2007年6月在華南理工大學獲得工學博士學位,博士學位論文入選華南理工大學優秀博士學位論文。2007年9月至2009年4月 在華南理工大學博士後流動站工作,研究工作先後獲得了中國博士後科學基金會的一等資助和特別資助。2009年4月起在浙江理工大學
(1) Electrospun nanofibers and their applications;
(2) Design and application of assembled 3D nanostructures;
(3) Electrocatalysis for water splitting and oxygen reduction reaction;
(4) Li-ions batteries and supercapacitors based on carbonaceous nanomaterials

1. 超細纖維/貴金屬納米雜化材料的結構調控及其在環境感測中的套用(51373154),國家自然科學基金,2013;
2. 超細纖維負載金屬納米顆粒表面增強拉曼光譜基底的製備與調控及機理研究(51243001),國家自然科學基金,2012;
3. 氫鍵複合無機-有機雜化網路在聚合物中的組裝及其增強效應研究(50903072),國家自然科學基金,2009;
4. 橡膠/硼酸鹽晶須複合材料的設計與耐磨機理研究(Y4100197),浙江省自然科學基金,2010;
5. 氫鍵複合無機-有機雜化網路在聚合物中的組裝及其增強效應研究(200902316),中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目,2009
6. EVA環保發泡體系的開發研究,橫向項目,2013;
1. Han Zhu, Fenglei Lyu, MingLiang Du, Ming Zhang, Qingfa Wang, Juming Yao, Baochun Guo, The design of two-dimensional, ultra thin MoS nanoplates fabricated within one-dimensional carbon nanofibers with thermo-sensitive morphology: High-performance electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2014, 6 (24) 22126–22137.
2. Meiling Zou, Mingliang Du*, Ming Zhang, Tingting Yang, Han Zhu, Pan Wang, Shiyong Bao, Synthesis and deposition of ultrafine noble metallic nanoparticles on amino-functionalized halloysite nanotubes and their catalytic application, Mater. Resear. Bullet., 2014, 61 375-382.
3. Han Zhu, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, MeiLing Zou, TingTing Yang, ShunLi Wang, JuMing Yao, BaoChun Guo, S-rich single-layered MoS nanoplates embedded in N doped carbon nanofibers: efficient co-electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50 (97), 15435 – 15438.
4. Shiyong Bao, Mingliang Du*, Ming Zhang, Han Zhu, Pan Wang, Tingting Yang, Meiling Zou, Fabrication of gold nanoparticles modified carbon nanofibers/polyaniline electrode for H2O2 determination, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2014, 161 (12): H816-H821.
5. Shiyong Bao, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, Han Zhu, Pan Wang, Tingting Yang, Meiling Zou, Facile fabrication of polyaniline nanotubes/gold hybrid nanostructures as substrate materials for biosensors, Chem. Eng. J., 2014, 258, 281-289.
6. Han Zhu, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, MeiLing Zou, TingTing Yang, LiNa Wang, JuMing Yao, BaoChun Guo, Probing the unexpected behavior of AuNPs immigrating through the nanofibers: A new strategy for the fabrication of carbon nanofibers-noble metal nanocrystals hybrid nanostructures, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2 (30), 11728 – 11741.
7. Han Zhu, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, MeiLing Zou, TingTing Yang, YaQin Fu, JuMing Yao, The design and construction of 3D rose petal-shape MoShierarchical nanostructures with structure-sensitive properties, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2 (21), 7680-7685.
8. Pan Wang, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, Han Zhu, ShiYong Bao, MeiLing Zou, TingTing Yang, Facile fabrication of AuNPs/PANI/HNTs nanostructures for high-performance electrochemical biosensors, Chem. Eng. J., 2014, 248, 307-314.
9. MeiLing Zou, Han Zhu, Pan Wang, ShiYong Bao, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, Synthesis and characterization of Au nanoparticles/reduced grapheme oxide naonocomposite: a facile and eco-friendly approach, Nano, 2014, 9 (3), 1450031.
10. ShiYong Bao, Han Zhu, Pan Wang, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, Template strategy for the synthesis of CuO-Pt hierarchical heterostructures for the degradation of methylene blue, Nano, 2014, 8 (6), 1350062.
