

大連理工大學化工與環境生命學部副部長兼化學學院院長 ,教授,博士生導師,長江學者特聘教授 、國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者。




1992-1994南京大學講師,1995-1999南京大學副教授,1995-1996,香港中文大學訪問,1999-2000 英國諾丁漢大學訪問。2000年至2005年任南京大學教授、博士生導師,2006年至今任大連理工大學教授、博士生導師。2010年至今任大連理工大學精細化工國家重點實驗室副主任;2012年擔任大連理工大學化工與環境生命學部副部長兼化學學院院長 。


從事無機-有機雜化材料的基礎研究。承擔自然科學基金委員會重大、重點項目,科技部 “973”課題 和教育部“長江學者與創新團隊”支持計畫多項國家級項目。在Nature Commun.等國際刊物上發表SCI論文240餘篇,論文被他引7500餘次。獲得國家自然科學二等獎 1 項,省部級一等獎 3 項。
組建的"仿生識別與螢光感測" 研究團隊 2012年度獲教育部"長江學者與創新團隊"支持計畫資助。團隊長期致力於面向無機化學學科的國際前沿、輻射精細化工領域國家需求的原創性基礎研究。通過構建富含醯胺骨架螯合基團的金屬-有機仿生結構,實現了對糖類等生物小分子的選擇性識別與螢光回響,拓展出系列新型高靈敏度專一性敏感材料;利用金屬中心的構型手性調配和誘導自發拆分過程,結合手性孔洞的約束性和催化中心的空間限制,發展系列高效、高立體選擇性催化和光催化新材料。


研究領域和學術成果 主要從事金屬-有機功能體系的組裝與識別方面的基礎研究。重點是(1)通過金屬定向配位的立體化學,構建富有獨創特色的金屬籠狀結構,研究其在生物小分子識別與感測過程中的套用,學習和模擬生命過程中酶催化過程;結合無機固體合成方法中的摻雜策略,設計合成新穎多孔材料,捕獲凝聚相中質子化水簇,探索水合質子簇在凝聚相中的結構和性能,並進行不對稱催化研究;(2)利用金屬配位後引起的電子結構和光電功能的改變,研製和開發具有套用意義的敏感材料和器件, 實現生命和環境體系中無機離子及其他物種的高選擇性識別和螢光標示,探索和研究和環境中有害物質的實時檢測和快速預警方法。 近十多年來課題組在該方向上進行了大量富有創新性的研究工作,共發表SCI 論文130 余篇,所發表被他人引用2500 余次,已獲授權專利 4 項。


J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Angew.. Ed.,Chem. Commun.,Inorg. Chem., Dalton Trans., J. Org Chem.,等國際期刊審稿人。



1. Dongbin Dang, Pengyan Wu, Cheng He, Zhong Xie and Chunying DuanHomochiral metal-organic frameworks for heterogeneous asymmetric catalysisJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 14321–14323

2. Chunying Duan, Meilin Wei, Dong Guo, Cheng He and Qingjin MengCrystal structures and properties of large protonated water clusters encapsulated by metal- organic frameworksJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 3321–3330.

3. Guangjie He, Dong Guo, Cheng He, Xiaolin Zhang, Xiuwen Zhao and Chunying DuanA Color- Tunable Europium Complex Emitting Three Primary Colors and White LightAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 6132–6135.

4. Dayu Wu, Osamu Sato , Yasuaki Einaga and Chunying DuanA Spin-Crossover Cluster of Iron(II) Exhibiting a Mixed-Spin Structure and Synergy between Spin Transition and Magnetic InteractionAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 1337–1340.

5. Cheng He, Zhihua Lin, Zheng He, Chunying Duan , Chunhu Xu, Zheming Wang and Chunhua YanMetal-Tunable Nanocages as Artificial ChemosensorsAngew. Chem. Int. Ed 2008, 47, 877-881.

