【成語】: 無論如何
【解釋】: 不管怎樣。表示不管條件怎樣變化,其結果始終不變。
【用法】: 作分句;指不管怎樣
【英文】: however;in any case; anyhow; as it may; at all events
1. You must finish the job this week one way or another. 在本周內你無論如何都要完成這項工作。
2. On no account should you leave the door unlocked. 你無論如何也不應該不鎖門。
3. I want you to carry a stiff upper lip whatever happens. 我希望你無論如何不要垂頭喪氣。
【出處】: 魯迅《書信集·致宋崇義》:“要之,中國一切舊物,無論如何,定必崩潰。”
【舉例造句】: 可是她知道有你在,便推託身子不好,無論如何不肯來了。 ★茅盾《色盲》
One day young countryside girl Han Bing decides that she had enough. She packs her bag and takes the train to Shanghai to pursue her dream of becoming a pop star. She moves in with her uncle who is not at all happy with his niece getting into the competitive music industry. But Han Bing can't resist the temptations of fame and success. She starts working her way up to the top, not realizing she's becoming someone she is not. Finally she sees that she's failed the ones who really care for her, but is there a way back.