This book is the catalogue of the exhibition "The Unified Stroke". The exhibition features 41 calligraphic works by Lo Hon Yiu, an alumnus of the University of Hong Kong. A self-taught calligrapher, Lo is a graduate in philosophy and political science. He currently works as a barrister. Lo has integrated his knowledge of Western philosophy with Chinese calligraphy over the years to create his own unique style of cursive script. Lo is particularly interested in cursive script, as it is the most expressive form of calligraphic writing. He uses his own unique brushwork to reveal the strong flow of energy that is the spirit of cursive script.本書是「方圓一脈」的展覽圖錄。是次展覽展出港大校友盧漢耀四十一件草書作品。盧漢耀畢業於香港大學哲學及政治系,現為執業大律師和香港大學文學院校友會副主席。他自幼受父親薰陶,喜好書法。他將哲學思想融入中國書法,終練就別具個人風格的草書。他對草書情有獨鍾,這與草書超越漢字形體的束縛有關。由於草書筆劃精簡連綿,於書寫時更能恣意發揮。