

Starter Unit 1 Good morningSection ASection BSelf checkStarter Unit 2 What's this in English?Section ASection BSelf checkStarter Unit 3 What color is it?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 1 My name's Gina.Section ASection BSelf cheekUnit 2 Is this your pencil?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 3 This ix my sister.Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 4 Where's my backnack?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 5 Do you have a soccer hall?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 6 Do you like bahamas?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 7 How much are these pants?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 8 When is your birthday?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 10 Can you play the guitar'?.Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 11 What time do you go to school?Section ASection BSelf checkUnit 12 My favorite subject is scienceSection ASection BSelf check

