2014.7至今 天津大學環境學院/海洋學院,教授,博士生導師
2006.6-2012.4 天津大學環境學院,副教授,碩士生導師
2005.4-2006.6 天津大學環境學院,講師
2013 “天津市科學技術進步獎”一等獎
2013 “天津市濱海新區科技進步獎”一等獎
2012 入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”
2012 入選天津大學“北洋學者-青年骨幹教師”計畫
2012 “天津市科學技術進步獎”二等獎
2012 “中國施工企業管理協會科學技術獎”一等獎
2007 “天津市科學技術進步獎”二等獎
2007 “天津大學-桑德創新獎勵基金”創新獎
2007 天津大學“十佳傑出青年”
2006 天津大學環境學院創新獎
2006 天津大學環境學院優秀共產黨員
2005 天津大學環境學院先進性教育先進個人
2010.3-2013.2歐盟項目“Scoping China’s Environmental Research Excellence and major Infrastructure: Foresight, Potentials, and Roadmaps”,天津大學負責人
Ying Zhang, Xuemei Han, Zhiguang Niu*. Health risk assessment of Haloacetonitriles in drinking water based on internal dose. Environmental Pollution, online
Zhiguang Niu, Lei Du, Jiafu Li, Ying Zhang*, Zhiwei Lv*. Ecological risk assessment of microcystin-LR in the upstream section of the Haihe River based on a species sensitivity distribution model. Chemosphere, 2018, 193: 403-411
Zhiguang Niu, Chong Wang, Ying Zhang*, Xiaoting Wei, Xili Gao. Leakage Rate Model of Urban Water Supply Networks Using Principal Component Regression Analysis. Transactions of Tianjin University, online
Ying Zhang, Ning Zhang, Peng Zhao, Zhiguang Niu*. Characteristics of molecular weight distribution of dissolved organic matter in bromide-containing water and disinfection by-product formation properties during treatment processes. Journal of Environmental Sciences, online
Kai Zhang, Zhi-Guang Niu*, Zhiwei Lv, Ying Zhang*. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in water supply reservoirs in Jingjinji area, China. Ecotoxicology, 2017, (26): 1284–1292
Ying Zhang, Yuanyuan Liu, Zhiguang Niu*, Shaopei Jin. Ecological risk assessment of toxic organic pollutant and heavy metals in water and sediment from a landscape lake in Tianjin City, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(13): 12301–12311
Jiafu Li, Chong Wang, Lei Du, Zhiwei Lv, Xiaonan Li, Xuepeng Hu, Zhiguang Niu*, Ying Zhang*. Did municipal solid waste landfill have obvious influence on polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in ambient air: A case study in East China. Waste Management, 2017, 62: 169–176
Zhiguang Niu, Xiaonan Li, Ying Zhang*. Composition profiles, levels, distributions and ecological risk assessments of trihalomethanes in surface water from a typical estuary of Bohai Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 117: 124-130
Zhi-Guang Niu, Xue-Peng Hu, Ying Zhang*, Yuan-Yuan Sun.Effect of chlorine dosage in prechlorination on trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids during water treatment process. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(5): 5068-5077
Jiafu Li, Zhiwei Lv, Lei Du, Xiaonan Li, Xuepeng Hu, Chong Wang, Zhiguang Niu*, Ying Zhang*. Emission characteristic of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) from medical waste incinerators (MWIs) in China in 2016: A comparison between higher emission levels of MWIs and lower emission levels of MWIs. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 221(2017): 437-444.
Zhiguang Niu, Qianqian Gou, Xiujun Wang, Ying Zhang*. Simulation of a water ecosystem in a landscape lake in Tianjin with AQUATOX: Sensitivity, calibration, validation and ecosystem prognosis. Ecological Modelling, 2016, 335: 54-63.
Ying Zhang, Kai Zhang, Zhi-Guang Niu*. Reservoir-type water source vulnerability assessment: a case study of the Yuqiao Reservoir. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2016, 61(7): 1291-1300.
Zhi-Guang Niu, Kai Zhang, Ying Zhang*. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in the coastal area of the Bohai Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016, 107(1): 245-250.
Zhi-Guang Niu, Zhi-Wei Lv, Ying Zhang*, Zhen-Zhen Cui. Stormwater infiltration and surface runoff pollution reduction performance of permeable pavement layers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(3): 2576-2587.
牛志廣, 魏曉婷, 張穎*. 於橋水庫溶解性有機碳分布特性及三鹵甲烷的生成勢. 環境工程學報, 2016.01, 10(1): 48-54.
牛志廣, 臧雪. 生理藥代動力學模型及其在健康風險評價中的套用研究進展. 安全與環境學報, 2015.12, 15(6): 30-34.