6. Meilin Wei, Cheng He, Weijie Hua, Chunying Duan , Shuhua Li and Qingjin MengA large protonated water cluster H+(H2O)27 in a 3D metal-organic framework,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 13318-13319.

7. Qingtao Meng, Xiaolin Zhang, Cheng he, Guangjie He, Peng Zhou and Chunying DuanMultifunctional mesoporous silica material used for detection and adsorption of cu2+ in aqueous solution and biologicalapplications in vitro and in vivoAdv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 1903–1909.

8. Dehui Wang, Bingguang Zhang, Cheng He, Pengyan Wu, and Chunying DuanA new chiral n-heterocyclic carbene silver(I) cylinder: synthesis, crystal structure and catalytic propertiesChem. Commun. 2010, 46, 4728–4730.

9. Yang Liu, Rong Zhang, Cheng He, Dongbin Dang and Chunying Duan ,A palladium(II) triangle as building blocks of microporous molecular materials: structures and catalytic performanceChem. Commun. 2010, 46, 746–748.

10. Yang Liu, Xiao Wu, Cheng He, Yang Jiao and Chunying DuanSelf-assembly of cerium- based metal–organic tetrahedrons for size-selectively luminescent sensing natural saccharides,Chem. Commun. 2009, 7554-7556.

11. Yonggang Zhao, Dong Guo, Yang Liu, Cheng He and Chunying DuanA mixed-valence (FeII)2 (FeIII)2 square for molecular expression of quantum cellular automataChem Commun. 2008, 5725- 5727.

12. Zhihua Lin, Shengju Ou, Chunying Duan, Bingguang Zhang and Zhiping BaiNaked- eye detection of fluoride ion in water: a remarkably selective easy-to-prepare test paper,Chem. Commun. 2006, 624-626.

13. Yan Bai, Guangjie He, Yonggang Zhao, Chunying Duan , Dongbin Dang and Qingjin MengPorous material for absorption and luminescent detection of aromatic molecules in water,Chem. Commun. 2006, 1530-1532.

14. Qiaozhen Sun, Yan Bai, Guangjie He, Chunying Duan , Zhihua Lin and Qingjin MengSpontaneous resolution of silver double helicates consisting of achiral ligands with several aromatic rings,Chem. Commun. 2006, 2777-2779.

15. Shengju Ou, Zhihua Lin, Chunying Duan , Hongtao Zhang and Zhiping Bai A sugar-quinoline fluorescent chemosensor for selective detection of Hg2+ ion in natural water, Chem. Commun. 2006, 4392-4394.
16. Dongbin Dang, Yan Bai, Cheng He, Jian Wang, Chunying Duan and Jingyang Niu Structural and catalytic performance of a polyoxometalate-based metal-organic framework having a lanthanide nanocage asa secondary building blockInorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 1280–1282.
17. Wei Huang, Chunxia Song, Cheng He , Guojun Lv, Xiaoyue Hu, Xiang Zhu and Chunying Duan
Recognition Preference of Rhodamine-Thiospirolactams for Mercury(II) in Aqueous Solution Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 5061–5072.
18. Dayu Wu, Dong Guo, You Song, Wei Huang, Chunying Duan , Qingjin Meng, and Osamu SatoCoII Molecular Square with Single-Molecule Magnet Properties Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 854-860
19. Hongmei Wu, Cheng He , Zhihua Lin, Yang Liu and Chunying Duan , Metallohelical Triangles for Selective Detection of Adenosine Triphosphate in Aqueous Media Inorg. Chem., 2009, 408-410
20. Dayu Wu, Wei Huang, Zhihua Lin, Chunying Duan , Cheng He, Suo Wu and Dehui Wang Highly sensitive multiresponsive chemosensor for selective detection of Hg2+ in natural water and different monitoring environmentsInorg. Chem. 2008, 7190-7201
21. Guangjie He, Yonggang Zhao, Cheng He, Yang Liu and Chunying Duan Turn-On" fluorescent sensor for Hg2+ via displacement approach Inorg. Chem. 2008, 5169-5176
22. Meilin Wei, Cheng He, Qiaozhen Sun, Qingjin Meng and Chunying Duan
Zeolite ionic crystals assembled through direct incorporation of polyoxometalate clusters within 3D metal-organic frameworks, Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 5957-5966.

