

姓名:李育 性別:男 最高學位(學歷):理學博士 職稱:教授/博導 職務:科研副院長 主要成就:國家優秀青年科學基金獲得者 所在單位:蘭州大學資源環境學院


· 2000年-2004年,蘭州大學,地理學基地畢業獲學士學位
· 2004年-2009年,蘭州大學,地球系統科學專業畢業獲理學博士學位

· 2008年-2009年,美國University of Colorado at Boulder和美國NOAA Paleo-climate Branch,中美聯合培養博士研究生


2010年-2011年,蘭州大學資源環境學院 地球系統科學研究所任講師

2012年,美國University of Colorado at Boulder和美國NOAA Paleo-climate Branch訪問學者

2011年-2014,蘭州大學資源環境學院 地球系統科學研究所任副教授、碩士生導師

2014年-今,蘭州大學資源環境學院 地球系統科學研究所任教授、博士生導師

2016年,美國University of Utah訪問學者

2017年,美國California Institute of Technology客座研究員






本科生課程(基地班):<氣候學> <自然地理野外綜合實習>
研究生課程:<氣候學> <氣候變化研究方法> <碩/博士研究生Seminar>



<Geology>、<Quaternary Science Reviews>、<Climate Dynamics>、< Scientific Reports>、< JGR-Atmosphere>、<Journal of Paleolimnology>、<Palaeo-3>、<Vegetation History and Archaeobotany>、<Advances in Meteorology>、<Environmental Earth Sciences>、<Journal of Arid Land>、<Arabian Journal of Geosciences>、<Hydrology Current Research>、<Natural Resources> 等國際著名期刊通訊評議人;



[1] 主持國家自然科學基金委面上項目:石羊河流域千年尺度垂直地帶性規律與定量重建模型構建 (No. 41571178) 國家級2016.1-2019.12 75萬

[2] 主持國家自然科學基金委面上項目:風成沉積環境與水循環對流域性千年尺度氣候變化的回響——以石羊河流域為例 (No. 41371009) 國家級2014.1-2017.12 85萬

[3] 主持國家自然科學基金委青年項目:豬野澤中全新世沉積地層與古湖泊岸堤對比研究(No. 41001116) 國家級2011.1-2013.12 25萬

[4] 主持中央高校面上項目:流域性風成與湖相沉積物對氣候變化回響的差異性分析——以石羊河流域為例(lzujbky-2013-127) 2013.1- 2014.6 9萬

[5] 主持中央高校面上項目:豬野澤沉積物孢粉濃縮物及炭屑AMS C測年 (lzujbky-2010-99) 2010.7- 2012.6 6萬

[6] 參與國家自然科學基金委項目:複雜環境下涇河流域汛期難控制利用洪水臨界效應研究(No. 51109103)2012.1-2014.12

[7] 參與國家自然科學基金委項目:青海湖小冰期以來氣候變化的生態水文效應(No. 40901021)2010.1-2012.12

[8] 參與中央高校項目:阿拉善高原沙漠根管形成時代及其年代學意義(lzujbky-2013-129)2013.1- 2014.6



[1] Li, Y., Zhang, C., Wang, N., Han, Q., Zhang, X., Liu, Y., Xu, L., Ye, W., 2017. Substantial inorganic carbon sink in closed drainage basins globally. Nature Geoscience, 10, 501-506. (Impact factor: 13.941)

[2] Li, Y., Liu, Y., Ye, W., Xu, L., Zhu, G., Zhang, X., Zhang, C., 2018. A new assessment of modern climate change, China—An approach based on paleo-climate. Earth-Science Reviews, 177, 458-477. (Impact factor: 7.051)

[3] Li, Y., Morrill, C., 2010. Multiple factors causing Holocene lake-level change in monsoonal and arid central Asia as identified by model experiments. Climate Dynamics 35, 1115–1128. (Impact factor: 4.708)

[4] Li, Y., Morrill, C., 2015. A Holocene East Asian winter monsoon record at the southern edge of the Gobi Desert and its comparison with a transient simulation. Climate Dynamics 45, 1219–1234. (Impact factor: 4.708)

