水鑽是一個iPhone應用程式,這將有助於你感到更有活力,使你的皮膚看起來更年輕,增加你的注意力,幫助你減肥,並提高您的整體健康。你怎么問?通過幫助您管理和監控您的健康是最重要的組成部分之一:水合。我們大多數人都沒有喝足夠的水,一個忙碌的生活方式,它可以是具有挑戰性的,以確保你喝的水,你需要。該應用程式允許您確定個性化的目標,並會提醒你喝的水,如果你進度落後。的Aqua鑽的時候打你的每日水的攝入量目標的習慣,而不需要你花大量的時間跟蹤。選擇水在以目標:首先,你的體重除以得到一個近似數盎司的液體,每天喝兩磅。如果你的體重是128磅,你應該喝64盎司(8杯)的液體。如果你正在做激烈的運動持續了一個多小時,加水。考慮使用的運動飲料含有鈉取代汗液中丟失的鈉。加水,如果你有發燒,嘔吐,腹瀉或尿路感染的疾病。如果你有腎臟疾病或任何其他醫療條件,需要限制水的攝入量,按照醫生的指示。以上是建議,而不是規則。如果你吃了很多的水果和蔬菜或水樣食品,你將需要較少的水。如果你是生產透明或淺黃色的尿液和很少感到口渴,你喝足夠的液體。設定飲酒時間每天:開始喝的水,只要你醒來後您的日常稱量。你甚至可以使用AQUA鑽頭為您的鬧鐘。您的飲水目標完成了幾個小時睡覺前的時間,讓你不起床,晚上小便。設定一個提醒:為方便起見,如聲音報警,通知和無選擇的提醒。設定一個報警歌詞:在此套用中,我們提供了五個默認的鈴聲。在這五個鈴聲選擇鈴聲。設定報警時間:為方便起見,選擇報警的持續時間,默認情況下,它需要20秒報警時間。Aqua Drill is an iPhone application this will help you feel more energized, make your skin look younger, increase your concentration, help you lose weight, and improve your overall health. How you ask By helping you manage and monitor one of the most important components of your health: Hydration. Most of us are not drinking enough water, and with a busy on-the-go lifestyle it can be challenging to make sure you are drinking all the water you need. The app allows you to determine a personalized goal and will remind you to drink water if you fall behind schedule. The Aqua Drill will make hitting your daily water intake goal a habit, without requiring you to spend a lot of time tracking it. Choosing a Water in take Goal: Start by dividing your weight in pounds by two to get an approximate number of ounces of fluid to drink per day. If you weigh 128 pounds you should be drinking 64 ounces (8 cups) of fluid. Add water if you are doing intense exercise lasting more than an hour. Consider using a sports drink that contains sodium to help replace sodium lost in sweat. Add water if you have an illness with a fever, vomiting, diarrhea or a urinary tract infection. Follow your doctor’s instruction if you have kidney disease or any other medical condition requiring you to restrict your water intake. The above are suggestions not rules. If you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables or watery foods you will need less water. If you are producing clear or light yellow urine and rarely feel thirsty, you are drinking enough fluid. Setting a Drinking Hours daily: Start drinking water as soon as you wake up or right after your daily weigh-in. You may even want to use the Aqua Drill for your alarm clock. Complete your water drinking goal a couple of hours before bed time so that you aren’t waking up at night to pee. Setting a Reminders: Select the reminders for our convenience like as Sound Alarm , Notifications and None. Setting a Alarm Ringtone: In this application we are provided the five default ringtones. Select the ringtone among those five ringtones. Setting an Alarm Duration: Select the alarm duration time for our convenience, default it takes 20 seconds alarm duration time.