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林天然博士,泰山學者,青島理工大學海外特聘教授,博士生導師。主要從事結構聲學,振動噪音分析和控制,機械故障診斷及信號處理方面的研究。研究興趣包括套用基礎研究和工業套用研究兩部分。累計發表科研論文二十七篇,其中SCI期刊論文12篇,其他期刊論文和國際會議論文15篇,合作撰寫並由國際著名科學出版社Elsevier下屬分社Gulf Professional Publishing 出版英文專著一部。輔助編輯了多部國際會議論文集。並在多個國際學術會議擔任會議組委會和論文評審委員會委員、分會場主席、特邀主講等。同時擔任國際工程資產研究院會士,澳大利亞工程師協會會員,澳大利亞昆士蘭科技大學訪問研究員等學術兼職。





在國際權威核心SCI期刊上(如Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing等)主要以第一和通信作者發表了一系列振動,聲輻射,實驗方法方面的科研論文。通過建立新的理論和實驗模型,改善和增強人們對大型複雜工程結構振動和噪聲特性和傳播機理的了解和認知,並首次揭示了實際複雜工程結構在製造和安裝的微小誤差可導致理論預測結果和實際系統回響的巨大偏差。近幾年,通過參與澳大利亞政府牽頭的工業合作套用研究項目逐漸把研究領域拓寬到包括柴油機等旋轉機械在內的線上監測和故障診斷技術開發上。






(5)工業套用軟體開發。首次提出了包括實時採樣減頻法(Peak Hold Down Sample)技術,聲發射信號線性化(Acoustic Emission Signal Linearization),柴油機聲發射信號分離法(Semi-Blind Source Separation)等多個信號處理新方法,解決了機械監控中經常遇到的一些難題。開發了兩個具有獨特算法模組,針對柴油機,低轉速旋轉機械特有信號特徵的實時監控軟體,並在國際權威SCI期刊上(如Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Reliability Engineering and System Safety等)發表了多篇學術論文。



1H. Lin, Z. Gao, L. Jiao, C. Yi and T. R. Lin, “A simulation study on a multi-rate time-frequency analysis of non-stationary signals”, (to appear in) Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University 2017(4)

2. K. Yu, J. Tan and T. R. Lin, “Fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings using a multi-scale Lempel-Ziv complexity and Mahalanobis distance criterion”, (to appear in) Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2017(4)

3. X. Hu, Y. Yin and T. R. Lin, “The development of an effective fault diagnosis technique for heavy-duty crane monitoring”, (to appear in) Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University 2017(4)

4. Y. Zhou, T. R. Lin, S. Yong and L. Ma, “Maintenance optimisation of a parallel-series system with stochastic and economic dependence under limited maintenance capacity”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 155, 137-146, 2016

5. T. R. Lin, J. Tan, Y. Zhou, J. Jiang and K. Zhang, “A study of ribbing effect on the vibration response and transmission of an L-shaped Plate”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(6), 3063-3075, 2016

6. Y. Yin, X. Hu and T. R. Lin, “A practical approach to analyze the non-stationary signals of a quayside container crane motor using a combined empirical mode decomposition and wavelet packet quantization technique”, Noise Control Engineering Journal 64(2), 126-133, 2016

7. S. Pan, T. Han, A. C. C. Tan and T. R. Lin, “Fault diagnosis system of induction motors based on multi-scale entropy and support vector machine with mutual information algorithm”, Shock and Vibration 2016 Article ID 5836717, 12 pages, 2016

8. W. Wu, T. R. Lin, A. C. C. Tan, “Normalization and source separation of acoustic emission signals for condition monitoring and fault detection of a multi-cylinder diesel engine”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 64-65, 479-497, 2015

9. Y. Zhou, T. R. Lin, S. Yong, Y. Bian and L. Ma, “An effective approach to reducing strategy space for maintenance optimisation of multistate series-parallel systems”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety 138, 40-53, 2015

10. T. R. Lin, A. C. C. Tan, L. Ma and J. Mathew, “Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of diesel engines using instantaneous angular speed analysis”, Proc IMechE Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 229(2), 304-315, 2015

11. T. R. Lin, E. Kim and A. C. C. Tan, "A simple signal processing approach for condition monitoring of low speed machinery using Peak-Hold-Down-Sample algorithm", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 36(2), 256-270, 2013