[5] Li, Y., Morrill, C., 2013. Lake levels in Asia at the Last Glacial Maximum as indicators of hydrologic sensitivity to greenhouse gas concentrations. Quaternary Science Reviews 60, 1–12. (Impact factor:4.797)

[6] Li, Y., Xu, L., Zhang, C., Liu, Y., Zhu, G., Zhou, X., 2018. Temporal and spatial evolution of Holocene vegetation and lake hydrological status, China. The Holocene, DOI: 10.1177/0959683617744260. (Impact factor: 2.324)

[7] Li, Y., Wang, N., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., Wang, Y., 2014. Synchronous or asynchronous Holocene Indian and East Asian summer monsoon evolution: a synthesis on Holocene Asian summer monsoon simulations, records and modern monsoon indices. Global and Planetary Change 116, 30–40. (Impact factor: 3.915)

[8] Li, Y., Zhang, C., Wang, Y., 2016. The verification of millennial-scale monsoon water vapor transport channel in northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 536, 273-283. (Impact factor: 3.483)

[9] Li, Y., Xu, L., 2016. Asynchronous Holocene Asian monsoon vapor transport and precipitation. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 461, 195-200. (Impact factor: 2.578)

[10] Li, Y., Wang, N.A., Carrie, M., Anderson, D.M., Li, Z., Zhang, C., Zhou, X., 2012. Millennial-scale erosion rates in three inland drainage basins and their controlling factors since the Last Deglaciation, arid China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 365–366, 263–275. (Impact factor: 2.578)



1 )季風邊緣區長尺度冬夏季風及湖泊演化模擬


我國冬季極端寒冷事件和冰凍災害與亞洲冬季風的突變有密切聯繫,探索長時間尺度東亞冬季風變化機制,有助於理解和預測全球變暖背景下冬季風變化趨勢。我國之前研究已獲取大量冬季風重建的結果,但是這些結果存在差異且很少涉及冬季風演化機制。李育研究組使用the Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3)耦合氣候模式,並採用連續氣候模擬方法,連續模擬了全新世期間東亞冬季風的演化序列,在此基礎上對比了模擬冬季風強度與戈壁沙漠南緣的全新世風成沉積記錄,二者具有較好一致性,進一步證實了該項模擬的可靠性。氣候模擬結果所揭示的全新世氣候變化機制表明:軌道參數所驅動的海、陸溫度及氣壓差異是全新世亞洲冬季風演化的主因,除此之外,全新世早期勞倫太德冰蓋和北大西洋冰川融水也是促使早全新世東亞冬季風較強的重要因素。在現代全球變暖背景下,軌道參數和正在消融的北半球高緯度冰川本應伴隨較弱的冬季風強度,但是近10年來北半球冬季極端低溫事件頻發,可能與人類活動有關。

李育等選擇了將古氣候模式CCSM 3.0和湖泊能量與水量平衡模擬相結合的方式,在東、中亞地區模擬了LGM、早、中、晚全新世湖泊水位變化的過程,並將模擬結果與該區的湖泊水位重建結果進行了對比,二者顯示了一致性,在此基礎上討論了東亞季風區和中亞乾旱區全新世湖泊水位演化的差異及其機理。這項研究為理解季風邊緣區湖泊水循環變化過程做出了重要貢獻。研究成果發表於《Climate Dynamics》(一區)、《Quaternary Science Reviews》(一區)、《Global and Planetary Change》(二區)等國際權威雜誌。

2 )河西走廊古湖泊學研究

石羊河流域位於青藏高原東北緣、河西走廊東段地區,處於我國三大自然區(東部季風區、西北乾旱區和青藏高原區)的交匯地帶。豬野澤為石羊河流域終端湖泊,豬野澤長時間尺度湖泊演化研究,對於理解三大自然區過渡地帶的氣候變化過程及機理有重要作用。前人在該區域展開了大量研究,但是關於全新世中期的氣候及環境狀況存在一些分歧。李育等通過石羊河流域終端湖豬野澤不同位置沉積記錄及孢粉組合的對比研究,並結合孢粉濃縮物測年和其他年代學結果對比的方法,推進了豬野澤千年尺度環境變化研究。結果顯示:豬野澤地區早全新世環境相對濕潤,中全新世階段水熱組合較為適宜,而晚全新世環境趨於乾旱。中全新世期間存在一次百年尺度的乾旱事件,不同位置的沉積剖面的砂層沉積是這次乾旱事件的主要標誌物。豬野澤全新世環境變化主要受亞洲夏季風演化控制,同時也受到中緯度西風帶氣候變化的影響,體現了季風邊緣區湖泊演化的特殊性。主要成果發表於《Boreas》、《Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecolog》、《中國科學》和《科學通報》等著名期刊。

