比翼的藝術家居留項目:在過去的幾年裡,比翼接待了許多來自亞洲,歐洲和美洲(北美和南美)的藝術家。過去的三年里比翼也和世界試驗性的藝術家連結項目合作,這個項目由英國藝術理事會(Art Council England)和英國領事館支持。
在將當代藝術作品帶給觀眾的同時, 居留項目也在生產作品的前提下給上海這個創意的城市提供了藝術性的想法和貢獻。國際藝術家在和比翼的合作過程中也增進了自己的專業性和藝術發展,並對這裡新的文化,社會和藝術環境做出了反應。
ArtHub 的介紹:關於:ArtHub—支持中國及亞洲其他地區現代藝術創作的非營利機構非常高興在此向您介紹不久前新成立的香港非營利機構ArtHub。成立ArtHub,是為了支持同為非營利藝術機構的比翼藝術中心舉辦各類藝術活動,以此進一步發展中國及亞洲其他地區的當代藝術。
BizArt is a self-supported and not-for-profit art center that combines artistic and commercial pursuits with the ultimate goal of advancing contemporary art in Shanghai and beyond. The name “BizArt” refers to our straddling the duel roles of business and art, and the “bizarre” nature of our existence.
Since all of our artistic undertakings are not-for-profit, and because of the peculiar environment in China concerning funding for the arts, it is essential that BizArt is seen as a business entity and maintains an active business side.
Because there is no public funding in China for an independent organizations like us, all of our business driven profits supports our various artistic endeavors and ensures our future in the local and international art world.
BizArt Artist in residency program: In the past years, BizArt hosted many international artists coming from Asia, Europe and America (both North and South). BizArt also hosted the world-wide pilot program Artist Links, supported by Art Council England and British Council for the last three years.
While exhibitions present contemporary work to the audience, residencies bring artistic ideas over and contribute to the creative life of Shanghai at the level of production. International visiting artists gain professional and artistic development through working with BizArt and responding to the new cultural, social and artistic context.
BizArt intends to carry on this artist-in-residence program and host international artists for up to two months, mainly focusing on exchanges between China and other region of the Far East. This exchange project, part of BizArt’s Compass Project, aims to create a network throughout Asia between artistic organizations, artists and curators. Those will be consequentially chosen and invited among Asian countries and Chinese provinces.
At present, residencies have limited funds and services are provided on an ad hoc basis. BizArt currently seeks core funds in order to formalize and fully exploit the possibilities for this program.
About ArtHub:Re: ArtHub, a Not-For-Profit Organization Supporting Contemporary Art Creation in China and the Rest of Asia
It is my pleasure to introduce to you ArtHub, a Hong Kong based not-for-profit organization founded recently to support the artistic activities of BizArt Art Centre, a not-for-profit arts organization whose mission and objectives are to further the development of contemporary art in China and the rest of Asia.
Established in Hong Kong in January 2007, ArtHub’s mission is to serve as a pragmatic framework for supporting contemporary artistic creation in Mainland China and the rest of Asia. ArtHub’s Advisory Committee includes more than 40 renowned and highly regarded arts professionals and artists.
電話: (21) 6277 5358
傳真: (21) 6277 5358-61