
前期主要從事原子分子結構和光譜的理論研究,曾先後對強外場中的原子和分子和過渡金屬順磁離子的電磁結構和光譜進行了研究;近三年來主要從事半導體材料結構與特性的理論研究。具有較強的FORTRAN編程能力,熟練掌握第一原理計算軟體包VASP和CASTEP的使用,先後在SCI源期刊Chem. Phys. Lett.、 J Phys. Chem. C、Eur. Phys. J. B、 Solid State Science等上發表學術論文20餘篇。
主要論文1. jiao Zhao-Yong, Ma Shu Hong, Yang Ji-Fei, “ A comparison of the electronic and optical properties of zinc-blende, rocksalt and wurtzite AlN: A DFT study”. Solid State Sci. 13 (2011)331-336.
2. Jiao Zhao-Yong, Ma Shu Hong, Guo Yong-Liang, “ Simulation of optical function for phosphide crystals following the DFT band3 structure calculations”. Comput. Theoret. Chem. 970 (2011) 79–84.
3. 焦照勇,楊繼飛,張現周,馬淑紅,郭永亮,“閃鋅礦GaN彈性性質、電子結構和光學性質外壓力效應的理論研究”. 物理學報,60(2011)17103-1-8.
4. Jiao Zhao-Yong, Ma Shu Hong, Wang Tian-Xing, Yang Ji-Fei, “Theoretical investigation of the elastic, electronic, thermodynamic and optical properties of the zinc-blende structure AlN under high pressure”. Mol. Phys. 108 (2010) 1641-1648.
5. Jiao Zhao-Yong, Ma Shu-Hong, Kuang Xiao-Yu , Zhang Xian-Zhou, “Theoretical investigation of the local lattice structure of Cr2+ ion at tetragonal sites in GaAs semiconductor”. J. Alloys Comp. 475(2009)70-73.
6. Jiao Zhao-Yong, Ma Shu-Hong, Kuang Xiao-Yu, Zhang Xian-Zhou, Wang Tian-Xing, “Theoretical study of the local lattice structure for Mn2+ in the K2MgF4:Mn2+system”. Mol. Phys. 107 (2009) 37-41.
7. Ma Shu-Hong, Jiao Zhao-Yong, Wang Tian-Xing, Zu Xiao-Tao, “ Effect of preadsorbed S on the adsorption of CO on Co(0001) ”. J.Phys.Chem.C, 1139 (2009)16210-16215.
8. Jiao Zhao-Yong, Kuang Xiao-Yu, Ma Shu-Hong, Li Jin-Hong, Duan Mei-Ling, “Theoretical investigation of local lattice structure of the tetragonal FeF5O cluster in KMgF3:Fe3+ crystal”. J Alloys Comp. 458(2008)548-552.
9. Jiao Zhao-Yong, Kuang Xiao-Yu, Ma Shu-Hong, Li Jin-Hong, Duan Mei-Ling, “An investigation of the EPR zero-field splitting of Fe3+ ions at tetragonal sites in Tl2MgF4 and Tl2ZnF4 crystals”. Chem. Phys. Lett., 438(2007)254-258.
10. Jiao Zhao-Yong, Kuang Xiao-Yu, Huang Xiao-Fen, Li Jin-Hong, Duan Mei-Ling, “Theoretical investigation of the local lattice structure of Mn2+ion doped in tetragonal K2ZnF4 crystal”. Eur. Phys. J. B, 53(2006)297-300.
1. 二元過渡金屬合金催化劑表面特性的理論研究(11047026),國家自然科學基金,2011.01-2013.12.
2. III族氮化物半導體光學性質的理論研究(2011A140010), 河南省教育廳基礎研究項目,2011.01-2013.12.
3. Ⅲ-Ⅴ族半導體材料電學、光學性質的理論研究(2010GGJS-066), 河南省教育廳骨幹教師項目,2011.01-2013.12.