鹽池位於河西走廊中段,是現代亞洲夏季風水汽輸送可到達的邊界區域。李育等使用孢粉濃縮物測年、礦物分析、地球化學指標等方法研究了鹽池晚冰期以來湖泊沉積物,結果顯示:鹽池晚冰期以來湖泊演化過程與青藏高原區和典型季風區的古氣候記錄具有一致性,晚冰期及早全新世湖泊擴張,中、晚全新世期間湖泊退縮明顯,這種變化顯示了千年尺度亞洲夏季風對該區域的影響,證明了夏季風北部邊界擺動的事實。主要成果發表於《Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology》和《地理學報》等著名期刊。

3 )乾旱、半乾旱區湖泊水循環的現代過程研究


同時,蒸發作用是湖泊水循環的重要環節,以往的長尺度湖泊演化研究中,蒸發作用影響僅被停留在討論之中。為了更加準確地了解蒸發作用對長尺度湖泊演化的影響,李育等研究了豬野澤和青海湖地區的現代蒸發資料,發現這兩個湖泊現代蒸發過程的受控因素不同,這種差異可能會影響這兩個湖泊長尺度演化過程。主要成果發表於《地理學報》、《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》、《Environmental Earth Sciences》等著名期刊。

豬野澤 及河西走廊晚第四紀文獻索引及引用指南

Reference guide of the Late Quaternary climate change for Zhuye Lake and the Hexi Corridor in the Asian monsoon marginal zones, northwest China


Zhuye Lake and the Hexi Corridor are located in the northern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, on the northern side of the Qilian Mountains, while in a transition zone between the Gobi desert and highland. The area is in the northwest margin of the Asian summer monsoon. Some summer precipitation is from the summer monsoon moisture transport, while the area is mainly controlled by the mid-latitude westerly circulation, which is a key area for studies on the interactions between the summer monsoon and the westerlies. In recent years, scientists have made a lot of progress on the late Quaternary environmental changes in the area, and promoted the study of long-term monsoon and westerly winds changes, but there are still some controversies. A major problem is that there are a large volume of papers in the area that are related to the Quaternary science while various subjects are involved. That is not conducive for scholars to understand the late Quaternary conditions in the area. The reference guide is designed to organize literatures in relevant disciplines, which is good for scientists to understand the late Quaternary environments easily, while the guide also represents the research progress of Lanzhou University on the late Quaternary environments.

1 豬野澤 千年尺度環境變化


[1] Chen, F., Zhu, Y., Li, J., Shi, Q., Jin, L., Wünemann, B., 2001. Abrupt Holocene changes of the Asian monsoon at millennial and centennial scales: Evidence from lake sediment document in Minqin Basin, NW China. Chinese Science Bulletin 46, 1942 1947.

[2] Chen, F., Cheng, B., Zhao, Y., Zhu, Y., Madsen, D. B., 2006. Holocene environmental change inferred from a high resolution pollen record, Lake Zhuyeze, arid China. The Holocene 16, 675 684.

[3] Li, Y., Wang, N., Cheng, H., Long, H., Zhao, Q., 2009. Holocene environmental change in the marginal area of the Asian monsoon: A record from Zhuye Lake, NW China. Boreas 38, 349–361.

[4] Li, Y., Wang, N., Morrill, C., Cheng, H., Long, H., Zhao, Q., 2009. Environmental change implied by the relationship between pollen assemblages and grain–size in NW Chinese lake sediments since the Late Glacial. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 154, 54–64.

[5] Long, H., Lai, Z., Wang, N., Li, Y., 2010. Holocene climate variations from Zhuyeze terminal lake records in East Asian monsoon margin in arid northern China. Quaternary Research 74, 46–56.

