

《旋量與時空(第2卷)》主要內容:This is a companion volume to our introductory work Spinors and space-time, Volume 1: two-spinor calculus and relativistic fields. There weattempted to demonstrate something of the power, utility and elegance of2-spinor techniques in the study of space-time structure and physical fields,and to advocate the viewpoint that spinors may lie closer to the heart of (even macroscopic) physical laws than the vectors and tensors of the standard formalism. Here we carry these ideas further and discuss some important new areas of application. We introduce the theory of twistors and show how it sheds light on a number of important physical questions,one of the most noteworthy being the structure of energy-momentum/angular momentum of gravitating systems. The illumination that twistor theory brings to the discussion of such physical problems should lend further support to the viewpoint of an underlying spinorial structure in basic physical laws.


PrefaceSummary of Volume 16Twistors6.1The twistor equation and its solution space6.2Some geometrical aspects of twistor algebra6.3Twistors and angular momentum6.4Symmetric twistors and massless fields6.5Conformai Killing vectors, conserved quantities and exact sequences6.6Lie derivatives of spinors6.7Particle constants; conformally invariant operators6.8Curvature and conformai rescaling6.9Local twistors6.10Massless fields and twistor cohomology7Null congruences7.1Null congruences and spin-coefficients7.2Null congruences and space-time curvature7.3Shear-free ray congruences7.4SFRs, twistors and ray geometry8Classification of curvature tensors8.1The null structure of the Weyl spinor8.2Representation of the Weyi spinor on S+8.3Eigenspinors of the Weyl spinor8.4The eigenbivectors of the Weyl tensor and its Petrov classification8.5Geometry and symmetry of the Weyl curvature8.6Curvature covariants8.7A classification scheme for general spinors8.8Classification of the Ricci spinor9Conformal infinity9.1Infinity for Minkowski space9.2Compactified Minkowski space9.3Complexified compactified Minkowski space and twistor geometry9.4Twistor four-valuedness and the Grgin index9.5Cosmological models and their twistors9.6Asymptotically simple space-times9.7Peeling properties9.8The BMS group and the structure of J+9.9Energy-momentum and angular momentum9.10Bondi-Sachs mass loss and positivityAppendix: spinors in n dimensionsReferencesSubject and author indexIndex of symbols


