





UNIT 1 Reading Strategies

Text Ⅰ:Why Read Faster

Text Ⅱ:Common Faults and Eye Movements

UNIT 2 Education

Text Ⅰ:It's Never Too Late for Success

Text Ⅱ:The Education of Benjamin Franklin

UNIT 3 Body Language

Text Ⅰ:Signals Without words

Text Ⅱ:The Secret Language of Barrier Signals

UNIT 4 Animals

Text Ⅰ:Little Brother of the Wolf

Text Ⅱ:Marmosets:The World's Smallest Monkeys

UNIT 5 History

Text Ⅰ:Some Therories of History

Text Ⅱ:Abraham Lincoln Again

UNIT 6 Language

Text Ⅰ:Vocabulary Change

Text Ⅱ:Give Up Six Words and Change Your Life

UNIT 7 Space

Text Ⅰ:Has the Bright Promise of the Space Program Faded?

Text :Probing the Universe

UNIT 8 Women

Text Ⅰ:Women in Education,Sports and Media

Text Ⅱ:Women In Science

UNIT 9 Cities

Text Ⅰ:The Unforgettable Hong Kong

Text Ⅱ:London

UNIT 10 Coss-Cultural Communication

UNIT 11 Information Tetrieval

UNIT 12 Environment

UNIT 13 Medicine

UNIT 14 Evolution

UNIT 15 Transportation

UNIT 16 Time

UNIT 17 Television

UNIT 18 Poetry