2 鹽池千年尺度氣候變化


[1] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Morrill, C., Anderson, D. M., Li, Z., Zhang, C., Zhou, X., 2012. Millennial scale erosion rates in three inland drainage basins and their controlling factors since the Last Deglaciation, arid China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 365 366, 263 275.

[2] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., 2013. Climatic and environmental change in Yanchi Lake, Northwest China since the Late Glacial: A comprehensive analysis of lake sediments. Journal of Geographical Sciences 23, 932 946.

[3] Yu, Y., Yang, T., Li, J., Liu, J., An, C., Liu, X., Su, X., 2006. Millennial scale Holocene climate variability in the NW China drylands and links to the tropical Pacific and the North Atlantic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 233, 149 162.

[4] 李育, 王乃昂, 李卓侖, 周雪花, 張成琦, 2013. 河西走廊鹽池晚冰期以來沉積地層變化綜合分析——來自夏季風西北緣一個關鍵位置的古氣候證據. 地理學報 68(7), 933 944. [ Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., 2013. A comprehensive analysis of Yanchi sedimentary strata changes since the Late Glacial in Hexi Corridor——paleoclimate evidence from a key position of summer monsoon northwest edge. Acta Geographica Sinica 68, 933 944. (in Chinese)]

[5] 申建梅, 張光輝, 聶振龍, 王金哲, 嚴明疆, 張俊牌, 瑞林, 2008.西北內陸高台鹽池孢粉組合與古氣候變化. 中國生態農業學報 16(2), 323 326. [Shen, J., Zhang, G., Nie, Z., Wang, J., Yan, M., Zhang, J., Guo, R., 2008. Characteristics of spore pollen and ancient climate changes in inlands of Northwest China. Chinese Journal of Eco Agriculture 16, 323 326. (in Chinese)]

3 花海千年尺度氣候變化


[1] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Morrill, C., Anderson, D. M., Li, Z., Zhang, C., Zhou, X., 2012. Millennial scale erosion rates in three inland drainage basins and their controlling factors since the Last Deglaciation, arid China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 365, 263 275.

[2] Wang, N., Li, Z., Li, Y.,Cheng, H., Huang, R., 2012. Younger Dryas event recorded by the mirabilite deposition in Huahai Lake, Hexi Corridor, NW China. Quaternary International 250, 93 99.

[3] Wang, N., Li, Z., Li, Y.,Cheng, H., 2013. Millennial scale environmental changes in the Asian monsoon margin during the Holocene, implicated by the lake evolution of Huahai Lake in the Hexi Corridor of northwest China. Quaternary International 313, 100 109.

[4] 胡剛, 王乃昂, 羅建育, 高順尉, 李巧玲, 2001. 花海湖泊古風成砂的粒度特徵及其環境意義. 沉積學報 19(4), 642 647. [Hu, G., Wang, N., Luo, J., Gao, S., Li, Q., 2001. The grain size characteristics of aeolian sand and its environmental significance. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica 19, 642 647. (in Chinese)]

[5] 胡剛, 王乃昂, 趙強, 程弘毅, 諶永生, 郭劍英, 2003. 花海湖泊特徵時期的水量平衡. 冰川凍土 25(5), 485 490. [Hu, G., Wang, N., Zhao, Q., Cheng, H., Chen, Y., Guo, J., 2003. Water balance of Huahai Lake Basin during a special phase. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology 25, 485 490. (in Chinese)]

4 豬野澤氣候變化周期

豬野澤湖泊沉積物古環境代用指標記錄顯示,該區域有明顯的~256、~512、~1024年氣候循環周期,這與典型亞洲夏季風區全新世千年尺度和百年尺度氣候循環周期一致。同時,該區域湖泊沉積物中也記錄了明顯的北大西洋浮冰碎屑事件(Bond Events),這與該事件的全球性有關,體現了季風邊緣區環境變化對全球尺度氣候變化周期的回響。

[1] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., 2012. Holocene climate cycles in northwest margin of Asian monsoon. Chinese Geographical Science 22, 450 461.

