Kunming Hi-tech Bonded Warehouse (KBW)is located at the North of Kunming State New & High Tech Industrial Development Zone. It takes up about 53400m2. It plans to build up the intelligent office building,warehouse,processing factory and container depots.工程進展
屬中國西南地區第一家"昆明高新保稅庫"現已建成一期工程,二期工程(加工廠房)今年內開工."昆明高新保稅庫"的建成將充分發揮高新技術產業的拉動作用,加快西部地區對外貿易的發展步伐.我們熱誠歡迎國內外從事進出口貿易的企業前來洽談,共同發展.KBW is the first one at the southwest of China. Now,we have finished the first stage. The second stage(processing factory)goes into operation within this year. KBW will accelerate the developing steps of foreign trade of the western region. We welcome domestic and international enterprises engaged in foreign trade to negotiate heartily,common development.