目前主要研究方向:油氣地球化學,油氣樣品前處理方法,石油樣品的全二維氣相色譜/飛行時間質譜分析。1995年蘭州大學學士學位;2006年武漢大學博士學位;2006-2011年華中農業大學理學院副教授;2009-2011年美國加州大學伯克利分校自然資源學院環境科學、政策與管理系訪問教授(visiting professor);2011年中國地質大學資源學院,湖北省楚天學者特聘教授。2001年開始從事複雜樣品的前處理新方法與全二維氣相色譜分離方法的研究,在新型分離富集介質的製備、色譜質譜分析領域具有豐富的經驗。作為國內最早開展全二維氣相色譜/飛行時間質譜方法學研究的科技人員之一,在該領域取得了一系列具有國際影響的創新型成果,如:深入研究了全二維氣相色譜的正交分離特性及結構譜圖定性方法;提出了用於複雜樣品定量的多內標多因子校正定量法和多內標單點校正定量法;建立了全二維氣相色譜保留值預測的方法,並研究了兩維死時間、兩維保留指數的測定方法,建立了千餘種揮發性有機化合物的兩維保留指數庫;成功將上述基礎研究結果套用到了石油、環境、菸草和食品等樣品組成的分離鑑定中。相關研究成果已在國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文三十餘篇。科研情況
代表性論文Shukui Zhu, Sheng He, David R. Worton, Allen H. Goldstein. Predictions of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography separations from isothermal data. Journal of Chromatography A 2012, 1233: 147-151.
Shukui Zhu.Effect of column combinations on two-dimensional separation in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography: Estimation of orthogonality and exploring of mechanism. Journal of Chromatography A2009, 1216: 3312-3317.
Shukui Zhu, Xin Lu, Yaqiong Qiu, Tao Pang, Hongwei Kong, Caiying Wu, Guowang Xu. Determination of retention indices in constant inlet pressure mode and conversion among different column temperature conditions in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography.Journal of Chromatography A2007, 1150: 28-36.
Shukui Zhu, Xin Lu, Keliang Ji, Kunliang Guo, Yanli Li, Caiying Wu, Guowang Xu. Characterization of flavor compounds in Chinese liquor Moutai by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Analytica Chimica Acta 2007, 597: 340-348.
Tao Pang, Shukui Zhu, Xin Lu, Guowang Xu. Identification of unknown compounds on the basis of retention index data in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. Journal of Separation Science. 2007, 30: 868-874.
Yaqiong Qiu, Xin Lu, Tao Pang, Shukui Zhu, Hongwei Kong, Guowang Xu. Study of traditional Chinese medicine volatile oils from different geographical origins by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC–TOFMS) in combination with multivariate analysis. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2007, 43: 1721-1727.
Shukui Zhu, Xin Lu, Li Dong, Jun Xing, Xueli Su, Hongwei Kong, Guowang Xu, Caiying Wu. Quantitative determination of compounds in tobacco essential oils by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 2005, 1086: 107-114.
Shukui Zhu, Xin Lu, Jun Xing, Shaowen Zhang, Hongwei Kong, Guowang Xu, Caiying Wu. Comparison of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for the analysis of tobacco essential oils.Analytica Chimica Acta 2005, 545: 224-231.