[2] 李育, 李卓侖, 王乃昂, 2012. 蒸發和環流因素對湖泊演化的影響——河西走廊豬野澤不同位置全新世沉積物古環境意義探討. 湖泊科學 24(3), 474 479. [ Li, Y.,Li, Z., Wang, N., 2012. Impacts of evaporation and circulation on lake evolution: paleoenvironmental implications for Holocene sediments at different locations of Lake Zhuye, Hexi Corridor. Journal of Lake Sciences 24, 474 479. (in Chinese)]

[3] Chen, F., Zhu, Y., Li, J., Shi, Q., Jin, L., Wünemann, B., 2001. Abrupt Holocene changes of the Asian monsoon at millennial and centennial scales: Evidence from lake sediment document in Minqin Basin, NW China. Chinese Science Bulletin 46, 1942 1947.

[4] Chen, F., Wu, W., Holmes, J. A., Madsen, D. B., Zhu, Y., Jin, M., Oviatt, C. G., 2003. A mid Holocene drought interval as evidenced by lake desiccation in the Alashan Plateau, Inner Mongolia China. Chinese Science Bulletin 48, 1401 1410.

[5] 靳立亞, 陳發虎, 朱艷, 2004. 西北乾旱區湖泊沉積記錄反映的全新世氣候波動周期性變化. 海洋地質與第四紀地質 24(2), 101 108. [Jin, L., Chen, F., Zhu, Y., 2004. Holocene Climatic Periodicities Recorded from Lake Sediments in the/Arid Semiarid Areas of Northwestern China. Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology 24, 101 108. (in Chinese)]

5 豬野澤中全新世乾旱事件

季風邊緣區的湖泊沉積物中廣泛存在一次中全新世乾旱事件,但是關於這次事件的年代和機制還存在爭議。根據豬野澤湖泊沉積物的岩性、年代和待用指標探索,這次乾旱事件主要發生在~8.0-~7.0 cal kyr BP之間,其影響範圍主要在石羊河中、下游地區,對石羊河上游地區影響較小,這次乾旱事件可能主要受控於流域性水熱配比變化及季風與西風互動。

[1] Chen, F., Zhu, Y., Li, J., Shi, Q., Jin, L., Wünemann, B., 2001. Abrupt Holocene changes of the Asian monsoon at millennial and centennial scales: Evidence from lake sediment document in Minqin Basin, NW China. Chinese Science Bulletin 46, 1942 1947.

[2] Chen, F., Wu, W., Holmes, J. A., Madsen, D. B., Zhu, Y., Jin, M., Oviatt, C. G., 2003. A mid Holocene drought interval as evidenced by lake desiccation in the Alashan Plateau, Inner Mongolia China. Chinese Science Bulletin 48, 1401 1410.

[3] Chen, F., Cheng, B., Zhao, Y., Zhu, Y., Madsen, D. B., 2006. Holocene environmental change inferred from a high resolution pollen record, Lake Zhuyeze, arid China. The Holocene 16, 675 684.

[4] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Zhang, H., 2011. Holocene palynological records and their responses to the controversies of climate system in the Shiyang River drainage basin. Chinese Science Bulletin 56, 535 546.

[5] 李育, 王乃昂, 李卓侖, 張華安, 周雪花, 張成琦, 2012. 豬野澤中全新世乾旱事件時空範圍和機制. 地理科學 32(6), 731 738. [ Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Zhang, H., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., 2012. The spatial and time scales for the dry mid Holocene event in Zhuye Lake. Scientia Geographica Sinica 32, 731 738. (in Chinese)]

6 豬野澤年代學

豬野澤湖泊沉積物晚第四紀年代結果主要來自孢粉濃縮物、全樣有機質、全樣無機質、軟體動物殼體AMS C和常規C測年,光釋光測年也套用於部分湖泊沉積剖面。通過多種物質的測年物質和測年方法結果對比,豬野澤晚第四紀湖泊沉積物碳庫效應較小,部分層位年代有倒置現象,年代混亂現象主要集中在晚冰期和早全新世地層中,這主要受湖泊再沉積作用影響。根據豬野澤東北岸古湖泊岸堤光釋光及C測年年代結果,豬野澤全新世高湖面期主要存在於早、中全新世,晚全新世體現了乾旱化趨勢。古湖泊岸堤年代結果所顯示的湖泊水位變化過程與湖泊沉積物指標研究一致。

[1] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Zhang, C., Zhou, X., 2012. Reworking effects in the Holocene Zhuye Lake sediments: A case study by pollen concentrates AMS C dating. Science China Earth Sciences 55, 1669 1678.