11. Pan Wang, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, Han Zhu, ShiYong Bao, The preparation of tubular heterostructures based on titanium dioxide and silica nanotubes and their photocatalytic activity, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 1846-1853.
12. Han Zhu, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, Pan Wang, ShiYong Bao, YaQin Fu, JuMing Yao, Self-assembly of various Au nanocrystals on functionalized water-stable PVA/PEI nanofibers: A highly efficient surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates with high density of “hot” spots, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2014, 54C, 91-101.
13. Han Zhu, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, Pan Wang, ShiYong Bao, LiNa Wang, YaQin Fu, JuMing Yao, Facile fabrication of AgNPs/(PVA/PEI) nanofibers: high electrochemical efficiency and durability for biosensors, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2013, 49 (15), 210-215.
14. Han Zhu, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, Pan Wang, ShiYong Bao, YaQin Fu, JuMing Yao, Facile and green fabrication of small, mono-disperse and size-controlled noble metal nanoparticles embedded in water-stable polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers: High sensitive, flexible and reliable materials for biosensors, Sensor Actuat. B-Chem., 2013, 185, 608-619.
15. Han Zhu, MingLiang Du*, DongLiang Yu, Yin Wang, LiNa Wang, MeiLing Zou, Ming Zhang, YaQin Fu, A new strategy for the surface-free-energy-distribution induced selective growth and controlled formation of CuO-Au hierarchical heterostructures with a series of morphological evolutions, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1 (3), 919-929.
16. Pan Wang, Han Zhu, Shiyong Bao, MingLiang Du*, Ming Zhang, AgNPs/PVA and AgNPs/(PVA/PEI) hybrids: preparation, morphology and antibacterial activity, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys, 2013, 46, 345303.
17. MeiLing Zou, MingLiang Du*, Han Zhu, CongSheng Xu, Ni Li, YaQin Fu, Synthesis of silver nanoparticles in electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers using tea polyphenols as the reductant, Polym. Eng. Sci., 2013, 53(5), 1099-1108 .
18. Han Zhu, MingLiang Du*, CongSheng Xu, YaQin Fu, Organic-inorganic hybrid network constructed in polypropylene matrix and its reinforcing effects on polypropylene composites, J Reif. Plast. Comp., 2013, 32 (3), 174-182, 2013.
19. Han Zhu, MingLiang Du*, MeiLing Zou, CongSheng Xu, Ni Li, YaQin Fu, Facile and green synthesis of well-dispersed Au nanoparticles in PAN nanofibers by tea polyphenols, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22 (18), 9301-9307.
20. Han Zhu, MingLiang Du*, MeiLing Zou, CongSheng Xu, YaQin Fu, Green synthesis of Au nanoparticles immobilized on halloysite nanotubes for surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 10465-10471.
21. Han Zhu, MingLiang Du*, DongLiang Yu, Yin Wang, MeiLing Zou , CongSheng Xu, YaQin Fu, Selective growth of Au nanograins on specific positions (tips, edges and facets) of CuO octahedrons to form CuO-Au hierarchical heterostructures, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 13795-13799 .
22. MeiLing Zou, MingLiang Du*, Han Zhu, CongSheng Xu, YaQin Fu, Green synthesis of halloysite nanotubes supported Ag nanoparticles for photocatalytic decomposition of methylene blue, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys, 2012, 45, 325302.
23. CongSheng Xu, MingLiang Du*, Jin Wang, Han Zhu, YaQin Fu, Effects of magnesium borate whiskers on the anti-wear and mechanical performance of natural rubber, Tribol. T., 2012, 55(06), 822-828.
24. Jin Wang, MingLiang Du*, CongSheng Xu, Han Zhu, YaQin Fu, Synthesis of transparent densely crosslinked polysiloxane with high refractive index, J Macromol. Sci. B, 2012, 51, 2462-2472, 2012.
25. CongSheng Xu, MingLiang Du*, GuoKai Xu, Han Zhu, YaQin Fu, Effects of plant polyphenols on the interface and mechanical properties of rubber/silica composites, Polym. Polym. Compos., 2012, 20(19), 853-859.