牛志廣, 孫媛媛*, 張穎. 預氯化及常規工藝對消毒副產物的影響. 環境工程學報, 2015, 9(11): 5142-5148.
Zhi-Guang Niu, Xiao-Ting Wei, Ying Zhang*. Characterization of the precursors of trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids in the Yuqiao Reservoir in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(22): 17508-17517.
王晨晨, 牛志廣*,張穎. 飲用水中消毒副產物的室內暴露模擬方法研究進展. 安全與環境學報, 2015, 15(3): 341-347.
Zhiguang Niu*, Xue Zang, Ying Zhang. Using physiologically based pharmacokinetic models to estimate the health risk of mixtures of trihalomethanes from reclaimed water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 285: 190-198.
牛志廣,崔珍珍,陳彥熹. 低衝擊開發模式基礎措施性能研究現狀及進展. 安全與環境學報, 2014.06, 14(6): 320-325.
Chen Yan-Xi, Niu Zhi-Guang*, Bai Jia-Qi, Wang Yu-Fei. Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of the Water Supply Network in Tianjin, China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2014.10, 8(5): 767-775.
Niu Zhi-Guang*, Xu Shi-Ying, Gong Qing-Chao. Health risk assessment of odors emitted from urban wastewater pump stations in Tianjin, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014.9, 21(17): 30349-30360.
袁彥斌, 牛志廣. 基於二維有限元分析的水系連通模擬. 中國給水排水. 2014.7, 30(13): 58-60.
Zhi-Guang Niu*, Xue Zang, Jian-Guo Zhang. Health Risk Assessment of Exposure to Organic Matter from the Use of Reclaimed Water in Toilets. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014.5, 21(10): 6687-6695.
Chen-Chen Wang, Zhi-Guang Niu*, Ying Zhang. Health risk assessment of inhalation exposure of irrigation workers and the public to trihalomethanes from reclaimed water in landscape irrigation in Tianjin, North China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013.11, 262: 179-188.
Yanxi Chen, Zhiguang Niu*, Hongwei Zhang. Eutrophication assessment and management methodology of multiple pollution sources of a landscape lake in North China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20(6): 3877-3889.
牛志廣,王秀俊,陳彥熹. 湖泊的水生態模型. 生態學雜誌, 2013.1, 32(1): 217-225.
Yanxi Chen, Zhiguang Niu*, Hongwei Zhang. Methodology for assessing the impact of stromwater to the landscape lake based on aquatic ecological modeling. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2012,30(SI-2): 431-436.
Chen-Chen Wang, Zhi-Guang Niu*, Ying Zhang. Health risk assessment of exposure to heavy metals from reclaimed water in greening workers in North China. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012, 4(SI-1): 1413-1418.
Zhiguang Niu, Qingchao Gong, Ying Zhang*, Yaqin Ji, Xiuyan Wang. Health risk assessment of BTEX from urban wastewater pump stations in Tianjin.Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2012,30(SI-2): 419-424.
牛志廣, 姜巍, 陸仁強, 張宏偉. 基於突變理論的城市配水系統脆弱性評價模型. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2012.10, 44(10): 135-138.
張建國, 牛志廣,王晨晨,張穎. 再生水回用的潛在健康風險及對策研究. 工業水處理, 2012.9, 32(9): 1-5.
牛志廣, 高希麗, 王晨晨. 城市供水管網脆弱性評價研究進展. 中國安全科學學報, 2012.06, 22(6): 157-163
宮慶超, 牛志廣, 陳彥熹, 張穎. 環境空氣中揮發性有機物的健康風險評價研究進展. 安全與環境學報, 2012.6, 12(3): 84-88.
牛志廣,陳彥熹,米子明,李鵬、郭連營,李正暉. 基於SWMM與WASP模型的區域雨水景觀利用模擬. 中國給水排水, 2012.6, 28(11): 50-52, 56
Wang Lijuan, Zhang Hongwei, Niu Zhiguang. Leakage prediction model based on RBF neural network. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, 114: 451-458
陳彥熹, 牛志廣, 張宏偉, 米子明, 孫傑, 王方. 基於AQUATOX的景觀水體水生態模擬及生態修復. 天津大學學報. 2012.1, 45(1): 29-35
尤學一, 朱生風, 王曉宇, 牛志廣. 表面波誘導的近底高濃度泥沙水層內波動場的計算. 天津大學學報, 2012, 45(1): 1-5
Xueyi You, Shaofeng Chen, Qinghua Hong, Zhiguang Niu. Application of EFDC Model in Preventing Water Quality Deterioration through Water Circulation. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 148-149: 1374-1377