[2] Long, H., Lai, Z., Wang, N., Li, Y.,2010. Holocene climate variations from Zhuyeze terminal lake records in EastAsian monsoon margin in arid northern China. Quaternary Research 74, 46 56.

[3] Long, H., Lai, Z., Fuchs, M., Zhang, J., Li, Y.,2012. Timing of Late Quaternary palaeolake evolution in Tengger Desert of northern China and its possible forcing mechanisms. Global and Planetary Change 92, 119 129.

[4] Zhang, H.C., Peng, J., Ma, Y., Chen, G., Feng, Z., Li, B., Fan, H., Chang, F., Lei, G., Wünemann, B., 2004. Late Quaternary palaeolake levels in Tengger Desert, NW China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 211, 45 48.

[5] Zhang, H.C., Wünemann, B., Ma, Y.Z., Pachur, H.-J., Li, J.J., Qi, Y., Chen, G.J., Fang, H.B., 2002. Lake level and climate change between 40,000 and 18,000 14C years BP in Tengger Desert, NW China. Quaternary Research 58, 62– 72.

7 豬野澤孢粉


[1] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Morrill, C., Cheng, H., Long, H., Zhao, Q., 2009. Environmental change implied by the relationship between pollen assemblages and grain size in NW Chinese lake sediments since the Late Glacial. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 154, 54 64.

[2] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Zhang, H., 2011. Holocene palynological records and their responses to the controversies of climate system in the Shiyang River drainage basin. Chinese Science Bulletin 56, 535 546.

[3] Chen, F., Cheng, B., Zhao, Y., Zhu, Y., Madsen, D. B., 2006. Holocene environmental change inferred from a high resolution pollen record, Lake Zhuyeze, arid China. The Holocene 16, 675 684.

[4] Zhao, Y., Yu, Z., Chen, F., Li, J., 2008. Holocene vegetation and climate change from a lake sediment record in the Tengger Sandy Desert, northwest China. Journal of Arid Environments 72, 2054 2064.

[5] Zhu Y., Chen F., David M., 2002. The environmental signal of an early Holocene pollen record from the Shiyang River basin lake sediments, NW China. Chinese Science Bulletin 47, 267 273.

8 豬野澤沉積物岩性、礦物及石英砂掃描電鏡分析


[1] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Morrill, C., Cheng, H., Long, H., Zhao, Q., 2009. Environmental change implied by the relationship between pollen assemblages and grain size in NW Chinese lake sediments since the Late Glacial. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 154, 54 64.

[2] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., 2012. Holocene climate cycles in northwest margin of Asian monsoon. Chinese Geographical Science 22, 450 461.

[3] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., Wang, Y., 2013. Carbonate formation and water level changes in a paleo lake and its implication for carbon cycle and climate change, arid China. Frontiers of Earth Science 7, 487 500.

[4] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Zhang, C., Zhou, X., 2012. Reworking effects in the Holocene Zhuye Lake sediments: A case study by pollen concentrates AMS C dating. Science China Earth Sciences 55, 1669 1678.

[5] 李育, 周雪花, 李卓侖, 王乃昂, 2013.基於掃描電鏡分析的豬野澤全新世砂層成因探討. 沉積學報 31(1), 149 156. [ Li, Y.,Zhou, X., Li, Z., Wang., N., 2013. Formation of Holocene sand layers by SEM analyses in the Zhuye Lake sediments. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica 31, 149 156. (in Chinese)]

9 豬野澤沉積物地球化學


[1] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Cheng, H., Long, H., Zhao, Q., 2009. Holocene environmental change in the marginal area of the Asian monsoon: A record from Zhuye Lake, NW China. Boreas 38, 349 361.

[2] Li, Y.,Zhou, X., Zhang, C., Li, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, N., 2014. Relationship between pollen assemblages and organic geochemical proxies and the response to climate change in the Zhuye Lake sediments. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions.