23. Dayu Wu, Wei Huang, Chunying Duan, Zhihua Lin and Qingjin Meng  Highly sensitive fluore- scent probe for selective detection of Hg2+ in DMF aqueous media,  Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 1538-1540.
24. Yonggang Zhao, Zhihua Lin, Cheng He, Hongmei Wu and Chunying Duan  A "turn-on" fluore- scent sensor for selective Hg(II) detection in aqueous media based on metal-induced dye formation,  Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45, 10013-10015.
25. Yang Liu, Zhihua Lin, Cheng He, Liang Zhao and Chunying Duan A symmetry-controlled and face-driven approach for the assembly of cerium-based molecular polyhedra  Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 11122–11125
26. Yang Liu, Xiao Wu, Cheng he, Zhihua Lin, Chunying Duan  Metal-organic polyhedra for selective sensing of ribonucleosides through the cooperation of hydrogen-bonding interactions  Dalton Transactions 2010, 39, 7727–7732
27. Xiang Zhu, Cheng He, Dapeng Dong, Yang Liu and Chunying Duan
Cerium-based triple-stranded helicates as luminescent chemosensors for the selective sensing of magnesium ions  Dalton Transactions 2010, 39, 10051–10055
28. Wei Huang, Xiang Zhu, Dayu Wua, Cheng He , Xiaoyue Hu and Chunying Duan
Structural modi- fication of rhodamine-based sensors toward highly selective mercury detection in mixed organic/ aqueous media  Dalton Trans. 2009, 38, 10457-10465
29. Wei Huang, Dayu Wu, Dong Guo , Xiang Zhu, Cheng He , Qingjin Meng, Chunying Duan
Efficient near-infrared emission of a Ytterbium(III) compound with a green light rhodamine donor,
Dalton Trans. 2009, 38, 2081-2084.
30. Yang Liu, Xiao Wu, Cheng He , Rong Zhang, Chunying Duan
A truncated octahedral nanocage for fluorescent detection of nucleoside,
Dalton Trans. 2008, 5866-5868

31. Qiaozhen Sun, Meilin Wei, Yan Bai, Cheng He , Qingjin Meng and Chunying DuanEntanglement of individual coordination polymers having helicates as building intermediates,Dalton Trans. 2007, 4089-4094.

32. Dayu Wu, Wei Huang, Weijie Hua, Yong Song, Chunying Duan, Shuhua Li and Qingjin MengMetal complexes formed by metal-assisted solvolysis of di-pyridyl ketone azine: structures and magnetic properties,Dalton Trans. 2007, 1838-1845.

33. Bingguang Zhang, Jian Xu, Yonggang Zhao, Chunying Duan , Xin Cao and Qingjin MengHost-guest complexation of a fluorescent and electrochemical chemo-sensor for fluoride anion,Dalton Trans. 2006, 1271-1276.

34. Mingxue Li, Qiaozhen Sun, Yan Bai, Chunying Duan , Bingguang Zhang and Qingjin MengChiral aggregation and spontaneous resolution of thiosemicarbazone metal complexesDalton Trans. 2006, 2572-2578.

35. Dayu Wu, Lixia Xie, Changlin Zhang, Chunying Duan , Yonggang Zhao and Zijian GuoQuinoline-based molecular clips for selective fluorescent detection of Zn2+Dalton Trans. 2006, 3528- 3533.

36. Zhihua Lin, Yonggang Zhao, Chunying Duan , Bingguang Zhang and Zhiping BaiA highly selective chromo- and fluorogenic dual responding fluoride sensor: naked-eye detection of F- ion in natural water via a test paperDalton Trans. 2006, 3678-3684.



2007 年度 教育部高等學校科學技術獎,自然科學獎一等獎。



