

方明,浙江台州人,醫學博士,美國FrontPoint 醫療集團主要創辦人。他曾把“臨床路徑”的概念從美國成功地引入中國。並利用其在美國社會地位和影響,熱心於中美之間的文化交流。


1985年畢業於浙江醫科大學,1988年取得浙江醫科大學病理生理學碩士,其有關癌症課題研究成果榮獲中國衛生部頒發的國家級獎。1989年攻讀美國喬治敦大學醫中心學博士並進行博士後研究。1994-1997年任美國哥倫比亞大學病理科醫生。1997-2000年被耶魯大學附屬醫院錄取為大內科醫生。因表現突出,2000年又獲準在哈佛醫院消化科擔任高年資醫生( fellowship)。成為全美唯一同時具有三家世界頂級醫療機構工作背景的美籍華人醫生。


方明醫生利用其在美國社會地位和影響,熱衷於中美之間的文化交流。曾促成廈門大學校長成功訪問哈佛大學,並與哈佛大學校務卿及醫學院院長舉行會談,廈門大學校長在哈佛大學永久簽名冊上留言,永久載入哈佛大學國際交流史冊。他把“臨床路徑”的概念從美國成功地引入中國。從1998年以來一直多年為家鄉台州醫院做高級顧問,提供多種疾病的“臨床路徑”及行醫指南,並作臨床指導。2010年底,他又和上海Smile醫生等合作,在美國籌辦國際性醫療集團FrontPoint Medical Group.召集國際一流醫學專家,為高端醫療、醫療旅遊提供綠色通道和專家平台。


美國腸胃病專業認證( Board Certified),2003年

美國內科醫學專業認證( Board Certified),2000年





1. Huang Q, Yu C, Klein M, Fang J, Goyal RK. DNA index determination with Automated Cellular Imaging System (ACIS) in Barrett's esophagus: comparison with CAS 200. BMC Clin Pathol.2005 Aug 12;5:7

2. Ming Fang, Edward Lew, Michael Klein, Thomas Sebo, Yinghao Su and Raj Goyal. DNA Abnormalities as Marker of Risk for Progression of BE to Adenocarcinoma: Image Cytometric DNA Analysis in Formalin-fixed Tissues. Am J Gastroenterol. 2004 Oct; 99(10):1887-94

3. Su Y, Chen X, Klein M, Fang M, Wang S, Yang CS, Goyal RK. Phenotype of columnar-lined esophagus in rats with esophagogastroduodenal anastomosis: similarity to human Barrett's esophagus. Lab Invest. 2004 Jun; 84(6):753-65.

4. Ming Fang, MD; John Saltzman, MD; and David L. Carr-Locke, MD, FRCP; Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts Closure of a Penetrating Trauma in the Rectum With a Disposable Endoscopic Clip. David Carr-Locke Endoscopy Clinic. Medscape Gastroenterology eJournal. 2002;4(2)1-3

5. Fang M,Samina A, Lockridge L, Lee R, Cleary J and Mazur E: Medical management of a large aortic thrombus in a young woman with essential thrombocythemia. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2001;76(4)427-431

6. Fang M, Samina A, Lee R, Culpepper-Morgan J, and D’Sousa A: Perforation of jejunal diverticulum: Case report and review of literature. Connecticut Medicine 2000;64(1)7-10.

7. Fang M, Samina A, Lee R, Culpepper-Morgan J, and D’Sousa A: Perforation of jejunal diverticulum: Case report and review of literature. Connecticut Medicine 2000;64(1)7-10.

8. Jalinoos Y, Fang M, and Irving SG: Synergy between two promoter elements in the induction of cell specific expression of huMIP-1b, a proinflammatory cytokine. J. Immunol. -Manuscript in preparation.

9. Yu Y, Zhang L, Sun L, Dai Y, Fang M,and Chen X: Induction of cytochrome P450 isozymes in human amnion FL cells and its application to the biological detection of mutagens. Chin Med Sci J 1991 Dec; 6(4):226-9

10. Yingnian Yu, Yifan Dai, Ming Fang,and Xingrou Chen: ADPRT-mediated decrease of cellular NAD and the detection of chemically induced DNA damage--development of a new short term screening test for mutagens. Proc Chin Acad Med Sci Peking Union Med Coll 1990; 5(1):19-24

11. Ming Fang,Yingnian Yu, and Xingrou Chen: DNA damaging agents and the ADPRT mediated decrease of cellular NAD content. Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 1990 May; 4(2):216-220

12. Yingnian Yu, Ming Fang,Yifan Dai, and Xingrou Chen: On the relationship between adenosine diphosphoribosyl transferase and S phase DNA synthesis in cultured mammalian cells. Proc Chin Acad Med Sci Peking Union Med Coll 1989; 4(3) 157-61.

Ming Fang: The relationship between ADPRT and cell-cycle progress in eukaryotic cells. Masters degree thesis. 1988


1. Ming Fang, Michael Klein, Edward Lew, Yan Zhang, Rongzhen Chen, Ying-Hao Su, and Raj K. Goyal. Image Cytometric DNA analysis as a predictor of Barrett’s Esophagus progressing to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (Poster presentation at Digestive Disease Week, San Francisco, May 2002)

2. Michael Klein, Ming Fang, Edward Lew, Rongzhen Chen, Yan Zhang, Ying-Hao Su, and Raj K. Goyal. Image Cytometric DNA analysis in Diagnosis of Aneuploidy and Tetraploidy in Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. (Poster presentation at Digestive Disease Week, San Francisco, May 2002)

3. Samina A, Fang M,Addabbo M, and Cleary J: A huge but well-demarcated mass in a HIV positive patient: is it malignant or benign? (Poster Presentation at Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Physicians Spring Scientific Session, May 14, 1999)

4. Fang M,Samina A, Maria Constantinou and Cleary J: Why did it take so long for a 29 year-old woman with pyelonephritis to respond to antibiotics? ( Poster Presentation at Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Physicians Spring Scientific Session, May 14, 1999)

5. Fang M,Li J., and Huskins D: Giant cell artiritis with atypical features: a review and case history. (Poster Presentation at Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Physicians Spring Scientific Session, May 1, 1998)

6. Rubin MA, Fang M,Katz AE, Stifelman MD, de Vries GE, Benson MC, OlssonCA, and O'Toole K: Enhanced reverse transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) for prostate specific antigen combined with needle biopsy results: a strong indicator of extraprostatic disease. (Oral Presentation at the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology meeting, March 1996, Washington, DC )