[3] 李育, 王乃昂, 李卓侖, 程弘毅, 2011.河西豬野澤沉積物有機地化指標之間的關係及古環境意義. 冰川凍土 33(2), 334 341. [ Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Cheng, H., 2011. The relationships among Organic Geochemical Proxies and their palaeoenvironmental significances in the Zhuye Lake Sediments. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology 33, 334 341. (in Chinese)]

[4] 李育, 周雪花, 李卓侖, 王乃昂, 2013. 豬野澤沉積物有機地球化學指標與花粉組合的關係及其對環境變化的回響. 中國沙漠 33(1), 87 93. [ Li, Y.,Zhou, X., Li, Z., Wang, N., 2013. Relationship between pollen assemblages and organic geochemical proxies and the response to climate change in the Zhuye Lake sediments. Journal of Desert Research 33, 87 93. (in Chinese)]

[5] 隆浩, 王乃昂, 李育, 馬海州, 趙強, 程弘毅, 黃銀洲, 2007. 豬野澤記錄的季風邊緣區全新世中期氣候環境演化歷史. 第四紀研究 27(3), 371 381. [Long, H., Wang, N., Li, Y.,Ma, H., Zhao, Q., Cheng, H., Huang, Y., 2007. Mid Holocene climate variations from lake records of the East Asian monsoon margin: A multi proxy and geomorphological study. Quaternary Sciences 27, 371 381. (in Chinese)]

10 豬野澤晚第四紀古湖泊地貌學


[1] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Zhang, C., Zhou, X., 2012. Reworking effects in the Holocene Zhuye Lake sediments: A case study by pollen concentrates AMS C dating. Science China Earth Sciences 55, 1669 1678.

[2] Wang, N., Li, Z., Cheng, H., Li, Y.,Huang, Y., 2011. High lake levels on Alashan Plateau during the Late Quaternary. Chinese Science Bulletin 56, 1799 1808.

[3] Long, H., Lai, Z., Fuchs, M., Zhang, J., Li, Y.,2012. Timing of Late Quaternary palaeolake evolution in Tengger Desert of northern China and its possible forcing mechanisms. Global and Planetary Change 92, 119 129.

[4] Zhang, H.C., Wünemann, B., Ma, Y.Z., Pachur, H.-J., Li, J.J., Qi, Y., Chen, G.J., Fang, H.B., 2002. Lake level and climate change between 40,000 and 18,000 14C years BP in Tengger Desert, NW China. Quaternary Research 58, 62– 72.

[5] Zhang, H.C., Peng, J., Ma, Y., Chen, G., Feng, Z., Li, B., Fan, H., Chang, F., Lei, G., Wünemann, B., 2004. Late Quaternary palaeolake levels in Tengger Desert, NW China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 211, 45 48.

11 豬野澤水量平衡及 GIS


[1] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Ma, N., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., 2013. Lake evaporation: A possible factor affecting lake level changes tested by modern observational data in arid and semi arid China. Journal of Geographical Sciences 23, 123 135.

[2] 李育, 李卓侖, 王乃昂, 2012. 蒸發和環流因素對湖泊演化的影響——河西走廊豬野澤不同位置全新世沉積物古環境意義探討. 湖泊科學 24(3), 474 479. [ Li, Y.,Li, Z., Wang, N., 2012. Impacts of evaporation and circulation on lake evolution: paleoenvironmental implications for Holocene sediments at different locations of Lake Zhuye, Hexi Corridor. Journal of Lake Sciences 24, 474 479. (in Chinese)]

[3] Zhao, Q., Li, X., Wang, N., 2008. Lacustrine strata sedimentology and lake level history in ancient Zhuyeze Lake since the Last Deglaciation. Frontiers of Earth Science in China 2, 199 208.

