The Society of Independent Show Organizers
In 1990 a small group of 12 show producers met to discuss various industry trends. This group (which reads like a veritable of who’s who of the exposition industry) decided there was a need for an association that would be dedicated to meeting the needs of the for-profit show producers. And so began SISO – The Society of Independent Show Organizers.
SISO is the only place where the Presidents, owners, and CEOs of for-profit show producer companies exchange ideas, share experiences, launch industry wide projects, and learn from each other. SISO grew from a small group of 12 producers in 1990 to an organization with nearly 200 companies.
SISO members produce over 3,000 events all over the world. Trade and consumer shows, focused conferences, and other face-to-face events are represented. Members run their own shows and manage shows for others. The membership is a combination of large corporations and small entrepreneurial companies.
SISO members are diverse in size and scope.
• 10% of SISO members companies generate annual revenues of over $25 million dollars
• 4% generate $10 – $25 million
• 8% generate $5 – 10 million
• 24% generate $1 – 5 million • 14% generate $500,000 – 1 million
• 39% generate under $500,000 in annual revenue.
SISO Membership Eligibility
According to the SISO by-LAWS, SISO members must be persons, corporations, and other for-profit entities which produce trade shows, consumer shows, expositions, and similar events. These events must be live, not virtual.
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