

楊宇豐,閩江學者特聘教授。1996年本科畢業於清華大學生物科學與技術專業,同年獲取現代物理輔修雙學位;1998年赴美留學,先後在德州醫學院、波士頓大學、洛克菲勒大學和史丹福大學助研及助教,跨越生物物理、細胞生物學、免疫和微生物學、遺傳和發育分子生物學和神經科學等現代生命科學領域。於2009年獲得美國史丹福大學神經科學博士學位,並連續三年(2005-2008)獲得史丹福大學 Bio-X Fellow 優秀博士生獎。現為美國科學促進學會、國際神經學會會員及遺傳學會會員。





自2001年起開始致力於神經退行性和突發性疾病包括帕金森症、老年痴呆症和癲癇症的研究,科研成果發表於Neuron 《神經元》、Cell 《細胞》、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 《美國國家科學院院刊》和 Journal of Neurophysiology 《神經生理雜誌》等國際知名學術期刊,引用次數已超過700 。 在帕金森症研究領域中其成果處於國際前沿。



1. Parkin suppresses dopaminergic neuron-selective neurotoxicity induced by PaelR in Drosophila (Y. Yang, I. Nishimura, Y. Imai, R. Takahashi & B. Lu NEURON 37: 911, 2003)

2. PAR-1 kinase plays an initiator role in a multisite sequential phosphorylation process that confers Tau neurotoxicity in Drosophila (I. Nishimura, Y. Yang & B. Lu CELL 116: 671, 2004)

3. Inactivation of Drosophila DJ-1 leads to impairments of oxidative stress response and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt signaling (Y. Yang, S. Gehrke, M.E. Haque, Y. Imai, J. Kosek, L. Yang, M. F. Beal, I. Nishimura, K. Wakamatsu, S. Ito, R. Takahashi & B. Lu PNAS USA 102: 13670, 2005)

4. Mitochondrial pathology and muscle and dopaminergic neuron degeneration caused by inactivation of Drosophila Pink1 is rescued by Parkin (Y. Yang, S. Gehrke, Y. Imai, Z. Huang, Y. Ouyang, J. Wang, L. Yang, M. F. Beal, H. Vogel & B. Lu PNAS USA 103: 10793, 2006)

5. GABAA receptor-mediated IPSCs and a1 subunit expression are not reduced in the substantia nigra pars reticulata of gerbils with inherited epilepsy (S. Kumar, X. Wen, Y. Yang & P. Buckmaster J. NEUROPHYSIOL. 95: 2446, 2006)

6. Pink1 regulates mitochondrial dynamics through interaction with fission/fusion machinery (Y. Yang, Y. Ouyang, L. Yang, M. F. Beal, A. McQuibban, H. Vogel & B. Lu PNAS USA , 105: 7070, 2008)

7.Mitochondrial morphogenesis, distribution and Parkinson's disease: insights from PINK1 ( Y. Yang & B. Lu J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurology. 68(9):953-63, 2009)

8.Neuroprotective effects of compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in a Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease ( K. Faust, S. Gehrke, Y. Yang , L. Yang, M.F. Beal and B. Lu BMC Neurosciences 10:109, 2009)



