採購經理人指數(Purchasing Managers' Index)


The Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI)is an indicator produced by Markit Group and the Institutefor Supply Management of financialactivity reflecting purchasing managers' acquisitionof goods and services.

採購經理人指數( PMI 是由markit公司和供應管理學會(ISM)共同提出用以反映經濟活動的綜合性指標,藉助它的量化指標折射出採購經理人買賣商品或服務的狀況。

Markit Group and the Institute for Supply Management compile The Purchasing Managers' Index(PMI) surveys on a monthly basis by polling businesses that represent the makeup of the respective sector. The surveys cover privatesector companies, but not the public sector.


The current Purchasing Managers' Index(PMI) survey can be found under "ISMReports On Business"on the ISM home page, or directly on this page. The surveys arereleased shortly after the end of the reference period. The actual releasedates depend on the sector covered by the survey. Manufacturing data aregenerally released on the 1st working day of the month, followed byconstruction on the 2nd working day and services on the 3rd working day.

最新的採購經理人指數可在ISM官網主頁面的“ISM商業報告(ISM Reports On Business)”中找到,或是直接點這裡。該調查常在完成調查整理工作不久後即刻發布。實際公布日期取決與該項調查所涵蓋的領域。製造業數據一般會在每個月的第一個工作日發布,隨後兩天分別發布基建數據和服務數據。

The Institute for Supply Management in Tempe, Arizona.(ISM)began to produce the report for the US in 1948.The data for the index arecollected through a survey of 400 purchasing managers in the manufacturingsector on five different fields, namely, production level, new orders fromcustomers, speed of supplier deliveries, inventories and employment level.Respondents can report either better, same or worse conditions than previousmonths. For all these fields the percentage of respondents that reported betterconditions than the previous months is calculated. The five percentages aremultiplied by a weighing factor (the factors adding to 1) and are added.


The Chicago-PMI survey registersmanufacturing and non-manufacturing activity in the Chicago region. Investors care about thisindicator because the Chicagoregion somewhat mirrors the nation in its distribution of manufacturing andnon-manufacturing activity.


The predominant operator and owner of thePurchasing Managers Index (PMI) series outside the US is the Markit Group


The Markit and ISM Purchasing ManagersIndices include additional sub indices for manufacturing surveys such as neworders, employment, exports, stocksof raw materials and finished goods, prices of inputs and finished goods.


Other similar purchasing managers indicesare operated by the IFO in Germany,The Bank of Japan in Japan(tankan)and the China PMI operated by the Chinese Government.


Formula and calculation



PMI data are presentedin the form of diffusion indexes and are calculatedas follows:


INDEX = (P1*1)+ (P2*0.5) + (P3*0)

P1 =Percentagenumber of answers that reported an improvement.P2 = Percentage number ofanswers that reported no change.P3 = Percentage number ofanswers that reported a deterioration. INDEX = (P1 × 1) + (P2 × 0.5 ) + (P3 × 0)

P1:回答“有所改善”的被調查者所占的百分數。P2:回答“沒有變化”的被調查者所占的百分數。P3:回答“變糟”的被調查者所占的百分數。Thus, if 100% of the panelreported an improvement the index would be 100.0. If 100% reported adeterioration the index would be zero. If 100% of the panel saw no change theindex would be 50.0 (P2 * 0.5).


Therefore, an indexreading of 50.0 means that the variable is unchanged, a number over 50.0indicates an improvement while anything below 50.0 suggests a decline. Thefurther away from 50.0 the index is, the stronger the change over the month.E.g. a reading of 55.0 points to a stronger increase in a variable than areading of 52.5.



HeadlineManufacturing PMI


The headlinemanufacturing PMI is a composite of five of the survey indices. These are Neworders, Output, Employment, Suppliers' delivery times (inverted) and Stocks ofpurchases. The ISM attributes each of these variables the same weighting whencalculating the overall PMI, whereas Markit uses the following weights: Neworders (0.3), Output (0.25), Employment (0.2), Suppliers' Delivery Times(0.15), Stocks of purchases (0.1).


Markit Economics’ PMI surveys

Markit 經濟學 PMI 調查

Survey Panels


Purchasing managers form a near ideal survey sample base, having access to information often denied to many other managers. Due to the nature of their jobfunction, it is important that purchasing managers are among thefirst to know when trading conditions, and therefore company performance,change for the better or worse. Markit therefore uses such executivesto produce data on business conditions.


In each country, a panelof purchasing managers is carefully selectedby Markit, designed to accurately representthe true structure of the chosen sector of the economy as determined byofficial data. Generally, value added data are usedat two-digit SIClevel, with a further breakdown by company size analysis where possible. Thesurvey panels therefore replicate in miniature the actual economy. A weighting systemis also incorporated into the survey database that weights each response by company size and the relative importance ofthe sector in which that company operates. Particular effort is made to achievemonthly survey response rates of around 80%, ensuring that an accurate pictureof business conditions is recorded over time.


Data are collected inthe second half of each month via mail, email, web, fax and phone.


