姓 名: 梅餘霞
所在大學: 華中農業大學
所在城市: 湖北 武漢
所在院系: 生命科學技術學院
2002-至今 華中農業大學生命科學技術學院 助教,講師,副教授
1. Mei YX, Dai XY, Yang W, Xu XW, & Liang YX. Antifungal activity of chitooligosaccharides against the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 77: 330-335.
2. Mei YX, Zhu H, Hu QM, Liu YY, Zhao SM, Peng N & Liang YX. A novel polysaccharide from mycelia of cultured Phellinus linteus displays antitumor activity through apoptosis. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015, 124: 90-97.
3. Mei YX, Yang W, Zhu, PX, Peng N, Zhu H, & Liang YX. Isolation, characterization, and antitumor activity of a novel heteroglycan from cultured mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis. Planta Medica, 2014, 80(13): 1107-1112.
4. Mei YX, Chen HX, Zhang J, Zhang XD, Liang YX. Protective effect of chitooligosaccharides against cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression in mice. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2013, 62:330-335.
5. Mei YX, Peng N, Zhao S, Hu Y, Wang H, Liang Y, She Q. Exceptional thermal stability and organic solvent tolerance of an esterase expressed from a thermophilic host.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2012, 93(5):1965-74.
6. Hu JL, Lin YX, Zhang Z, Xiang T, Mei, YX, Zhao SM, Liang YX & Peng N.. High-titer lactic acid production by Lactobacillus pentosus FL0421 from corn stover using fed-batch simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 214:74-80.
7. Hu J, Zhang Z, Lin Y, Zhao SM, Mei YX, Liang YX, & Peng N. High-titer lactic acid production from NaOH-pretreated corn stover by Bacillus coagulans LA204 using fed-batch simultaneous saccharification and fermentation under non-sterile condition. Bioresource Technology, 2015,182: 251-257.
8. Hu Y, Peng N, Han W, Mei YX, Chen Z, Feng X, Liang YX, She Q. An archaeal proteinevolutionarily conserved in prokaryotes is a zinc-dependent metalloprotease. Bioscience Reports, 2012, 32(6):609-18.
9. Peng N, Deng L, Mei YX, Jiang D, Hu Y, Awayez M, Liang Y, She Q. A synthetic arabinose-inducible promoter confers high levels of recombinant protein expression in hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus islandicus. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 2012, 78(16).5630-5637.
10. Zhu PX, Mei YX, Liang YX, Immunological activity of a purified polysaccharide from Cordyceps Sinensis in vitro, Food Science and Technology, 2013, 38 (9): 25-28. (In Chinese)
11. Hu QM, Mei YX, Liang YX. Immune activities of polysaccharides isolated in vitro purified from Phellinus linteus, Food Science and Technology, 2013, 38 (9): 142-145. (In Chinese)
12. Mei YX, Fang BS. Crystallization of xylitol based on fermentation [J]. Food science and technology, 2008, (10):82-85.(In Chinese)
13. Mei YX, Fang BS. Crystallization kinetics of xylitol based on the broth model [J].Biomass Chemical Engineering, 2007, 41(5):1-4.(In Chinese)
14. Mei YX, Fang BS. Crystallization thermodynamics of xylitol from fermentation broth [j]. chemistry & bioengineering, 2007, 24(5):45-47.(In Chinese)
1995-1999 華僑大學 化工與生物工程系 本科
1999-2002華僑大學 生物化工 碩士
2006- 華中農業大學 微生物學 博士
2002-至今 華中農業大學生命科學技術學院教師
參編 “十一五”規劃教材兩部。
1.Mei Y. X., Peng N., Zhao S. M., Hu Y. M., Wang H. C., Liang Y. X., She Q.(2012)Exceptional thermal stability and organic solvent tolerance of an esterase expressed from a thermophilic host, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 93(5):1965-1974.
2.Peng N., Deng L.,Mei Y. X., Jiang D.Q., Hu Y. M., Awayez M. , Liang Y. X. and She Q. (2012) A Synthetic Arabinose-Inducible Promoter Confers High Levels of Recombinant Protein Expression in Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus islandicus, Appl Environ Microb. 78(16): 5630-7.
3.Y.M., Peng N.,Han W.Y., Mei Y.X., Liang Y.X., She Q.X. (2012)An archaeal protein evolutionarily conserved in prokaryotes is a zinc-dependent metalloprotease, Biosci. Rep. doi: 10.1042/ BSR20120074.