
"2010年6月,香港科技大學生物化學系,獲哲學博士學位。 W.


2001年9月~ 2005年7月,復旦大學化學系(基地班),獲理學學士學位。
2005年9月~ 2010年6月,香港科技大學生物化學系,獲哲學博士學位。
2010年8月~ 2011年2月,香港科技大學生命科學部,助理研究員。
2011年3月~ 2012年8月,香港科技大學生命科學部,研究助理教授。


2. 活性小分子的化學生物學研究,具體包括:天然活性小分子與靶點蛋白相互作用的機制研究;基於SAR-by-NMR方法,針對與癌症、炎症等疾病相關的重要生物靶點的小分子先導物的篩選和最佳化,及後期基於此先導物的機理和功能研究。
3. 代謝小分子與其作用靶點生物大分子的篩選、表征及功能機理的研究




1. Pan, L, Wu, H., Shen, C., Shi, Y., Jin, W., Xia, J., and Zhang, M.*(2007) "Clustering and synaptic targeting of PICK1 requires direct interaction between the PDZ domain and lipid membranes." EMBO J, 26, 4576-4587.
2. Chen, J.#, Pan, L.#, Wei, Z., Zhao, Y., and Zhang, M.* (2008) "Domain Swapped Dimerization of ZO-1 PDZ2 Generates Specific and Regulatory Connexin43 Binding Sites" EMBO J, 27, 2113-2123. (#: co-first authors)
3. Pan, L., Yan, J., Wu, L., and Zhang, M.*(2009) "Assembling Stable Hair-Cell Tip Link Complex via Multi-dentate Interactions between Harmonin and Cadherin23" PNAS. 106,5575-5580.
4. Wen, W., Yu, J., Pan, L., Wei, Z., Weng, J., Wang, W., Yan, S., Tran, T., Hong, W., and Zhang, M.* (2010) "Lipid-induced Conformational Switch Controls Fusion Activity of Longin Domain SNARE Ykt6" Mol. Cell,37, 383-395
5. Yan, J.#, Pan, L.#, Chen, X., Wu, L., and Zhang, M.*(2010) "The Structure of the Harmonin/Sans Complex Reveals an Unexpected Interaction Mode of the Two Usher Syndrome Proteins" PNAS. 107,4040-4045.(#: co-first authors)
6. Shi, Y., Yu, J., Jia, Y., Pan, L., Shen, C., Xia, J., and Zhang, M.* (2010) "Redox-regulated lipid membrane binding of the PICK1 PDZ domain" Biochemistry.49,4432-443
7. Conan K. Wang., Pan, L., Chen, J., and Zhang, M.* (2010) "Extensions of PDZ domains as important structural and functional elements" PROTEIN & CELL.8,737-751. (invited review)
8. Diao, Y., Liu, W., Wong, CC., Wang, X., Lee, K., Cheung, PY., Pan, L., Xu, T., Han, J., Yates JR 3rd., Zhang, M., and Wu, Z.* (2010) "Oxidation-induced intramolecular disulfide bond inactivates mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6 by inhibiting ATP binding" PNAS. 107,20974-20979
9. Wu, L.#, Pan, L.#, Wei, Z., and Zhang, M.* (2011) "Structure of MyTH4-FERM Domains in Myosin VIIa Tail Bound to Cargo" Science.331,757-760.(#:co-first authors, highlighted by Faculty of 1000, F1000 Cell Biology and F1000 Genomics & Genetics)
10. Feng, W., Pan, L., and Zhang, M.* (2011) "Combination of NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography offers unique advantages for elucidation of the structural basis of protein complex assembly" Sci.China.Life.Sci. 54, 101-111. (invited review)
11. Wei, Z., Yan, J., Lu, Q., Pan, L., and Zhang, M.* (2011) "Cargo Recognition Mechanism of Myosin X Revealed by the Structure of its Tail MyTH4-FERM Tandem in Complex with the DCC P3 Domain" PNAS. 108, 3572-3577.
12. Pan, L., Chen, J., Yu, J., Yu, H., and Zhang, M.* (2011) "The Structure of the PDZ3-SH3-GuK Tandem of ZO-1 Suggests a Supramodular Organization of the MAGUK Family Scaffold Protein Core" J. Biol. Chem. 286, 40069-40074.
13. Pan, L., and Zhang, M.* (2012) "Structures of Usher Syndrome 1 Proteins and Their Complexes" Physiology, 27, 25-42. (invited review, cover story)
14. Li, X., He, L., Che, KH., Funderburk, SF., Pan, L., Pan, N., Zhang, M., Yue, Z.*, Zhao, Y.*(2012) "Imperfect interface of Beclin1 coiled-coil domain regulates homodimer and heterodimer formation with Atg14L and UVRAG" Nature Communications, 3,662.
15. Wu, L.#, Pan, L.#, Zhang, C., and Zhang, M.* (2012) "Large protein assemblies formed by multivalent interactions between cadherin23 and harmonin suggest a stable anchorage structure at the tip link of stereocilia" J. Biol. Chem. (#:co-first authors, online)
16. Yu, C., Luo, J., Wu, J., Pan, L., Feng, W. and Zhang, M.* (2012) "Membrane-induced lever arm expansion allows myosin VI to walk with large and variable step sizes" J. Biol. Chem. (online)


