












1984.07-1987.09:助教, 西南交通大學套用力學系。


[1] Yang, F., Chong, A. C. M., Lam, D. C. C., Tong, P., 2002. Couple stress based strain gradient theory for elasticity. Int. J. Solids Struct. 39: 2731-2743.

[2] Lam, D. C. C., Yang, F., Chong, A. C. M., Wang, J., Tong, P., 2003. Experiments and theory in strain gradient elasticity. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 51: 1477-1503.


(1) 固體力學,微、細觀力學,尺度效應,應變梯度理論。

(2) 計算力學,有限元方法,工程結構分析。

(3) 微電子封裝中的力學問題,濕氣侵入擴散,脫層開裂。

(4) 計算電磁學,電磁法物探的計算機三維正、反演仿真。


[1] Lam, D. C. C., Wang, J., Yang, F., 2007. Hygrothermal failures from small defects in lead-free solder reflowed electronic packages. IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging 30: 636-640.

[2] Yang, F., Wang, J., Chen, D. P., 2006. The energy release rate for hygrothermal coupling elastic materials. Acta Mechanica Sinica 22: 28-33.

[3] Chong, A. C. M., Yang, F., Lam, D. C. C., Tong, P., 2005. Mechanics framework for micron-scale planar structures. Advanced Material Research 9: 173-182.

[4] Tong, P., Lam, D.C.C., Yang, F., 2005. Mode I solution for micron-sized crack. ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS 72: 1779-1804.

[5] Lam, D. C. C., Yang, F., Wang, J., 2004. Size-dependent fracture and higher order J-integral for solids characterized by strain gradient elasticity. Int. J. Fract. 216: 385-398.

[6] Tong, P., Yang, F., Lam, D. C. C., Wang, J., 2004. Size effects of hair-sized structures – Torsion. ADVANCES IN FRACTURE AND FAILURE PREVENTION, PTS 1 AND 2, Key Eng. Mat. 261-263: 11-22.

[7] Lam, D. C. C., Yang, F., Chong, A. C. M., Wang, J., Tong, P., 2003. Experiments and theory in strain gradient elasticity. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 51: 1477-1503.

[8] Yang, F., Chong, A. C. M., Lam, D. C. C., Tong, P., 2002. Couple stress based strain gradient theory for elasticity. Int. J. Solids Struct. 39: 2731-2743.

[9] 王珺, 楊帆, 陳大鵬, 2002. 含濕熱效應的各向同性耦合粘彈模型含濕熱效應的各向同性耦合粘彈模型. 西南交通大學學報 37: 642-647.

[10] 王珺, 楊帆, 陳大鵬, 2002. 計及熱效應和濕分擴散的耦合黏彈性本構方程. 力學學報 34: 735-742.

[11] 王珺, 楊帆, 陳大鵬, 2002. 濕熱導致電子元件封裝脫層斷裂的分析. 西南交通大學學報 37: 125-128.

[12] Chong, A. C. M., Yang, F., Lam, D. C. C., Tong, P., 2001. Torsion and bending of micron-scaled structures. J. Mater. Res. 16: 1052-1058.

[13] 王珺, 楊帆, 陳大鵬, 2000. 採用張量列式的無“自鎖”4節點雜交/混合板單元. 西南交通大學學報 35: 555-558.

[14] 楊帆, 王珺, 陳大鵬, 2000. 一種基於張量列式的高性能平面4節點雜交/混合單元. 西南交通大學學報 35: 72-76.

[15] Lam, D. C. C., Yang, F., Tong, P., 1999. Chemical kinetic model of interfacial degradation of adhesive joints. IEEE Trans. Compon. Packaging Technol. 22: 215-220.

[16] 楊帆, 陳大鵬, 1997. 非線性彈性薄殼理論. 西南交通大學學報 32: 598-603.

[17] 楊帆, 陳大鵬, 1997. 一種5-節點、19-?雜交/混和薄曲殼單元. 西南交通大學學報 32: 143-149.

[18] 楊帆, 陳大鵬, 1997. 曲殼有限單元列式中的單元曲面模擬方法. 計算力學學報 14(特刊): 551-554.

[19] 楊帆, 陳大鵬, 1995. 經歷有限變形和有限轉動的殼體結構的非線形理論. 西南交通大學學報 30: 650-656.


[1] 許宏偉, 楊帆, 2008. 底充膠的粘彈特性對焊球安全性評價的影響. 信息、電子與控制技術學術會議 (IECT 2008). 四川,中國

[2] Chong, A. C. M., Yang, F., Lam, D. C. C., Tong, P., 2005. Mechanics framework for micron-scale planar structures. International Symposium on Macro-, Meso-, and Nano-Mechanics of Materials (MM2003),Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, DEC 08-10, 2003. Advanced Material Research 9, 173-182.

[3] Tong, P., Lam, D.C.C., Yang, F., 2005. Mode I solution for micron-sized crack. International Conference on Heterogeneous Materials Mechanics (ICHMM), Chongqing Univ, Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA, JUN 21-26, 2004: ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS 72 (12): 1779-1804, AUG 2005.

[4] Tong, P., Yang, F., Lam, D. C. C., Wang, J., 2003. Size effects of hair-sized structures – Torsion. 5th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids/2nd International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Fracture and Failure Prevention, OCT 20-22, 2003 Sendai, JAPAN: ADVANCES IN FRACTURE AND FAILURE PREVENTION, PTS 1 AND 2, Key Eng. Mat. Vol.261-263, pp. 11-22.

[5] Tong, P., Lam, D. C. C., Yang, F., Wang, J., 2002. Investigations in size dependent torsions and fractures. In: (Cherkaoui, M., Khaleel, M. A., Zbib, H. M., Zikry, M. A, Lamatina, B. Eds) IUTAM SYMPOSIUM ON MULTISCALE MODELING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ELESTIC-INELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS, PROCEEDINGS, OCT 20-25, 2002, Marrakech, MOROCCO, pp. 259-266, 2004.

[6] Yang, F., Chen, D. P., 2001. A 5-node 19-beta hybrid/mixed curved shell element. In (Valliappan, S. and Khalili, N. Eds.) Computational Mechanics, the Proceedings of the 1st Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics 2000, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 2, Elsevier Science, Netherlands, pp. 1691-1696.

[7] Wang, J., Yang, F., Chen, D. P., 2001. A multi-variation 4-node plate element with tensorial formulation method. In (Valliappan, S. and Khalili, N. Eds.) Computational Mechanics, the Proceedings of the 1st Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics 2000, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 2, Elsevier Science, Netherlands, pp. 1673-1678.

[8] Lam, D. C. C., Yang, F., Tong, P., 1998. Chemical kinetic model of interfacial degradation of adhesive joints. In: (Constable J. H. Ed.) Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Adhesive Joining and Coating Technology in Electronics Manufacturing 1998, New York, NY, USA, pp. 44-48.

[9] 周本寬, 楊帆, 1989. 雜交/混和有限元與邊界元耦合的有效數值方法. In: (錢偉長, 郭友中 Eds) 現代數學與力學, 科學出版社, 北京, 1989年5月, pp. 123-124.


