學校提出了“服務教育”的辦學理念。以“全心全意為人民服務”為理論依據,以 “服務於學生的終生髮展,服務於教師的專業成長,服務於社區的文明建設”為內容;追求 “教育零失誤,服務零距離,家長零投訴”的“三零服務”。在全校上下開展了 “管理即服務”、“滿意在課堂”、“滿意在食堂”、“滿意在校園”等系列服務活動。開展了“訪學生,比師德情感,爭做讓學生尊敬的老師;訪家長,比師表形象,爭做讓家長放心的老師;訪社區,比教育質量,爭做讓社會滿意的老師”的“三訪、三比、三爭”的活動。
四、 教研成果豐碩:
近三年來,學校的會考合格率為100%,高考本科率一直名列鹽城市同類重點中學上游。近三年,在省以上各類競賽中有11位教師、63名學生獲獎。學校先後獲得了“江蘇省文明單位”、“江蘇省模範學校”、“江蘇省德育先進學校”、“江蘇省優秀師表集體”、“江蘇省中國小黨建工作先進集體”、“江蘇省教育系統先進黨總支”、 “江蘇省青少年法制宣傳工作先進集體”等47項省、市、縣級表彰。
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A Brief Introduction of Jiangsu Dafeng Senior High School
Established in 1938, Jiangsu Dafeng Senior High School got its present name in 2000 with the approval of the Department of Education of Jiangsu Province. It was confirmed as one of the first 96 well-administrated schools in 1979 and then as an eligible key middle school of Jiangsu Province in 1993. There are 269 on the staff, 205 of whom are full-time Teachers, 12 of whom are clerks. Besides, it has 4 foreign teachers, 7 temporary teachers introduced from other schools and a retired staff of 60. Now, there are 3123 students in all, who are divided into 68 classes.
Advanced teaching and administrating ideas. “Education means providing service”, the guiding idea for running the school, is based on the theory of “serving the people heart and soul”. The content of the idea is “to serve the lifelong development of the students, to serve the development of the teachers’ teaching career, and to serve the development of the civilization construction of the community”. In the teaching practice, all the school staff bears the content of the ideas, pursuing “Three-No Service”, that is, “NO mistakes in teaching, NO distance in service, NO complaint from parents”. Also, a series of activities aiming at pushing satisfactory services are carried out. They include “management is serve”, “satisfaction in class”, “satisfaction in dining room”, and “satisfaction in the schoolyard”. In addition, other competitive activities such as “three visits, three competitions, and three efforts” are carried on actively in the schoolyard to promote the teachers’ development. These aim at “training teachers to be the ones who are respected and satisfied by all students, parents and the society.”
An effective administrating organization. The school’s administrating system is made up of three parts: principal-charging system, Party-branch guaranteeing and supervising system and democratic administrating system of teaching staff. The administrating organization is made up of clerical Office, Moral Education Department, Dean’s Office, Teaching and Research Section and General Affairs Department. Under the leadership of the principal, all the departments carry on tasks following the rule of “Each department with separate tasks, each person with his own responsibility.” Also, for grade administrating, there are grade deans who are elected through the competitive campaign and carry out their work under the leadership of the governing departments.
Well-qualified teaching staff with good education. At present, there are 205 professional full-time teachers, including 16 school administrators who also take up teaching affairs. Among them 139 have got senior or intermediate titles as high school teachers and 3 are special grade teachers. Besides, the school engages 2-4 foreign teachers teaching English every year.
First-class teaching facilities. The 500.4 mu new area of the school, whose construction cost about 200 million RMB, has been put into use. It is the biggest one in area among Jiangsu public schools. The new school is well equipped with new teaching facilities. Each classroom is equipped with multimedia facilities. There is a theater and a science lecture hall. In the art building are special rooms for practicing gym, singing, dancing, drawing, musical instrument playing and etc. The school has a thick cultural atmosphere with an exhibition hall entitled Honor of Regional Civilization, several cultural corridors with paintings of foreign culture and customs, and lots of sculptures of celebrities dotted in the schoolyard. The provincial first-class library has a storage of 190,000 books. There is 1 students’ open-shelf reading rooms and 2 electronic-reading rooms, with 550 seats in all. Besides, there is a teachers’ reading room. The comfortable living facilities are of high standards. There are 6 dormitory buildings made up of rooms with a rest room, a closet, wardrobes and shoe-shelves in each. The dining halls, bathrooms, clinic, shops and etc. are able to meet the needs of all the students and teachers.
Features of education. 1. Research and development in the native culture. An exhibition hall entitled Honor of Regional Civilization has been completed and a series of teaching materials for school-based curriculum, named “Beautiful Oriental Green Field”, have been published in both Chinese and English. 2. Construction of the school with the characteristic of English. The school normally engages foreign teachers to give English listening and speaking lessons and organize English activities. Warm atmosphere of learning and using English in the schoolyard has formed. 3. Training the teachers based on the school. The school has signed a contract with East China Normal University and opened a class of post-graduates, aiming to complete the training of all the teachers within three years.
Tel: 0515-3916588,
Website: WWW.DFHS.net
E-mail: [email protected]