12. Y. Zhou, Z. Zhang, T. R. Lin and L. Ma, "Maintenance optimization of a multi-state series-parallel system considering economic dependence and state-dependent inspection intervals", Reliability Engineering and System Safety 111, 248-259, 2013

13. T. R. Lin, “An analytical and experimental study of the vibration response of a clamped ribbed plate”, Journal of Sound and Vibration 331(4), 902-913, 2012

14. D. P. Lowe, T. R. Lin, W. Wu and A. C. C. Tan, “Diesel Knock Combustion and its Detection Using Acoustic Emission ”, Journal of Acoustic Emission 29, 78-88, 2011

15. T. R. Lin, A. C. C. Tan, C. Yan and D. Hargreaves, “Vibration response of an L-shaped plate under a deterministic force or moment excitation: a case of Statistical Energy Analysis application”, Journal of Sound and Vibration 330(20), 4780-4797, 2011

16. T. R. Lin, C. Mechefske and P. O’Shea, “Characteristics of modal sound radiation of finite cylindrical shells”, Trans. of ASME. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 133(5), 051011-1-051011-6, 2011

Scientific Books

17. B. Guo, S. Song, A. Ghalambor and T. R. Lin, “Offshore Pipelines”, 2nd ed., Gulf Professional Publishing, Elsevier Science, Oxford, 2014, ISBN 9780123979490

Full Refereed Conference Publications

18. A. C. C. Tan and T. R. Lin, “Acoustic emission technique in machine diagnostics and condition monitoring of diesel engines”, in Proceedings of the 2016 World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (QR2MSE 2016&WCEAM2016), 25-28 July 2016, Jiuzhaigou, P. R. China

19. Y. Guan, T. R. Lin, X. Yang and H. Li, “An experimental study on the torsional vibration mode of a flexible compound caudal fin”, in Proceedings of the 29 International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management - COMADEM 2016, 20-22 August, Xi’an, P. R. China

20. Y. Shi, T. R. Lin, G. Meng, J. Huang, “A study on the suppression of cavitation flow inside an axial piston pump”, (accepted) 2016 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, 19-21 October 2016, Chengdu, P. R. China

21. T. R. Lin, W. Wu and A. C. C. Tan, “A signal processing approach to solve the non-linearity problem of acoustic emission sensors”, in Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, 28-31 Oct 2014, Pretoria, South Africa

22. T. R. Lin, A. C. C. Tan and J. Mathew, “The development of the instantaneous power output measurement technique for condition monitoring of diesel engines”, in Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2013, Hong Kong, P. R. China, pp. 1-14, in press.

23. T. R. Lin, A. C. C. Tan and L. Ma, "The effect of ribbing on the energy flow between two rectangular plates coupled at right angle", in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods, 25-28 November 2012, Gold Coast, Australia

24. T. R. Lin, A. C. C. Tan, P. Crosby and J. Mathew, "Signal patterns of piston slap of a four-cylinder diesel engine", in Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Daejeon, Korea, 8-10, October 2012

25. T. R. Lin, A. C. C. Tan and J. Mathew, “Condition monitoring and diagnosis of injector faults in a diesel engine using in-cylinder pressure and acoustic emission technique”, in Proceedings of the 14 Asia Pacific Vibration Conference, Hong Kong, P. R. China, 5-8, December 2011, pp, 454-463

26. T. R. Lin, A. C. C. Tan, L. Ma and J. Mathew, “Estimating the loading condition of a diesel engine using instantaneous angular speed analysis”, in Proceedings of the 6 Annual World Congress on Engineering Asset Management 2011, Cincinnati, Ohio USA, 2-4, October 2011

27. T. R. Lin and A. C. C. Tan, “Characterizing the signal pattern of a four-cylinder diesel engine using acoustic emission and vibration analysis”, in Proceedings of the World Conference on Acoustic Emission 2011, Beijing, P. R. China, 24-26, August 2011, pp, 506-515.

28. T. R. Lin, A. C. C. Tan, I. Howard, J. Pan, P. Crosby and J. Mathew, “Development of a diagnostic tool for condition monitoring of rotating machinery”, in Proceedings of ICOMS Asset Management Conference 2011, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Australia, 16-20, May, 2011


