
阿什·斯戴梅斯特 (Ash Stymest) 渾身紋身,乾瘦,酷酷的表情,充滿了90後的個性魅力。阿什·斯戴梅斯特 (Ash Stymest) 的成名十分幸運,他是Hedi Slimane欽定的《Vogue Homme》日本版創刊號的封面男孩,可以說一夜走紅,並且紅不可擋!阿什·斯戴梅斯特 (Ash Stymest) 叛逆灑脫的形象,除了《Vogue Homme》日本版,如今更是《Dazed and Confused》等新銳視覺系雜誌的寵兒。
2009秋冬秀季之後,阿什·斯戴梅斯特(Ash Stymest) 在models.權威排行榜上位列全球 TOP 50 男模之第12名。2010年10月在權威排行榜上排名33名。因為隨後的網站大洗牌,ash不在top50之列。

Featured on his first cover, for the premiere issue of JapaneseVogue Hommes, photographed by Hedi Slimane
AUG 2008
Appears in editorials for i-D and Wonderland
Ben Toms photographs Stymest for the fall issue of Another Man editorial, styled in Fred Perry
SEP 2008
Appears in Dazed & Confused editorial, photographed by Toyin
OCT 2008
Debuts at the spring BALENCIAGA show in Paris
7 SEP, 2008
Models. features Stymest as a rising star
Appears in Upstreet editorial, photographed by David Oldham
Featured on the fall cover of EY! Electric Youth!
DEC 2008
Appears in Dazed & Confused editorial, photographed by Brett Lloyd
FEB 2009
Appears in Italian Vogue editorial, photographed by Steven Meisel
MAR 2009
Featured on the cover of Dazed & Confused, photographed by Mariano Vivanco

阿什·斯戴梅斯特 (Ash Stymest) 的前女友是女模伊莉薩·卡敏斯(Eliza Cummings) 。2013年分手。
Ash Stymest的前妻是Maille Doyle,女兒取名Summer Doyle Stymest,女兒歸母親養。