yan Ren, Xian Zhao, and Yi Luo, “Solvent effects on the electronic structure of a newly synthesized two-photon polymerization initiator”, J. Chem. Phys. 119, 1208-1213(2003).
33.Chuan-Kui Wang, Yan-Hua Wang, Yan Su, and Yi Luo, “Solvent dependence of solvatochromic shifts and the first hyperpolarizability of para-nitroaniline: a non-monotic behavior”, J. Chem. Phys. 119, No.8, 4409 (2003)
34.Y. Luo, C.-K. Wang, and Y. Fu, “Electronic transport properties of single molecular junctions based on five-membered heteraromtic molecules”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 369,299(2003).
35.Jing-Dong Guo, Chuan-Kui Wang, Yi Luo and Hans Ågren,“Influence of electron-acceptor strength on the resonant two-photon absorption cross sections of diphenylaminofluorene-based chromophores”, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 5,3869 (2003)
36.蘇燕 王彥華 王傳奎, “4,4‘-二甲氨基二苯乙烯雙光子吸收理論研究—溶劑效應”, 光學學報, Vol. 23, No.6, 646(2003)
37.Wang Chuan-Kui, Li Honghai, Li Yingde, Luo Yi, and Fu Ying, “First-principle studies of I-V properties of a molecular wire”, Science in China (Series G),Vol.46, No.2, 113(2003).
38.Y. Luo, C.-K. Wang, Y. Fu, “Effects of chemical and physical modifications on the electronic transport properties of molecular junctions”, J. Chem. Phys. 117,10283(2002).
39.李紅海 李英德 王傳奎,“分子和金表面相互作用的第一性原理研究”,物理學報,Vol.51,No.6,1239(2002)
40.李英德 李紅海 王傳奎,“分子線的電子輸運特性”,物理學報,Vol.51, No.10, 2349(2002)
42.C.K. Wang, P. Macak, Y. Luo, and H. Agren, "Effects of -centers and symmetry on two-photon absorption cross sections of organic chromophores", J. Chem.Phys. 114,9813(2001).
43.Yi Luo, P. Macak, P. Norman, C.-K. Wang, H. Agren,"Ab initio calculation of structure-to-property relation for two-photon absorption of organic molecules", Nonlinear Optics, 27,33(2001).
44.C.-K. Wang, Y. Fu, and Y. Luo, "A quantum chemistry approach for current-voltage characterization of molecular junctions", Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 3,5017-5023(2001).
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