[4] 郭曉寅, 陳發虎, 施祺, 2000. GIS技術和水熱平衡模型在古湖泊水文重建研究中的套用——以石羊河流域為例. 地理科學 20(5), 422 426. [Guo, X., Chen, F., Shi, Q., 2000. The application of GIS and water and energy budget to the study on the water rebuilding of Paleo lake——a case in Shiyang River drainage. Scientia Geographica Sinica 20, 422 426. (in Chinese)]

[5] 頡耀文, 王君婷, 2006.基於TM影像和DEM的白鹼湖湖面變化模擬. 遙感技術與套用 21(4), 284 287. [Xie, Y., Wang, J., 2006. A Study on the changes of Baijian Lake based on TM image and DEM. Remote Sensing Technology and Application 21, 284 287. (in Chinese)]

12 豬野澤及夏季風西北緣現代氣候過程


[1] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Chen, H., Li, Z., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., 2012. Tracking millennial scale climate change by analysis of the modern summer precipitation in the marginal regions of the Asian monsoon. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 58, 78 87.

[2] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Ma, N., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., 2013. Lake evaporation: A possible factor affecting lake level changes tested by modern observational data in arid and semi arid China. Journal of Geographical Sciences 23, 123 135.

[3] Li, Z., Wang, N., Li, Y.,Zhang, Z., Li, M., Dong, C., Huang, R., 2013. Runoff simulations using water and energy balance equations in the lower reaches of the Heihe River, northwest China. Environmental Earth Sciences 70, 1 12.

[4] 李育, 李卓侖, 王乃昂, 2012.蒸發和環流因素對湖泊演化的影響——河西走廊豬野澤不同位置全新世沉積物古環境意義探討. 湖泊科學 24(3), 474 479. [ Li, Y.,Li, Z., Wang, N., 2012. Impacts of evaporation and circulation on lake evolution: paleoenvironmental implications for Holocene sediments at different locations of Lake Zhuye, Hexi Corridor. Journal of Lake Sciences 24, 474 479. (in Chinese)]

[5] 李卓侖, 王乃昂, 李育, 來婷婷, 路俊偉, 2012.近50年來黑河出山徑流對氣候變化的回響. 水土保持通報 32(2), 7 11. [Li, Z., Wang, N., Li, Y.,Lai, T., Lu, J., 2012. Variations of runoff in responding to climate change in mountainous areas of Heihe River during last 50 years. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation 32, 7 11. (in Chinese)]

13 季風邊緣區湖泊演化模擬

古氣候模擬與湖泊所記錄的古氣候信息提取是研究過去全球變化的兩種重要手段。模擬方法側重於古氣候變化機制研究,而湖泊記錄主要用於古氣候重建,將二者結合起來靈活運用是理解古氣候變化和長尺度水循環過程及機制的重要途徑。根據CCSM 3.0古氣候模式、湖泊水量&能量平衡模型結果,季風邊緣區末次盛冰期以來的湖泊演化過程與模擬結果匹配較好。豬野澤湖泊記錄是季風邊緣區的典型記錄,其與模擬結果匹配較好,模擬方法進一步解釋了豬野澤千年尺度演化的機制問題。

[1] Li, Y.,Morrill, C., 2010. Multiple factors causing Holocene lake level change in monsoonal and arid central Asia as identified by model experiments. Climate dynamics 35, 1119 1132.

[2] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Chen, H., Li, Z., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., 2012. Tracking millennial scale climate change by analysis of the modern summer precipitation in the marginal regions of the Asian monsoon. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 58, 78 87.

[3] Li, Y.,Morrill, C., 2013. Lake levels in Asia at the Last Glacial Maximum as indicators of hydrologic sensitivity to greenhouse gas concentrations. Quaternary Science Reviews 60, 1 12.

[4] Li, Y.,Wang, N., Li, Z., Ma, N., Zhou, X., Zhang, C., 2013. Lake evaporation: A possible factor affecting lake level changes tested by modern observational data in arid and semi arid China. Journal of Geographical Sciences 23, 123 135.

[5] 李育, 李卓侖, 王乃昂, 2012.蒸發和環流因素對湖泊演化的影響——河西走廊豬野澤不同位置全新世沉積物古環境意義探討. 湖泊科學 24(3), 474 479. [ Li, Y.,Li, Z., Wang, N., 2012. Impacts of evaporation and circulation on lake evolution: paleoenvironmental implications for Holocene sediments at different locations of Lake Zhuye, Hexi Corridor. Journal of Lake Sciences 24, 474 479. (in Chinese)]


