



日語辭彙識字,以幫助你學習日語的辭彙,包括圖像和聲音。每一個日語辭彙識字例如的句子或定義,以幫助了解如何使用日語辭彙。讓你的日語學習是有趣的遊戲,包括匹配,拼寫記憶測驗。 技術由superflashcard與一個內置的間隔重複方案,應用程式也將幫助您更有效地學習日語的辭彙,日本的識字之前,你忘了。 日語辭彙識字類別 - 日曆 - 說明 - 食品和膳食 - 愛好 - 人力 - 自然 - 對象 - 社會 - 旅遊 日語辭彙識字搜尋&下載識字 有/無幻燈片模式研究日本的抽認卡 匹配日本燒錄卡遊戲 記住日本的燒錄卡遊戲 日本燒錄卡測驗 Japanese vocabulary flashcards to help you study Japanese vocabulary including images and sounds. Each Japanese vocabulary flashcards includes example sentence or definition to help to understand how to use the Japanese vocabulary. Make your Japanese learning being fun with games including matching, spelling memorize and quiz. Powered by superflashcard with a built-in spaced repetition scheme, the app will also help you learn Japanese vocabulary more efficiently by showing Japanese flashcards just before you forget. Japanese vocabulary flashcards categories - Calendar - Description - Food and Meals - Hobbies - Human - Nature - Objects - Society - Travel Japanese vocabulary flashcards Search & Download flashcards Study Japanese flashcards with/without slideshow mode Matching Japanese flashcard games Memorize Japanese flashcard games Japanese flashcard quizzes


